Right then.

Guys welcome to my channel if you are new hi my name is rick shiels. And we are here with me. And my goal hi guys so these guys do some phenomenal content online really really good if you're not subscribed to them i don't know why already go. And subscribe to by clicking the link just here as well so go and check that out we are on part two. And we are playing at wentworth very east very nice. So this is the east coast which is the sister course of the main course. But it's close maintenance at the moment because of the bmw but we're playing a nighthold challenge at the moment if you've not seen part one guys going to me. And my golf's channel you can check out part one where we played some amazing golf we're just getting one we have three warm-up holes that's what we call it i've also got my playing partner smooth swinging peter finch if you haven't there's also guys it's a nice name yeah if you are from me. And my golf channel if you've not checked out pete's channel as well please do click in the link down here you got sent over to pete. And also some great content so we are on a par 3. And we're going to see how we get on in part sun is shining beautiful he's very nice too jumper off again now [Music] okay boys. So the boys in baby blue are baby they're still there on there [Laughter] together yeah i like it. So we've got 175 into breeze pin looks at the front i've got five iron i'm going to try. And hit this a little bit lower um there we go beautiful looking hole here come around yes nice looking shots drawing in here yep just down the top of that bunker over the top there good shot no it didn't quite draw. And that's normally a shape i would keep going as the sun comes out yeah wind has died right in peak partner let's get this get it working let's get some birdies going yeah the first part was uh pretty uneventful yeah same club same. Yet five five it's all over it yes right at it's just turning away slightly now. But yeah lovely shot there good golf shot well done very nice beautiful day now in it gorgeous beautiful i'm at six i think pizza's got a bit big yeah i think. So again i think the winds just died right then.

Guys. So like i said before this is piers ward from me. And my golf hi guys i'm sure you would have seen these guys content before i'm sure you would have done both great professionals always much in clothing but not today.

Not today.

Can you believe in that they're not the same zombies yeah absolutely same socks. So did you say you going one club left now i'm gonna have six because i think the wind has died a little bit okay if i keep talking though you might go back keep going all right [Laughter]. So back to six iron oh flattered it that yeah it's gonna get on the front just about oh that was horrid yeah it's going to be it's going to get on there. But short ride that was that was the only hour in between clubs there that was right get a decision. And pick yeah stick to it. And guys this is andy proudman also from obviously me. And my golf please you put the pressure on me though production wasn't it to uh to rick's channel for me yeah yeah welcome. So again welcome here shall we try it what club you've got i'm going with the six are you sure i've gone with the six yeah let me just double check yeah i've got the six it is the thing i'm gonna come back here [Music] yeah super golf shot closest well done nice golf shot sir rescued your partner a bit there okay. So pierce you can just see is just short of the green there pretty straightforward chip on ricky's just over to the side of the green over there. And this is your turn. And there's me look at that pretty good shot there great shot is it part two he's just got a little bit more it's heating up heating up yeah. And pete just to the back of the green there probably just a club too much there pete yeah five iron yeah okay come on partner oh lovely lovely oh nice shot yeah lovely shot there pierce stop quite quickly that as a good laugh the first well 52 didn't quite get 56 that one didn't quite get the ball first on the t-shirt did well to get there all right. So pete's got about a 50 foot what do you say yeah this is big this is a big putt like you said the wind dropped on his second shot wins back up again first putt i don't know if he's downhill downwind it should be fast it should be fast yeah not a bad effort should have been fast from there really downhill downwind that's uh tricked you a bit okay rick we've got about just on the fringe there we've got about 35 feet just mainly uphill yeah yeah it's going to be just it's quite a bit of hill this difficult to see the slope here good good distance control like it oh it just turned at the end yeah good effort not bad not bad not my writing partner this is. For the win someone's actually gonna win a hole i like your confidence rick i'm not gonna say thanks for that pete you're on your own actually you already have been anyway so it says me who didn't hit the ball first on the last t-shirt all right come on in partner oh right guys so one up made the charge there first birdie today.

One up taking runner we've won the owner pierce taking the charge you just got that in there three 313 now 313 yard path four yeah now we're in the lead i'm just gonna go. For a safe option pierce and stick it in the middle sideline straight down a little bit of breeze but not too much yeah nice shot yeah nice shot perfect positioning it's a nice big fairway. For a five iron right then.

And then.

Are we attacking this one pierce yeah partner in the fairway classic match player yeah absolutely yeah yeah i think anyway that flag is not accessible with that bunker right by it. And how far we're saying this 313 yards dropping down a little bit isn't it yeah wins yeah helping maybe slightly which is weird all right yeah nice hit use that room up the left. But it looks long it does look really long that should be fine to work with i've got the camera you might as well have a smash. And we're playing not quite as safe as me and my golf this is classic match play in the sense of we're both hitting drivers yeah classic in a way because we are we are attacking now we are on attack mode pete remember that me attack though get into attack mode i've got to get up in the morning i might go to attack mode straight down yeah oh nice again taking advantage of that little bit of room up the left. But it does look mega long yeah good golf shot nice shot [Music] okay. So another aggressive one here then.

