We need to really have that a game today.

Grant's an absolute baller. But James is an absolute baller as well boom bing great shot s of the day you're striping it guy Welcome to the Jungle oh good great shot oh Harvey H away get in no he's not no he has not all right guys welcome back we're here of genuinely one of our favorite places in the world wallacy golf club. For a 2 V2 hold on you're thinking there's only two of you on screen right now so it's going to be my team versus guys team I have got a very good partner today.

I think my partner is the perfect fit. For me this guy Mr Grant harvat guy what's going on man that's cute team GG versus that's cute that's cute I've got I've got very very speci special partner today.

You love him on the channel X Tor Pro he's played in the Open Championship you not little event that gets played every single year he's playing the Open Championship he is an absolute baller Mr James Robinson thanks guys Rick. And Robo versus guy and Grant we're going to play nine holes 2v2 scramble me. And guy are probably going to be Spectators in a lot of this because these guys are ballers what's going to be pH in a video coming very soon we're going to film it today.

We're actually going to film a video where it's going to be James versus Grant stay tuned. For that one but without further Ado let's get teen off the rules of scramble are quite simple everyone tees off you choose the best ball in your pair you hit from there you choose the best ball you hit from there Etc. And we'll do it I think we should do stroke play. So we get nine holes in Oh I like that yes I like Str stroke play 2v2 Scramble Good Luck play well boys good luck guys play well enjoy I'm going to go. For the layup ground I'm going to be more cautious hope get it in play this guy's going to bom it that's how I'm going to win this match this is actually my first time ever playing lyx golf. So this is unbelievable that sounded like an excuse to no know it's like the coolest thing I've ever. And your first t- shots over a huge sand June we're starting on the 10th hole here at Wallace playing the bat nine it's a power for up the hill it's not long it's only 304 yards you can play aggressive. And actually go for the green or you lay up to the bottom and then.

You pitch it up the hill four for me going to try. And Chase one down there a little bit I have played Links Golf before so there's no real excuses it's bit tight that should be okaying that's fine it's on the a little bit blind take yeah it's fine Rick just told me I'd ketchup on my face on the int yeah nobody didn't know sorry guys is it good yeah I got it all I was saving it. For later is in between the two whites a good line that's what I've given him uh yeah take over that corner oh boy this doesn't look like Florida no we've got wind here. And long grass and but this we've got alligators condition snakes that is not going to be ideal no that going to be too far that's gone okay that is out of it do you want me to Captain us off James yeah wow absolutely way right okay I don't normally go. For this green but when you've got James Robinson on your side feels feels like there a massive weight lifted off my shoulder today.

Play the best this feel this feels. So chill today.

Come on got James in AP partner what do I need to worry about right I'm going to go straight over that corner oh yeah it's going to get away with that I think if it digs oh you were laying up weren't you Rick I just wanted to lay up to the corner little layup driver like James try. And bomb one see I mean I just I just pack one down there you know got James you don't really have to play bada boom bada bing be. So that's the line yeah shouldn't be bad that's slightly tighter than I would have thought I think it's good if it's good it's very good oh boy we need to really have that a game today.

James Grant's an absolute baller. But James absolute baller as well I'm excited this was going to be tough though we got to bir this one okay guy had a nice forine off the te he got us safe um we have 88 yards up the hill here to a super elevated green this is absolutely beautiful this first hole it's going to play a bit more than that isn't it cuz a little bit W into the face it's say it plays 95 to 100 agree oh it's going to maybe get up it's got to go ah no that's going to suffer okay what'd you hit there yeah 54. But it's a little bit heavy that was a 54 ah man that's a shame I'm going to play this 100 yeah I think. So that could be really good be the number oh baby sure that should be really nice that was a very professional golf shot guy I definitely I'm feeling this today.

