Hi guys my name is rick shields. And we are honored today.

To have a top 50 golf coach on the channel andy plummer pleasure really is hello rick we're down here at the belfry in the uk. And andy plummer has given us a fantastic presentation today.

About his theories. And principles on the golf swing now andy linked with mike bennett are the inventors. And creators of stack and tilt so i'm sure a lot of you guys have lit watched and heard about stack until it almost has a bit of bad stigma about it sometimes it does sometimes. And unfortunately it doesn't deserve it because what we've learned today.

Is just fantastic thank you. So i just want to give this opportunity guys for you watching to spend a little bit of time with andy and understand that stacking tilt isn't a fad it's not a theory it's not a method it is a scientifically proved method what we call it i would call stack. And tilde a system for playing golf that's built around a three-dimensional description of the swing well taught better than i did. And then.

I would say that the three-dimensional description of the swing has been misunderstood in the world of of teaching golf golf has only been described in one dimension that is turning back just turning yeah. But really there's an extending and a tilting and a turning that makes golf a three-dimensional motion so it's not just a stick man you know there's so many different moving exactly and and by by describing a three-dimensional movement uh we can more accurately portray what the great golfers do. And how they create power as opposed to just turning back and turning through which is literally what most people actually do we're also making the point that of that extending tilting. And turning the three dimensions that the best players do more extending. And more tilting than the poor players yeah we we saw that today.

Those are measurable right. And those are measurable statistical facts yeah those are that isn't theory that the best players do more extending. And more tilting however. the golf population has been systematically discouraged from extending and from tilting they've been told to turn only and but so two of the three essential ingredients that define good golfers have been systematically caught out of the model and really part of what how stack and till got started was explain trying to explain to people how all golfers extend think of a wood chopper. Or an axe man to create a vertical force and how they tilt on their backswing that keeps them they tilt to the left and tilt to the right on their follow through how they tilt to the side in both dimensions backswing and downstroke and the best players have learned how to coordinate those three movements yeah absolutely the top players in the world have three things in common. And you can explain that probably better than me out of all the other things. So the second tilt really isn't just about describing the basic movements of the swing of extending tilting and turning it's also about defining the fundamentals of golf because those have been poorly portrayed too the fundamental tasks that define good players and in our world you can measure good players by their ability to swing. And hit the ground in the same spot by they're not not not hitting fat and thin and topping that's the first thing that we can calculate that defines players second about how far they hit the ball while still hitting the ground in the same spot that's the power. And creating that club at speed correct and then.

Third a predictable curve and that's usually the most fleeting on the professional level they always hit the ground with precision they always hit the ball far enough to play well and reduce the course down sometimes they hit their direction off a little bit you never really see a tall player or top right no. But but you go to the club and they don't pass the first task and the second task well enough to play in tournaments so to summarize that up in a nutshell kind of stuck until what their theories and philosophies are that surrounding all the basic bits of your technique as long as you're hitting the ball. And the turf that's what we see the top players do creating enough power to hit the ball as far as we can. And still be able to take the ball in the turf yes. And then.

Being able to actually control any kind of curvature on the golf ball those three components will make you play better golf those are the definition of a good player. And those are the fundamentals of stack. And tilt and that's why slack and tilt has been so successful in the fact that it's not just saying about you have to have this here and you have to have that there it's all based on three main factors that the best players in the world do. And i think that is. So important i think that's. So important to share that message to you as well it is what the best players in the world do every time. And that's what stack and tilt's trying to promote and do thank you very much. For stopping by honestly i really appreciate your time thank you thank you thank you very much thank you for coming today.

No problem at all. And like say if you want to contact if you want to find out any more information about them you can check out the website down here andy's also on facebook. And twitter and i'll also put mike's details on there as well your partner in crime that's right and i'll put all these details on that thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below i try. And get andy to comment to reply to any questions you've got on there as well thanks for watching and hopefully you'll subscribe and check out my other channels soon check out my other videos thanks for watching thanks very much thank you yeah thank you very much.