Welcome down to episode number two of the review show first off thank you so much for the support on episode number one it went down great your comments were incredible. So thank you so much for that and now in episode number two we've got some big named brands we've got a new putter from odyssey we've got a golf ball from a company i've never tested before honda and also we've got some very expensive tailor-made irons to review [Music] so let's kick things off with this the new odyssey stroke lab 10 putter now this is coming in at a price point of 270 pounds. And 300 dollars and it's a forgiving mallet put us well odyssey claim it's got high moi so off centered hits supposed to offer loads of forgiveness it's got the stroke lab shaft for weight distribution to improve performance and also it's got a new micro hinge start insert which creates a firmer feel and a more pleasing sound impact and also the feature this i'm going to talk about this a lot this way of alignment they've put this big thick white line through the middle of it with the black head makes it easy to set up. And align so i tested it and i must admit i like the putter everything from the alignment was solid i felt like with the contrast of the white line. And the black head it set up to where i wanted to go great it definitely has a firm feel i was a huge fan of the previous generation of micro hinge insert this is harder than that. And but in their defense that's what they've gone for they've gone for a harder feeling putter and the distribution and the feel of the golf club is good this stroke lab i've got no real hard hitting evidence that it makes a difference. But it does feel good in the hands. And i do like that thicker grip as well. So all in all it's a very good putter but i've got to address something i've gotta address the spider in the room because there is no getting away from the fact that this putter is a carbon copy of the tailor-made spider it's uncanny from the way that the bodywork is kind of framed around. And those two weight ports at the back the way it sits behind the golf ball it is a carbon copy of a tail made without question there could be a reason behind i took the mick on instagram i posted a picture. And it went crazy but i've done a little bit more digging and there might be a guy behind this right sean tulon so i've got it on his linkedin account now sean too long now works he's a general manager at odyssey but that's not always been the case because he was the executive vice president of production creation. For taylormade for 16 years and he holds 80 patents you might know some of these designs r7 quad driver m1 driver the 300 series the 500 series r9 r11 sldr this guy made it and designed it all and there's one golf club in this list the spider yes sean tulan he created the spider. And now guess what doesn't work at taylormade anymore he now works at callaway so it seems like he's taking his baby's design with him it's been successful with taylormade there's no question probably one of their most successful putters ever. And sean's probably seen that and gone hold on i think odyssey can bring one out let's think about it from a consumer standpoint is that a good thing. Or a bad thing i can maybe see it as a good thing because it gives us as golfers more options we might prefer the feel off the odyssey putter compared to the spider. So we might have gone for this one we might prefer the finish on this or the alignment or the shaft options whatever it may be and because they're quite similar priced it's maybe not a bad option for you as a golfer i tested both side by side just to give you guys a bit of a comparison i actually found for me personally i preferred the tailor-made spider preferred the feel off the face it was a little bit softer. But both weight wise felt the same and both alignment felt very similar the odyssey spider or whatever you want to call it it's a good solid putter it's definitely worth trying uh but there is no getting away from the fat sir we might have seen this design once. Or twice before also odyssey are bringing out this style as well this is the stroke lab bird of prey slightly different design still got the white line through the middle. But a very different head shape so there are options out there if you don't like the strobe lab 10. the next.

Product i'm going to take a look at is from honma now honma hit the headlines at the start of the year when they signed justine rose who was world number one at the time i've not tested much on me. Yet they're a japanese company who specialize in typically quite expensive gear but they are starting to branch out. And bring out much more product which i will be testing down the line. But i've started off with a product that maybe more of us could potentially try there's some golf balls and i'll tell you why they caught my eye these are the honma future xx. And they're a six layer golf ball which i've never seen before taylormade tp5 is known. For being five layers this is gonna be six layers. So i'm definitely gonna cut it open to see what's inside now price-wise recommended retail price is 53 pound a dozen. But roughly selling for about 45 pounds a dozen so they're competing with probably ones and taylormade tp5s so they took the golf balls on the course to test and first impressions was how good the ball looks it just looks like a premium golf ball the writing on the golf ball the alignment on the side looks really clean. And even for me like the double zero identification as well just looks like a premium ball you can can really tell by the finish. And feel wise when i dug my nail into it or bit it a little bit it felt soft and that is a good feature. For me certainly when i'm testing balls so it was time to play a few holes i gave it a rip with the driver. And was not disappointed by the performance the ball flight was solid the distance was fantastic it had a slightly louder noise. But nothing that would ever put me off i would see the performance with that as a driver every single day it was brilliant. And i hit some with a 3-wood had a two-eyed as well for tea and everything for me off the tee it passed with flying colours shots into the green so with irons and wedges with the irons the ball definitely spun i was really impressed with the spin i was hitting some mid irons. And the ball was stopping. And coming back a little bit which is great. And with wedges there was a huge amount of spin i was hitting some shots into the green the ball was zipping off the front. So so far so good performance for me was right up there with something like a pro v1x it's probably what it reminded me of that kind of those characteristics which is a huge compliment. But for me testing the golf ball a lot of it comes down to how it feels on the green when putting with this ball how did it feel got some bad news it just felt a little bit clicky then.

