I found some golf balls online and they're the most expensive i have ever seen and you've not read the title wrong this box of golf balls cost me 99 pounds [Music] i like looking online to find exciting things to test and these definitely caught my eye zexio premium now online when i bought them here in the uk they cost me 99.95 so in the us that's around 125 dollars which is ridiculous that's double the price of a pro v1. Or a tp5 it's really got me interested what these golf balls do. For that price now that's the price i found here in the uk i have found older versions of this golf ball on sale in other countries for less but these ones are the current model. So i was intrigued to see how they would perform on the golf course as you can see the box is very nice with all nice gold lettering let me show you the golf ball it's crazy it's almost got this very different finish on it as a normal golf ball you almost see it as a white this has got a mother of pearl finish on it it looks very very nice with the gold lettering. And the premium feel on the side let me read a little bit of spiel from the box apparently distance is very long feel is very soft trajectory is high. And super straight approach spin is slightly high. And durability is excellent well i put those claims to the test out on the golf course i played a few holes of them i tested the golf ball. For spin and also for durability then.

I've put the ball head-to-head against the pro v1 final thing i need to do is cut this golf ball in half which i'll show you towards the end of the video because it wouldn't be a ball review without cutting one in half let's head to the golf course. And see what the zexio premium has to offer okay. So here we are at the golf course gonna tee up let's try. And hit a good one and let's make sure we don't lose it right let's see what this can do looks good out in the open it's a good looking golf ball see if i can keep it in play oh it has leaked oh oh i hope i find that it's up the right hand side that is a a bit of a nervy first t-shirt let's go. And see if we can find it i hope i've not lost that one thank goodness i found it it's not great it's in the roof. But i am very happy that it's not in that stuff right anyway we found it let's hit a recovery shot back on this hole [Laughter] okay just testing it through trees as well everybody not sure if that's come out the other side not great. So far [Music] ah fancy that for part [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh yes [Music] oh just short [Music]. So after playing a few holes the first thing i was happy about i haven't lost one because these cost me eight pound the golf ball if you're in the us ten dollars a ball the next.

Test would see how much these bad boys could spin [Music]. So let's talk about spin there this was the first one i will repair that pitch mark in a moment. And that screwed like crazy granted it hit a little bit of the slope and built built momentum but it spun like mental these two that landed a little bit more on the flat ah not that impressive okay i think using the backstop definitely got that one spinning the other two were decent enough let's just check even after that shot what does durability look like i will to yeah that's kind of wiping off a little bit now you know what that's one goal shot with that ball hopefully that's coming up on camera you can see the kind of scuff marks there that's not massively coming off that's one golf shot let's i'll use this ball i'm gonna hit 10 shots out of a bunker test it on durability because that is uh that's definitely scuffed up a little bit [Music] okay let's see how that ball survived [Music] okay let's pick that up let's see how it survived this is the same ball now i did hit some very uh skinny thin golf shots out that bunker. So that would have done some damage wow oh my god how much of this is dirt oh no it's not what the oh that is really really badly damaged it's bad there on the logo it's got a little cut mark there what is this oh my goodness that is battered that is an unusable golf ball now wow. So here we come down to the ultimate test let's test it on distance i'm going to put it head to head with a pro v1 one thing to notice look at the difference in color pro v1 is kind of pearl white where this is more like a mother of pearl finish on it this is just as white as you can get right i'm gonna alternate between the two pro v1 then.

The zexio let's see which can win on distance [Music] this is about the average marker that drives of it one left. And kind of two or three up the right hand side but we've got two that are very very comparable very similar golf shots very similar strikes two different golf balls. And there's not a lot in it this one is the longest. And let's look at this this is the pro v1 the pro v1 manages to pip the zexio let's just confirm that there you go there's axio buy very well marginal yards there's not much in it like i said the rest of them are around about this mark i'm obviously not going to hit the fairway every time. So for the box of golf balls that cost 99 pound 95 p for this current model in the uk it's double the price of a pro v1 what do i think about the performance well let's go through those characteristics again on the back of the box before cutting one in half distance very long well we saw that compared to the pro-v similar not longer feel very soft that's one that i would definitely disagree with these golf balls feel hard trajectory high. And super straight so so approach spin slightly high we saw a bit of that with the spin and durability it says excellent that is one i totally disagree with the durability on this golf ball after testing it was quite shocking let's find out what's inside this golf ball now remember this ball cost me eight pound to buy. So i don't do this lightly let's see what's inside the zexio premium it feels quite soft actually as i cut through i wonder if the core is a little bit softer now i'm interested to know what's inside it because. For that price you'd expect liquid gold potentially zexio premium ah that's rather underwhelming um looks like it's three layers outer layer inner layer and then.

The core to be fair the core is fairly soft. But not a golf ball i would recommend so for me the price i pay for these golf balls it wasn't worth the performance i would much prefer using a pro v1 or a tp5 but there are golfers out there who just want the more expensive stuff. And that's fine it's not a terrible golf ball but for me i will not be using them thanks. For watching we'll see you next.

Time [Music] [Music] you.