I'm feeling it guy okay. So after James's t- shot left ourselves here really nice spot I think on a drier day that would have got up onto the green probably just maybe one firm bounce. And it was up there. But but anything short it rolls right back down it might have even gone up and come back down so we got a little delicate pitch here just from the front of the green ah skinny skinny look mate it's good job I've got Mr Robinson on my team though the man shoulders are feeling heavy they will do all day mate I'm not going to lie to you got to keep that grip pressure nice. And light oh no wow no oh that was lucky wow one more half turn back sorry don't don't apologize we don't apologize try to get super cute on that we don't apologize in the scramble I'm just glad it didn't come all the way back down the hill okay longer birdie put than we hoped here on first hole What miracles can happen this would really put the dagger Into the Heart If We Hold This greens look absolutely magnificent get the legs right in the middle right I thought mate thought they' be really rapid left it short. And I put you shouldn't leave short boy bit weak there from both of us okay. So we've got like a maybe 18 20 footer it's not a great deal in it maybe slightly off the right to start I think it's going to go a little left at the end actually yeah see kind of snaking back round yep yep I'll try. And give this a nice pace so you really get an insight into what it's doing oh yeah oh yeah ah just at the end oh that went to the right did the end yeah a great great speed come on Harvey I'll call you sir you call me horvey deal that's only if you're playing good I'll call you sir if that's got the pace that could drop oh my gosh wow one more two more rolls that was in WoW R. For parate okay sweep up the par I don't want James to make a par on his own this my contribution let's go yes it's a team game okay level par both teams through the first surprising actually cuz that's a certainly one of the easier holes here at Wy. But it's a nice warm-up hole gets us into it okay second hole here par 4 pretty much straight down it's playing 374 um just a straight driver is required as you can see around here at wallacy this is the type of roof you've got to contend with um. So you don't want to be in there at all driver straight down the middle back pin back right pin is making this ho its maximum length nice maybe SL too much. But that'll be okay you're striping it guy sh mate thank you really looking good it's what partner does they build your confidence up like it team GG. For life all right I am 0 for one at my lyx golf course career on Fairways see if we can hit one here oh Harvey that's nice yeah might be the first cut. But I love it that' be nice that mate a hold your horses he'll be okay some rough down there. But not ideal oh that's A1 beautiful that's literally a one nice shot yeah that's a Money Ball well done James brought him it's what he does that's what he does I knew Rick was not going to bring someone that wasn't an absolute stick I know Rick too well he's not going to bring some Average Joe out here okay second shot here into the second hole 103 yards we're playing quite a bit uphill uh. So I'm going to go gap wedge pins right at the back will it be on that it'll be on that top te won't it it will it'll be close to the back that surely I'm going to try. And like trap a gap wedge up there and try and get it to spin that looks good chase a bit chase a bit chase a bit yeah good shot low enough to skip I didn't not go on the top here it was definitely a little short get lucky don't spin don't spin don't flag eye I'm just worried it might come off the shouldn't do 8:46 there we got 94 yards to the pin 94 yards to the pin we cannot come up short I they made that mistake the last hole C it on this hole there a massive trap there. So I'm honestly going to play like a 105 shot get it up there then.

You can maybe go a bit more aggressive like I like that Oh Come left that's going to work kick off that Hill that look good I think that's pretty good it's safe. But there's not much feedback from the uh the guys up there so 94 to the pin I'm going to play this like 100 yards full swing here guys come on let's go. For it let's get one in close strike is phenomenal the line is phenomenal the distance is Right chop you got just a single shot from James. So that doesn't tell as much but that's got to be 10 foot yeah 10 foot not bad not bad okay. So the guys are just a little bit closer than us apparently mine kind of pitched up on that top level. And screwed all the way back guy Grant and then.

James here so we're going to go with James's I think they're obviously going to go with grants okay let's try. And get the speed dialed in like that line you like it yep let's have a go James likes it I like it roll out oh my gosh oh o to right the yeah it did I I think after that then.

It's not far off being straight wow it's a pull wow I went after it you did wasn't sure in front of the P I'm trying to grow my beard out like Rick I don't know how much progress we've made. But we got some some little FS coming in there some there's more than I can get. So I can't really laugh at that this looks like it wants to come off the right those came in at the end off the left but the slope is that way what do you think it's really straight really straight I trust you. But I am going to go a little bit right. And you can get a read off mine I don't trust you enough if that didn't like going to see the doctor. And say I trust you but I'm not listening I think sometimes I listen to people too much when I need to trust my own go. And if I'm wrong I'm wrong I was wrong if anything it moves the opposite way I didn't want to say anything with that was what did you have it I was coming off the right left I did initially. And then.

I I don't know it it looks very different from this angle it's off the left right let's take a one one lead shot lead come on G man this is all your bird if you hold this all away get in my son that's my Hy very nice in very nice well done come on well done let's go that was really good put mate Take the Lead now guy that was the good guys take the lead the GG's good guys don't finish last the good they will we can't be nice today.

Okay third hole that we're playing here is a beautiful par three just come here. For a second come look at this you can really appreciate it from the front of the T box it's not long not long at all even off the back B te's it's probably only about 150 yards which just shows a path three doesn't have to be long to be challenging there's five bunkers two at the right two at the left one at the front just a gorgeous looking hole designed by old Tom Morris love it. So nice all right then.