Rick for you well partner safe found us safe so i'm going to go with the driver as well all right. So plenty of room on the left so i might head down that way i reckon you get that bumper so that bunker just on that challenge just about here it's a request popular spot over there it's popular spot very social there yeah. So three of us have gone left and the smack bang in the fairway because he he played the safe route safely sensible golfer just just what excites youtube sensible goal birdies that's what matters handy good shot good 86 did you say 86 left to go yeah. So good yards ready 58 degree for me yeah uh flag's took right. So we're going to start it slightly left. And see if we can cut this back to the flag all right over that bunker that's right at it come on baby yeah good shot andy well done good shot all right rick good lining great lining yeah us boys going with the driver definitely worth it we've just had a look. And you're up there in iowa we've got pete just here okay we've got a little kind of 50-yard pitch yep. And these flag down there nice and close so i'm gonna try and bump it over the hill and see see how it rolls down but these are pretty rapid greens they are. And it looks downhill doesn't it that from here i haven't seen it yet but i'm sure it is got a quick look that's good it all depends on the oh that's a shocking bounce left. But it might be all right still can't see the ball from here hit it where you wanted to pretty much there yeah i think i've just pitched it probably about a couple of feet short of where i wanted to ideally ideally. So but it's up there i don't think it's quite as close to hope not okay pete you're fine here loads of room interesting green i've just had a look at it after rick played his shot this has got some serious uh shape to it what's the same elephant's buried under the green yeah i think. So yeah there's a thesaurus under this there's a whole herd underneath there that's right isn't it heard uh it's not a flock is it [Laughter] all right good luck yeah going a little bit lower. And running down i quite like that quite like that right then.

Guys i'm up near the green and what you probably can't really see on the video here is how downhill this is i'm walking down on a very severe downhill. So here's over there you might just be able to get a bit of perspective now as i move backwards you see how the hill starting to come into play here's up against that tree he's got a little pitching wedge i probably landed mine on this section here and rolled it down i think currently andy's probably close this followed by pete followed by me. So piers has got to throw it i reckon he's probably going to throw it either on top. Or all the way down oh it's going it's moving it's traveling oh it's just not rid on that line i think it's similar idea to myself yeah not too bad. But i think he had a quite a tricky shot from where it was to be fair they're not too bad shots the serious green if you get some good pin placement this is a serious serious serious quick roller coaster great you know what i didn't see this upslope here my job well short anyway i think i was had a tree on the back swing which is probably too fair to the point i think it depends where you stand on the screen wherever you sound is going to be up somewhere else. But you got a chance come on then.

