Right guys we are going to do a head-to-head between the Mizuno jpx 850. And the shrieks and Zed five four five drivers both of them are tested independently on my channel both have got adjustability where you can move the spin rates forward as far as they can. And that that's exactly what I've done so I've put the Mizuno weights in the side ports to make it as most stable and lowest spinning in ten and a half degrees and I've gone with the shrieks and with the heavy weight which is the seven gram weight in the front. And the three at the back again in ten and a half degrees of loft and looking forward to doing this test head-to-head because probably ones that I've not really picked up against each other yet I've got done loads of testing with the friction since I tested it back in probably September time now it was I've got these in both stiff flex. So it's a good headset I've not gotten an extra stiff only got them in stiff flex in the Strix and I've got it in the kuru cage 60 gram stiff flex and in the Mizuno I've got it in the speed and motor speed at s flex tour spec it's both in the slack of the same flexes for the manufacturers lengthwise thus Rickson just pips it by viewer by quarter of a inch and it does say 45 inches on the shaft. For the trick so let's go Mizuno first let's give it a hit I'm going to hit five shots each. And then.

We'll have a look at the figures at the end so obviously blue head with the Mizuno and Mizuno symbol on the top like lovely graphics around the side let's give it a hit see what it does. So start off with the first shot ten and a half degrees Mizuno jpx 850 dude Wow okay four more. And then.

We'll all pitch it up against the Strix okay. So that's all five with the mizuno and mixed shots a couple too far left and wanted to straight down there em couldn't quite get it going couldn't get quite get it flighted weather it because it's a stiff flexor façon quieter add enough. But I've got the stiff flex in the mixer as well to make it as far as I can. And decent enough let's get on so striction and see that one performs up against the Mizuno okay tricks in time. So Zed or Z five four five adjustable weights front and back looks a bit like I think I mentioned it in the vitreous becomes a bit like a superhero with the big Z at the bottom great graphics great design lots of grooves on the face which puts a few players off because it almost looks like it's slightly curved you can actually see the curve way is curved you can see the curve of the face some players are not a massive fan of that. And say oh it does compared to the Mizuno looks-wise just a black head black finish no alignment. And just like so you can see the grooves which I must admit it's not the best design because you can see the curvature of the face which now can serve almost slightly puts you off about where the ball is going to go. But as long as you hit the middle it doesn't really matter too much sit five with this is how it performs okay. So that's all five with the trixin so it's a good finishing shot needed one right let's pull up the figures and see what it's done in head head wise Mizuno gets us Rickson and we'll see what what separates it if there's a lot in between the two golf clubs so we can see on screen here here are all the flights now I've got a couple of wife shops in there today.

Now whether that is because it's stiff. And extra stiff I felt like I couldn't quite hit it maybe as hard or as powerfully but it's down there show the flight so blue is the Mizuno red is the Strix. And slightly lower launching I show you some shots as well there's the dispersion balloon red you can just about make out the red line not my best dispersion in the world that's not particularly it might be a little bit shaft let's have a look. So I pulled up the the two figures there between the two got Mizuno at the top and trixin down at the bottom I was laughs we call bed speed identical one hundred. And twelve point four for the mizuna one hundred and twelve point nine for the tricks and the only thing that we could separate that is restrictions a tiny bit longer ball speed tricks. And did perform better 162 ball speed as opposed to 161 a little bit of a better ball to club head ratios to smash factor launching at almost the same twelve point six. For the Mizuno 13 for the trick some love look at spin rates now so trixin of the Mizuno actually averaged at two thousand seven hundred and seventy one there was a middle one there that split up quite high the four shot three thousand two hundred. And the rest were around about two. And a half thousand mark now this is in the lowest spin setting currently I've got it in ten. And half degrees grant if I've got a little bit low in life that would slightly less but acting is in lowest spin settings not the lowest spin we're looking at trying to get closer to 2,000 the schrick s'en in its lowest spin setting managed to get an average of 2,300 with the highest spin rate again 3200 that fourth shot what's them in the 4 shot we both both hits it wasn't as good. And let's go across the columns up lipfird now on carry distance my carry distance average for the mizuno was 267 there was a couple of horrible golf shots in there certainly the third one. And the fourth one will not particularly great golf shots. But look at 1 2 and 5 and they were all carrying around the 270 mark. So that's given average of 267 with a total distance of 2 8 8 not the longest ever not the longest ever hit drivers if we look at the friction we had an average carry distance of 273 so there's a six-yard difference in carry distance that have to be put down to the extra ball speed the lower spin and the slightly higher launch it's got that ball traveling in the air for further and the total distance was totaling at 300 now there was a couple of exceptional shots in there again to rubbish ones the second shot on the 4th ones were bad golf shots. But still managed to carry 266 well the longest one was lost on that you just witness was 2 8 9 carry. So when it is hit well with the correct spin number that ball is travelling some distance to 8 9 carry. For a total distance of 315 does spin less in the total distance is a good 12 yards further even though the carry distance is only 6. Or the lower spin that is going to travel further total distance of Rickson interesting a little test like say I couldn't didn't feel like I hit those amazing today.

But that's not a bad way of comparing golf clubs it's comparing on the day two clubs head-to-head with the same golf with the same swing and I would prefer maybe I might test these in the future with extra stiff flex to see if I can be really a bit more when I first got fitted. For both these two I was stiff flex. But I've managed to up my club head speed and now going on to extra stiff flex be interesting to see how this compare guys thanks. For watching have you tried the strike these drivers do you currently use these drivers in your game good adjustability good looks I think the tricks in. For me picks on looks as well with the dart finish just a shame about those grooves I think they'll banish them let them pretty sure guys thanks watching stay tuned do subscribe by clicking link down here got lots more head-to-head to come tit. For quipment reviews course blogs and we shall see you next.

Time thanks for watching.