Fellas 121 yards it's playing the good guys take the lead they do. And this is a hole that I think someone's going to make a two on I'm going to be honest I do it's a fny distance though it's in between like probably a pitching wedge. And a gap wedge so 3/4 pitching wedge for me the guys will get a lot of Intel off this I think oh it's a bit towy long that that looks really long do you think yeah looks it oh yeah oh wow I got to say though Rick. And I talked about it I already love this course so much just because of this par three how nice is this ho I feel like all the par 3s in today's game are all like 200 yards to step up here on 120 Yard part three this is. So cool and it still makes you think it's not it's not easy right look at those bunkers I know the five bunkers surrounding the flag. And I mean that pin that pin position is probably one of the hardest as well tucked right behind that front bunker right imagine if this was like actual really firm I know like Lu at luckily it's rained. And we can get a bit of stop. But you go going with Grant you're going with I got a pitching wedge here okay just to take a little bit off of it I watched guys if it's the right distance it's very good great shot wow fantastic shot player wow he's turned up today.

Really has turned up okay I'm going to go Gat wedge I think it's not far off. For full one yeah full one of those great shot go oh nocky buddy I just told it okay sorry partner I'm not doing much. For you here yet it's all right energy bar the energy LEL I need something I've got 46° so pitch and wedge for me good strike James go dig your teeth dig your teeth wow professional golf sh really good okay huge moment here the lads are are in within 4 feet great shot there from Grant we're in about 20 ft we feel like we've got a hole this it is a must hole two puts racing at the hole please all way good roll mate that's a great putt oh oh okay need more pace shopk. So guy and I guy and I just talked about it I could go ahead and make my birdie but I feel like if guy makes this birdie he feels like he made a birdie I feel like I made a birdie it's a win-win that's the kind of guy he is. And never I'll probably miss it un'll get his own birdie but still the thought was there up the hill it's off the right nice guy thank you very come on nice bird too under now jelling okay South fourth hole a par five there actually back Tob back par FES now. So if bird is out made here. And the next.

Hole there's something wrong I'm going to try. And get one down there be a fairway finder if I achieve that then.

Grant can open his shoulders. And gain us some yardage oh my goodness Drive great ball pring Drive we're jelling guy we are jelling we really are okay I can get after this [Music] now it's a great hit. But it might be right rough right rough come off fast that that was hit good yeah I could tell might pretty good though okay come on driver got it nice swing that was pretty he's back that was pretty yep not the one is the coach proud yeah moving well okay you obviously you can go a bit further right than that we're in a good spot there. But you can say one yours go down the fast [Music] route that's no that's really that's drawing back though that's like bounce like that's different level you I mean that's like okay Rick I'm never good enough. For Rick okay there's actually four really good t- shots there James is absolutely crunched one Grant is really good here me. And Rick kind of just a bit back and level we've actually going with grants because he's in his first cut. So we got a nice little bit of a tea up for our three-wood shots in It's a Long Way not even Zapped it I don't know how long we've got I just know it's a three wood um you don't know how far we have no have you have you scanned it Zapped it 230 from here we've got about 250 yeah that's perfect come on nice hit Three Wood it's your favorite Club in the bag right here it really is not today.

It's not that's the layup good layup that was a weird one okay I'm I'm going to go with a two iron here try. And Chase it up there can I roll it up on the front okay try. And really Chase it up that's a nice shot I think there may be a trap oh kick left it's fine that good shot mate it's pretty good after a perfect drive by Robo 230 yards away from the pin. But it's into a little breeze probably playing about 2 50 I'm going to give everything I've got on my 3-wood. And see if we can get it back there laying up with me it's fine straight at it. So I'm going to hit three-wood as well try. And get it a little bit closer hopefully you should do get a bit more in the air little bit more in the air good Dy oh my goodness be nice what a shot great shot J sit wow bu is fantastic under the circumstances that back against the wall that shows a lot of grit Nice Shot mate that's why he's a pro here we go actually this is a little bit of a tricky really is not the greatest spot to leave yourself got to go high. And soft get some spin the good news is we have a great lie yeah this is the exact lie. For Nipper this guy's got that in his can 100% he can do it it's in his locker um like to contribute a bit more on this hole Grant's t- shot Grant's second shot let's try. And go with my third shot oh yeah sit there oh I just hit that down slope it spun late spun very late see if you can hit that. But more Loft I like that though that had a lot of nip on it you just got to go a little higher than that and right I think guy yeah no I like that oh wow kick left oh yeah that's a great shot that's good it's two all right was two chances at birdie there I thought that was going to kick a little bit left be fair okay this could be a big swing suddenly we hold this. And you don't convert yours it's not up run out run out run out come on Robo evil time get that blue sauce ready all you so far so might as well keep it that way big eagle here it's all low it's always low it's always low but low wow they mentioned a big swing and there could well be a big swing here cuz we're going to hold our put. And that then.

