Foreign Manchester gorgeous day we've got down here and today.

I'm going to talk about our new US ladies Open winner Michelle Wiese putting Style it's quite a unique putting style uh being criticized a lot over a putting uh maybe the last couple of years it's great to see Michelle winner Mage it really is it's fantastic to see her. And her put in was a huge contributor to this. For the four days she didn't rep up now this is Pinehurst number two course same golf course that Martin came. And won last week she didn't three put and these greens are pretty awesome now her putting style is very unique. And it's if you notice if you saw it on the TV last night you would certainly see how she puts and how it how it's different to everyone else I'm going to try. And talk about it today.

And also the advantage is that it could help with you. And your golf as well when you're playing now Michelle currently is using a Nike it's a prototype putter you'll notice the neck of her putter is incredibly long. And the reason for that is is because she has a putter really flat. And I believe this weekend she actually made it even flatter even flatter than what she already had it to help her with a stroke and I think I think when you see us the putting stroke that we're going to talk about it's probably going to explain why now Michelle will get over the golf ball with pretty much what I would class as being a table top back her back is exactly flat her legs are pretty much dead straight I mean Michelle's six foot one. So she's a big girl I'm six foot so she's taller than me and she gets really over the golf ball quite a short putter but incredibly incredibly flat now this standard putter the toe is up off the floor there understandably. So that's why she needs it so flat but she'll get over the top of it flatten the back out get her arms and her elbows really tucked in and then.

From there makes a stroke that's relatively simple now when I've been practicing this so far really liked it I've hold many in practice it just hurts a bit I thought that was me getting old. But it just hurts a bit in my back so I'm directly over it tabletop back straight legs you'll notice that the golf ball is outside of my eye line same as what Michelle's would be her arms are really tucked in. And she just makes it look so simple and I must admit so far I've really enjoyed putting like this I don't know whether this might be a new style so one more time really flat back literally a spine angle is straight down our arms are really tightly tucked in she's got an incredibly flat putter. So the toe here would be on the floor at this point and then.

From there keeps everything nice and tight that would have got in the other ball nudged it out so that's a little bit of talk about our new US Open ladies winner Michelle Wie again fantastic result so happy for her really am because I've had a lot of steak you know she came as this child prodigy she was gonna you know rule the world of ladies golf. And kind of not really probably produce the results that she should have done but now she's got the first major under a belt I can see her going on some massive massive massive things you know um guys if you've enjoyed the video. And talked a little bit about Michelle wie's putting style and stroke and how it can help you please do give the video a thumbs up I'm going to do many more of these videos kind of assessing what the golf pros do well. And what works for them and what could potential work for you because there is no right. And wrong in this who says that you have to stand up who says you can't go down you know it's very very different to all types of golfers please do give it a thumbs up subscribe by clicking the link down below. And also checking out on Facebook and Twitter in the corner here and I'm going to now do a little bit more practice I think that Michelle Wie way it seems pretty good thanks. For watching thank you.