Give it a roll oh i'm not sure though because when you look at it from this angle looks pretty straight again whatever you decide partner just commit to it i like that just just commit to it and believe like i believe i might just shut my eyes if i believe hard enough if you keep your eyes shut i'll go for knock it in for you and that has gone the complete opposite way space it let's just paste it so this could be two in a row couldn't it it could could be two and it could if you're on a slightly flatter green they're all flat to me i'll just get up on this hill so i can have a look it is me isn't it it is just on you yeah talk is a little bit under just a little bit off the left this one actually it's going to straighten up towards the end. But literally you've got a ball outside the left here okay birdie birdie [Music] i fancy having this one as well roll them oh it's not broke it's not broke oh a little bit of speed oh. So is it weird oh waldorf that's just gone iron guy made the birdie sensible golf come on guys. And the three drivers yeah we didn't quite work. So two up me and my golf wow uh-oh pete right guys so me and my golf currently two up two two what we're two great birdies from andy i'm back in the game good support yeah absolutely um 354 yards we got here okay par four straight down how fast is that bunker at 275 okay. So a bit into breeze that should be on the limit really of a good driver yeah nice golf shot split the fairway coming backwards great drive good shot fair way nice fairway at wentworth can't beat it right andy let's not be having any uh trouble it's not we have any troubles here now okay where's the five line not the sensible plate we don't need to be sensible either way too often the two. Or two they're smashing it about now starting to be reckless partners in the fairways yeah wow will that set you up nicely is it getting towards that bunker no it's all right right go on a pete all right partner we need to start making some birdies yeah no powers anymore good enough anymore not these two yeah we hopping skipping around if we just those were yeah we'd be like we're left with level power round one all right come on. So pete's going with driver as we always do might as well take everything like down from a seven iron out come on yeah super shot splay away fitter splay fairway splitter okay yeah good shot pete yeah all right rick drive us out. And he's doing another little vlog here as well i'm videoing the video video in the video hello pierce hello andrew hello how about videoing the video man doing the video video it's like being famous are you safe there dan oh look at that yeah hey we look like golfers on this hole i know what it's all some birdies all right rick we've got 117 yeah farewell got the right distance that's my excuse anyway all right. So i'm going to hit a little nine iron not down nine. And keep it below the breeze pin looks at the front okay got to stick it in there this time yeah. And a bit of pressure i don't want to talk too much about that but nice right at it right at it yeah good shot well done very good well done all right pete what you got 94. he's on the fairway again i've noticed i've not seen him play one restricted backswing. Or one punch hook okay cool i like that low ball flight ride at it yeah nice hey all right andy just a little just mr pharaoh just left what you got the yardage 71 left to the flag 71 yards into the breeze you can just see down there the the actual green looks like a slow from left to right. So dan is my target. And aim at dan over there in the blue top hopefully he's just dropping sure hit him bit of backspin in close enough he will kick it away yeah if he gets he might volley it over the ninth t on the west coast lovely strike i can't see it because of the sun myself oh big is it yeah not bad though i'll just turn the video back on here because andy's got a divot he wants the size of that that is like as big as a toupee [Laughter] with ponytail. So guys i'm near the green on this lovely lovely westwood uh west wentworth golf course we've got pears down there fairway and he believe he's got 68 yards now i think i might be stood on where he's going to aim. So i'm going to move i'm going to be a bit sly i'm going to move to the to his right of the flag 68 yards little wedge in there a little flicky wedged to some degree in uh looks right on me yeah it's a big shot unfortunately just a little bit big um. So at the moment myself and mr finch are in some sort of driving seat i don't quite know which driver's seat. Yet rick yes thank you i put a nice one in there. And we'll see if we can make a birdie to get it back get back in the match back in the game writing. So we've got we've got clive here from wentworth and clive you you see a lot of players put on this green dear i do. And what's the most what's the most embarrassing people had three puts four putts i think from about i saw the old boy about two weeks ago. And he four putted from three feet oh right off the green oh we put it off the green with a put so clive very experienced here and he knows that this green is hazardous i'm just here i've got an incredibly downhill pot i'm gonna get some tips off clive while the camera's off. And let's see if i can hold it right. And it right so it's the first time we've all hit the green yeah which is the positive. And this is i don't know where to put. So the actual hole is on that line. But andy's gonna have to aim over there almost at the bunker really there right okay. So the bunker's just over here where the flag is. Yet the hole is all the way over here. So big big big sloping greenness if you hold this andy yeah you can have the match i wouldn't say that yeah oh that's a great effort from there you're going still going going wow all right andy. So appears to give you permission just to roll this in for the par so it gives him a bit of a rematch anyway oh you left your footer yeah yeah good part well done you wanna use mine now you okay using his putter yeah as long as we win the match that's fine i'll pass you over to andy while i've gone somehow prepped my pop i like it we're getting a bit of help there even better that's it yeah what are you doing how's the mgm okay he's gonna pick up a lot of pace as it comes as it does just dies down that hill a bit too hard bit too hard a bit too hard too hard it's going yeah give it a go pierce i can give you that three puts it probably would be a three button okay. So we've got the four anyway there we've got the four okay pete birdie put them come on this is gonna get you back in the game you've seen what those puts have done. So this is going to be quite slow uphill maybe a little bit off the left just let me give it a go certainly give it a go oh lucky certainly slowed down a bit didn't it that take that away good effort there please okay. So rick's got a doubt pretty much daniel straight towards me maybe a touch touch off the right rick yeah quite a bit yeah put these here i would love that thank you at least i can go. For it because my partner's got these so i'm gonna get down a little low here and just give you an idea of what's going on this is really downhill. So yeah that's severe downhill if this he needs to hold this really on its weight on its way it's on its way. And he's rolled it in great birdie great birdie there oh look at these celebrated oh my god yeah well done there good birdie boys teamwork we needed to go in right match just has got a bit more exciting now all right guys. So we are at the end of part two we finished that one we've managed to get it on that slope. So we are now only one down with three holes left to play um guys don't forget if you are from me my golf. And you're new to my channel please do subscribe yeah love you too i'll do tips reviews uh equipment tests. And also course vlogs and also check out my partner in crime peter finch his channel link is just down here as well. And then.

We're going to head back over now to me. And my golf channel okay. For the guys who are regular viewers of mine please do also subscribe to these two have a look fantastic uh we're gonna head now into the back uh the last three holes have the east coast down here final part can they close the gap one up down one. Or three to go so close link here guys no problem to get over back to their channel. And we're gonna see them lose weight come on go i've got two i have two on into a path three wow not often we get that no not after that looks like it's in the back. So it's playing yeah i can't feel the wind [Music].