All right guys so now we are up to the mizuno this is the jpx850 i'm down here with rob potter 13 handicapper doing some driving testing we started off with his current sldrs in 16 degree. So where that went then.

We went to the r15 then.

We went to 9 15. if you've not seen those videos go and check them out my channel then.

We are now up to the mizuno. And you're looking forward to this aren't you yeah really am come on tell us about that rob right i'm looking forward to it. For a couple reasons i've not really known mizuno make a fuss about a golf club since uh the t-zoid and i bought the teaser when it first came out because that certain former english golfer six-time edge champion uh used to use him a lot and his adverts were great um you can't mention his name just even though he's not with mizuno okay. So nick faldon good man i don't know where i could do that we'll say no more uh. And we're youtube we do we do what we want we say what we want. So yeah. So i i bought the t-zoid because i followed and i just loved the look of the club it was brilliant i've actually still got it yeah that'd be good that'd be a good video we'll do that in the future still got it it's actually a shorter length shaft okay yeah which is quite interesting. And i needed the control which brings us quite nicely onto this because i've asked rob yeah what setting would you like it in ultimate distance without forgiveness. Or most forgiving and you went for i went for most forgiving even though amateurs are always wanting to go. For distance distance distance i'm going to be honest with you as my personal opinion called me boring i'm not really bothered. But you'd never be called boring no thanks. But i think. For handicappers like me from 11 handicap up to maybe 1890 you need you're trying to improve that much more so you need the forgiveness you need the accuracy correct you find a fair way you've got a better chance to find a green you find a green you're a better chance to get it up and down and make them apart yeah. So i'm not all about the distance no uh even though i'm trying to find distance because physically i'm a popcorn knitter you know i i'm looking genuinely looking. For extra distance but no. For a bit more control i'll go for that so we like the adjustability on this now disclaimer i have not got another shaft for this driver i've only got this in the stiff flex that i tried that driveway i'm sorry sorry i'm sorry i've just not got i've not got it in regular once again it regularly might do do redo this test. But this is not a pro this is not a complete custom fit this is not i don't fit i'm just giving you guys an insight of what the latest drivers does with my good friends rob who is a 13 handicapper who can give you some honest opinions um. So it's in stiff flex but we've i mean whether is that going to make a massive difference we shall see we shall see the currently the r15. And the 915 are almost neck. And neck on distance uh the r15 probably just just clipped it on on um distance and forgiveness but now with this it's most of the given setting let's give it a smash yeah do i look yeah i do actually i really do like the the the midnight blue is that is that its official name i'm just calling it the nightblue there you go it's exciting midnight midnight blue there you go uh yeah it looks really really nice actually it looks a little smaller it is 440 440 right. So that doesn't bother and that's its maximum size is it right. So that that i had possibly put down to that it might not be as accurate being only 440 cc rather than a 460 buck we're knocking 20 cc 20 between exactly each other yeah yeah okay. So you like look at it we've got it most forgiving so that's both weights on the toe and the heel um and let's see what as the ceiling performs we're gonna hit five two on camera then.

Three off and see what the numbers are cool by the way i forgot to say we've got this in 11. And a half degrees loft the maximum that i can get that head into the maximum maximum maximum maximum that is one of you that's matched your longest. Yet that's matched your longest there went a postcard to the right as well that one a bit to the right yeah maybe it may be a little bit shaft we don't know. But we'll see okay let's hit a few more nice start yeah certainly. So the most loft we can possibly get in it in the stiff flex feel rob uh phil is quite nice uh you feel it off the club face uh you actually do feel the ball you didn't hit that well. And you've still got it two thirty eight times eight you did not hit that well i didn't know that you didn't honestly that went quite quite away to the left i think that was because i was trying to make up. For the pushing it to the right scenario yeah which happens in fitting i suppose it's an amateur mistake as well. So we're gonna hit three more and then.

We'll get the five distances on an average and we'll see how far this is going compared to the uh taylormade in the titleist right guys. So five shots are in oh we've got some incredible incredible results actually i'm going to give you the averages first. But i'm going to talk about the final shot which was quite a special shot. So average carry distance 211 is exactly the same as the r15 is exactly the same as the titleist well when i say exactly there's one yard difference nothing total distance is the longest total distance it's 240 yards now there is a reason behind that the spin is the least out of any of them you've tested 1800 spin really 1800 spin now believe it. Or not i mean the launch angle's okay 15.4 now bear in mind i'm this is not a proper fitting this is not a professional fitting i keep stressing that this is in stiff flex it is yeah it's not. For me it's not perfect for for rob but yeah he's hit it longer. So far spun it the less at least it's had one of the best dispersions so that was that was that's the that was the averages the final shot. So rob said i might just i'll just see what i can get out of this club i just want to see if maybe maybe the stiff shaft because you found it you could have hit the ball a bit harder in that club head yeah maybe because of the smaller head that generates more climate speed combat speed 93 carry distance 200 226 yards. And with the low spin it totaled two five three we have a winner for rob we have a winner yeah. And again i'm going to stress this these are not professionally fitted drivers they're not i'm just giving rob the drivers in the most suitable way i can possibly give rob without having a million shafts around here a million head options bearing in mind we've gone. For the most forgiving in the speed socket in the in the back end in the middle what would i got out of it there it might go come on left and right come on then.

Let's go one more with them in the middle sorry guys just i know i see that see what it does to me let's try it out my videos are normally incredibly structured rob you know i work on a very very strict do it we make it up we make it up right let's go in the middle join us in a minute uh you can have two shots in the middle see what they do thank you right. So we've swapped the weights now into the middle so this is now in its most unforgiving setting. But should be the longest because the central gravity's gone forward i mean i don't know what your spin splints will be here i think your spins might be too low therefore. we might need more loft. So let's i'm gonna let's go a couple of shots i'll see what it can actually do two five three being your best let's see if it actually does anything. And then.

The last club is the g30 see what that could be the punk rocker i say rob it's not nice actually did that feel all right yeah it felt all right i didn't hit it as good i didn't feel late it's good yeah i mean it's still got up to 240.. So not bad at all yeah 208 carry distance. And lower spin than the average right so 100 100 revs per minute lower spin than the average so as a 50 50 rev well it's a true amateur no true thing how much you know i'm going to try. And give this the beans let's do it. So again do it stiff flex in the the as far as your kinetic setting yes let's see what it can do let's give it the absolute buttons two five three is your best i'm gonna save john daley i'll that's a great hit that is a fantastic hit is it going to carry everything that you fit. So far today.

Oh buy a country mile. And some oh look at that handsome so not massively faster club head speed 92 the spin was 1900 fantastic launch 232 carry. For two five eight total distance that's a blood test and you're in sample now that's pretty good that's that's immense mizuno you finally finally brought back a driver that's gonna be good i honestly feel that that'll be if they market it right they're all over this like a rash sounds good all over it you like i really do yeah i'm still know what you like it it'd be nice to see what that'd be like in a room that is not fit that is not that is not professionally fitted that's. For a swing the shaft is. For a swing that goes do shafts matter well there you go that's the question we all want to ask right next.

Video guys we are going to do the ping g30 uh we've got it in back to regular shaft 10. well 11. And a half degrees subscribe by clicking the link down here do not miss a single video by doing that go. And check out rob on twitter check out beard on twitter like the comment like comment down below rob is going to be actively on the comments as well. So he will be commenting back he loves a bit of it. So ask him as many questions as you want and he will surely answer guys thanks. For watching stay tuned to ping g30 next.