Piles the pressure onto these guys all right guy no Eagle sauce I like this not much break it's coming off that left side though yeah just a little just a little okay it's up the hill then.

It's down the hill if I I'd love to hold this to really contribute this hole. So far I've done nothing wow that was a bit a pull. But didn't actually move that much like you said okay grant. For birded to get to 300 yes doesn't miss boy wow doesn't miss come on guys that was. So good what you think left that was. So good I lovein put the pressure on a bit more now wow this guy's on fire left to right it's actually just slightly outside the hole as well yeah we go putting right we go still two in it one under Place three under thought something was going to not one back there they played it well part five though. And actually next.

Part five is very short. And we could have another Eagle opportunity fifth hole par five short one less than 500 yards slight dog leg left it's green light birdy time Eagle time who knows we need something magical to happen oh my gosh guy you have that driver on a string wow yeah good ball mate that is beautiful to watch see that just gives me confidence. So that's what I'm doing I might not be contributing much into the actual golf shots but Vibe wise I am oh my gosh you put me in the best head space okay. So can I go a little aggressive here to the left yes can you see that that big pole in the background yeah yeah on that yeah oh my just there exactly there couldn't have plac it any outrageous that's a phenomenal golf it took a nice kick as well the boy sent it g follow that one see we got on chasing oh it's healing be okay down there though gives James a chance to open his shoulders no no that was not good that' be okay though it be okay long shot okay second shot here into the par five we're just in the roof on the right Granton guy in the middle of the Fairway great t- shot there uh we've actually got 193 yards. But it's very down Breeze and it's like a runway on the way to the green and coming out the roof we're not going to get a lot of spin. So I'm actually going to hit an Aon land it about 170. And let it run all the way come on you got this big bounce it's online well a nice layup you eighton I think it needs a to be pumped. And I'm not Mr the Trap miss the Trap miss the Trap miss the Trap kick right kick right kick right kick right it's poor duffed it okay. So Grant's t- shot was absolutely massive we've got 177 left into the quite a lot of wi behind. So we're thinking eight I in yeah I like that guy Go full eight okay no pulled it ah is it the right club though the right Club you think I should hit I think it is an eight ion okay I'm going to move it back in my stance. And really drive it oh that's got to go could work out might get away with it what get down no way a spot on perfect I miss hit it guy come on even it's a bad shot that ends up being perfect he's on fire today.

And I love to see it okay we had a little mishap there from our shot in the uh in the roof we're going to go with this one mine from the front of the green they're in they're in tight they got they at a great shot 10 footer. For Eagle even their bad shots are going close today.

We need to we need to damage limitation here we definitely need to make birdie yeah I'm going to put it Jam's going to chip it oh I like that play Rick this is really good I like that play Rick oh my word I like it go oh wow wow tell you what that's almost made me want to put it good you should put everyone should put from here wow wow wow wow would you not I can't we said no gimmies. But we're going to have to make an exception I'm going to go. For a different approach 52 if I get it any closer than Rick we're in the hole so that's the plan no he's not no he has not it was a good try wow not quite as good as R nice. And aggressive no eag. Yet forcing us FS to play all right this is another situation where I want guy to feel like he just made an eagle I must admit I feel very much like a spectator. So far but I'm not complaining because this guy is playing Amazing golf. But I would like to contribute a little bit if I can hold this p. And get a team Eagle that would be delightful what we say in Grant much in it I don't see much at all you're not letting Grant make his own Eagle want to I've asked him I like a dead straight don't try and get he's trying to get in our team's head try and cause a little bit of a rift between us that ain't going to happen no it can't happen we're boys. For Life aren't we I might to America to go live with Grant and his wife but don't tell my wife yeah we have an extra bed. For you oh I'm the same bed Co right this is it come on no what it went right there's a part of me that felt like if a hole it I feel dirty it's you're evil we've managed to dodge one bullet. But we got the machine gun here Grant's got lots of bullets we've got the machine gun here right he's definitely the uzi the Terminator come on for his own eagle and to put the team five underp dodged a bullet it's broken dodged a bullet that could be that could be pivotal all right the Gap is still two shots thank you we're two under they're four under that was a big Lifeline that it was lucky I could I couldn't see him missing that personally I thought they were going to hold it thank God they didn't four holes to play in this match two shot deficit this next.