That the noise i was getting off the ball wasn't as soft. And satisfying as i would have liked it to have been and that was a real shame because it's. So it was. So good it might not put a lot of people off but it definitely put me off now the other thing to note as well is durability when you're paying 45 pounds. For a dozen balls you want to last if you've not lost them and after playing a few holes i was disappointed by the way that the cover was being damaged [Music] there were scuff marks there was noticeable damage on the ball which you don't normally see with let's say a pro v1 it makes you almost appreciate the quality of a ball like that nobody ever quite gets it right with the cover. And that is a huge downside of this ball really let it down. So overall it's a great ball and i was i was impressed like say just not on the short stuff. But now it's time to have a look at this six layers let's say tp5 is known. For having five layers let's see what the honda looks like inside with its six layers wow i'll get some close-ups that is a very different inside of the golf ball the first let me see one two three four five layers are almost quite they're very close to the cover much closer to the cover than i expected them to be. And there's actually quite a large core i expected to see slightly different layers going through the ball. But it's interesting if put all of those five extra layers effectively nearer to the cover and then.

One big core i've never seen a golf ball inside look like that before it's really interesting and i could see potential that could benefit different speeds because it'll impact the cover differently and make the ball react differently it's a good ball worth trying i never expected hundred to make a good ball but i'll be insect interesting excited now to try their club range which will be coming very soon. So before moving on to the last product rumor has it there is a facebook page which is offering free golf tips every single day. And every one of you should be following it it's called rick shields pga there's a link down below click the link make sure you follow the page i'm posting new videos on there every day coaching videos fun videos you're not going to want to miss any single one of them they're different to what you'd have seen on youtube jump over there make sure you are following rituals pga on facebook. And then.

Finally the product you've all been waiting for the taylormade p790 ti so you might recall only a matter of months ago taylormade brought out that brand new p790 super successful lion i did review it i thought it was really good it kind of hiked up the price a little bit from last year. But all in all good iron we've got another step they brought these bad boys and hold on to your hats because they're expensive now they're roughly double the price of a p790 so for steel the 2700 a set and in the us that'll be 2 800 and in graphite at 2 900 pounds or 3 000 a set making them the most premium iron lineup that taylormade have ever created wow that's expensive for some tailored irons right let's talk about the tech first titanium body this allows for more tungsten almost half of the heads total mass to be positioned low for ultra low central gravity therefore. creating high launch low spin and forgiveness wow so first impressions look wise well they're an interesting one because i reckon if you didn't put a price or if people didn't know the price of these p790 ti's i wouldn't be surprised if some golfers may thought these were a takedown model of the premium p790s because in some ways they look a little bit cheaper which is crazy to say. But they're a little bit more futuristic they've got definitely a different look about them um not as sleek and clean as the traditional p790s but some golfers might like look at them i'm mixed i definitely prefer the uh the standard p790 so took him on the golf course to give him a test and i went in with it with a level of um skepticism i wasn't sure how these would kind of perform i was like oh let's see how they do. So i went out and played a few holes i hit some shots from with the fire iron out the fairway hit some seven irons out some really deep rough even hit some really controlled delicate nine irons and pitching wedges and this particular shot was a shot that i don't like a little delicate pitching wedge shot. And i absolutely stiffed it i played some chip and runs around the green as well and everything that i did with the clubs was fantastic. And why i sound surprised is because sometimes when you get powerful golf clubs they can be a little bit too hot they're harder to control the harder to get out the rough the harder to flight i didn't find that at all with the p790 ti. And that really did surprise me i even did another test was on a par three down the hill 145 yards i was hitting a full pitching wedge at the flag i hit five shots because what i hate about powerful clubs is that one shot that goes 30 yards too long. And you can't control it well i have to say i have to give full marks to the p790 ti's i hit five shots two of them i pretty much nearly hold but out the five shots bar one i slightly pulled they were very very consistent golf shots full marks. So then.

I wanted to see well how different are they compared to the p790s. So i got them on gc quad and give them a hit now the p790 i was carrying 180 yards which is about right. For the p790 getting some good ball speeds and some really good spin then.

I hit the p790 ti's to see what difference it would make i was hitting them a little bit further 184 yards of carry distance. But before you think that's some magical i don't know ingredient you have to look at the specs because the p790 ti's are two degrees stronger. So if they're two degrees stronger guess what the ball is going to go longer than the p790s. And i'll give you this as a bit of advice because i i think it might be wrong. But if you went to get a p790 and test them against the p790 ti you could easily be fooled to think that the p790 ti the expensive ones go further well they do. But there's a reason behind it and the reason is quite simply they are stronger lofty golf clubs performance out on the golf course i could not fault one bit the feel was good not exceptional. But good the flight was fantastic it ticked every single box the only thing that i just would not like i'm not the biggest fan of the look. And i am not the biggest fan of that price tag but i know golfers will if you're in the luxury market if you want to get the clubs that are perceived to be better than your mate who's got p790s. And you've got a bit of cash go for it i don't blame you but don't think they're going to be a miracle cure to lower your handicap good clubs surprised me i didn't think they were going to be as good as they were. But they definitely was thanks. For watching guys that's episode number two of the review show leave your comments down below let me know what you think stay tuned lots more to come make sure you subscribe to the channel. Or your handicap will go up. And we'll see you next.
