I challenge two i like the boys what are you doing club get my hands warm i have no feelings just off the side of the 15th green here at san andreas links we're in the hay we're going to go to pin there we have to throw it in is that a good a good plan good plan i think that i won the last challenge i've volunteered to go first this time. So big of a one won the last challenge over the head loser if i get it out of me i'll be quite happy it's like a wildlife documentary going in there here we are. And here we are by the coast. And richard shields is going into the bush to try. And remove a ball yeah pinnacle gold that's what you're playing right all right hold it tight right it's on the green anyway it's safe that's not lost one right then.

Carter over the head toss don't try to pick out a point that's quite bad as well that's quite a bad lie not as bad as mine granted. But it's a bad lie you're used to getting it over your shoulder right carter nice hit here we've got out there oh hey to the flag i'm currently on the green but not in very good shape right we'll let pride keep doing what he's doing oh that's a nice shot it's a great golf shot super hit that's not bad at all closest so far you're going to try. And chuck it back good luck this might make it very hard if you did oh look at that irish right come on finch harry sorry. So this looks pretty straightforward now for the finch this is yours to lose even chips it out. But this is now yours actually played it nicely did i get the unluckiest spot of this bush right this is proper links golf links at his best it's a nice hit travel travel travel oh no who's got it mr finch nice shot sir well done great throughout that was the best bit of it guys throwing lessons are available from peter finch uh great shot there really good i'm way over there terrible golf shot guys if you've not seen the challenge. So far check that out on the channel you can click the link just at the end of this we've got part three left to go. And we're gonna see who can come out victorious thanks. For watching good shot finch.