Those a power four the actual flag's right up on top of the hill there. But you got to hit it to the corner then.

Pitch it up the hill it's a cracking hole okay. So I try and get on in play and then.

That lets Grant again open his shoulders let's keep that kind of pattern of play going it seems to be working nicely. So far oh my God yeah good ball this guy he's a machine it's nothing too fancy. But it'll work I heard you love the driving range guy yeah I do did you not tell he's a range monkey you look like a robot today.

Thank you you sound Canadian today.

Am I you sound really canadi today.

Like I've been here now. For austral you've got like I can't I can't do that be going Canadian Australian you know like the range guy been the range lot mate the range monkey I've been here. For 4 days now and everyone's saying the same thing they're picking up an accent and I'm doing it it is. So Pi up an accent lad you're in Liverpool for a couple of days he ends up ends up SC ground ground actually right over thatn yeah yeah straight over the Trap oh Grant good yeah if I was three years younger oh that's good that was a Scotty shler there was Scotty they see that down it was in the longer stuff great [Music] shot work it should be okay no oh that was that good Bond I've got a line on it we'll find it okay not a great situation we're in right now I sliced mine into the longer grass James kind of didn't realize we could over hit it on this line. And put it up on this hill um annoyingly they're in A1 position again again all right 95 yards that's the only thing that's on our side we're not too far away from the hole 95 top of the slope chiper Gat wedge got to get up on that top tier yeah let's give ourselves a chance go it's a really good effort stop. So nearly so nearly just going to roll back now isn't it putting it's not bad it's really close ow that's really close exactly the same shot do you feel like you pulled that a lot I I I got really close to it. But on my back foot I almost tried to pull hook it let's try that then.

Like grip right down on it yeah felt a bit more comfortable get back there get up get up get up get up get up get up get up it's on the top yeah good shot didn't go left like I thought it would okay that was a great t-shot from gr absolutely smoked it right on the perfect TIG line we've got 80 yards up the hill false front. And there's obviously that big kind of McKenzie double green so we can't leave this short so I'm going to place like an 82 yard shot 83 be conservative. And then.

Grant can really go. For one oh get up be good yeah yeah good shot thank you 15 ft 15t really I thought it was closer. But wait so it's that far back must be I tell you what this match is the main thing on mind right now. But I cannot wait to watch Grant and James go head tohe that's going to be epic wait. So it's 80 yards on the dot you said it's 80 on the dot I go a little bit hard on purpose then.

To get it up there have enough great shot great shot yeah that's got double THB up dir boys the back steep. But it worked didn't love the strike but expectations are maybe getting a little too high okay the lads are in tight they they just they're just really piling it on now they're on it however. we've still we've still got birdie put it's a big sloping one. But we've still got one we need to hold it to keep the deficit only two swing why are you eting it short you idiot okay must hole. So one rule it must get to the hall I know I'm so disappointed with mine then.

It's a great effort great effort mate good pop look good for a long time right get to five under through six just off the right we saying yeah yeah oh I can't contribute today.

I'm sorry Grant okay he's. So kind you know what though he's giv me every chance to help the team out and I just keep letting him down snap sideways that broke that broke a lot itely breaks that broke a hell of a lot Rick you're getting a little too excited right seriously look at the hole look how the hole is literally the hole is like caught on a slant a this boy doesn't crumble he doesn't crumble he does not crumble this gu's my guy doesn't listen to the haters just ignores him blocks him out tunal Vision three shot lead wow three holes to go okay seventh ho in this match part three beautiful hole can't miss left can't miss right it's 200 yards we me me. And James have just got to go bird bird birdie and just pray or better pray yeah pray there's no par fives coming up there a par three. And two par fours so we have to get very lucky gentlemen 200 yards into the breeze I can't hit my four IR that far so I'm going have to go two iron um she dating on a par three. But see what we can do oh strike wasn't bad ah. So far left so anything left goes down into kind of a big I think I got the. For let just explain this hole so Grant can really understand the severity. And the difficulty of it so far three 200 yards into wind left you're just dead where guy is now he's dead left is gone. And then.

Right worse right is 10 times worse thanks Rick you know Long's bad as well this is the levels they've got to it really is this is definite levels we've got to puffing it's either on the green. Or it's just it might as well be out of bounds oh my go just Stripes show could be in that'll be F there mate oh when it's on his side it's on absolutely take that today.

That's honestly that's still wasn't he's aiming at pins though he's looking. For like tapping birdies is that is true that is true should I try a shot I never do this is a good time to try it goes against my rule of thumb something that's unpracticed as Rick was saying this is the hardest par three probably in the UK I don't think can't go short can't go long can't go go right three off the te graph like shattered as well quite whippy quite hard to control low talk it we F you've got a three shot lead with three to play very nearly that it's could be all over it still kick left please off that bank oh stayed up on the bank. So that's a joke in it so unlucky had nothing but bad luck that's what I'm putting it down to I have got a four iron and I'm going to just try. And hit a low drill straight at it stay there sit down get down get down get down dang that was hit a it's long good it's long pump tip okay. So we're at Grant's t- shot in these conditions this here is honestly a 9 out of 10 such a tough hole I'm going to try. And bump another nine in get it close and give Grant a real go at it so we can try. And get the two nice slow was a nine iron wow it came out hot yeah I'm going to go. For the pot yeah I don't blame you oh that's fine that's very nice P we're getting desperate aren't we never nice that though Welcome to the Jungle let's have some fun. And games I'm having some fun and games right uh the shot that I hit that kind of cuty three iron held up in the bank here one a yard left and on the green we basically made two yards longer it's stiff but it's not no. So we got to we got to chip it in bite hard oh good shot great shot shot bit right at that obviously that was nice that mate thanks pal that could be very good break fantastic James what a shot it's not in every shot's disappointing I know we need to hold them come on guy guy what what is mine is yours okay that's all I got to say what is mine is yours. So if you make a par I make a par okay nice P finally done something there you go guy yep nice right in. For pass that hole um we are they're 5 under we're 200 under three shots in it two holes to play however. a little little carrot dangler the last hole is potentially a driveable power four I'm that's what I'm saying Eagles could still happen Okay eighth hole this is arguably one of the best holes in the golf course we've got the wind helping us it's a left to right hole I feel good on this tea do you like it Rick I like it yeah you like it going to feel good James you like it I like your little fade okay well it's a bit thin a bit too much it's okay that though it should be just a bit back you think yeah it should be that's what we need right now. So I can go on that line maybe no go f the left just the same every time very safe thought going to be long in that's fine that's really good yeah it's fine yeah great shot oh best swing of the day here he is ball I'm not even teing off that's. So good a can you pull us round oh golf shot stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there was that carry it off really really really that's like absolutely A1 that's almost like off the scale good I got that thanks F okay at Grant t- shot it's pretty much I'd say it's position a then.

Where James is is like a plus it's unbelievable we're not a guy B we're B we're B yeah we're going to be a after this though 158 is wiim behind think it's like a nice committed N9 in oh it's very thin I'm not hit it well going work out not in it well at all oh might be on the green been some lazy swings today.

Luckily I've got an amazing partner going right at this guy come on go. For it strike delicious that'll be absolutely fine lasered but it's a good shot nice shot yeah 128 yards to the pin just up on that tier can't see the bottom of the flag. But I'm going to go with a just a gat wedge I think it's like a little hoppy. And Chase it up I think just a standard full one could pitch it at like 120 okay one big bounce bit of spin in the hole tap it in we hold it bit thin that could be right this looks about right yeah yeah good shot. So I've got a 46° so a little bit less Loft than Rick so pitch it about 120 no not good why is that not what's not good what's wrong with it should be knocking the flag out from that range fa enough give me a line ground what are you saying pretty straight right to left actually it's over his marker the thing yeah oh my gosh now it should go left come on oh my straightened right out that was actually go po left to right tendency throughout the whole P I was wrong where do you see this guy I'll be honest I think if anything favor that slight left side cuz mine seems to fall away I like this a lot I like this a lot I like this a lot oh wow great effort really good pop mate great effort okay. For birden to close the deficit are just two trying to Hype up the finish here Anything Could Happen bringing the deficits are just two this has to drop off the left we got a good read off the puts then.

Wow that is exactly where I thought you should hit it it's a very good P why did that not go in the hole I just went straight as straight can be what do you think left Edge I think only bit I actually hit it slightly from the toe yeah which might have just got it going left first sure I hair. But it almost came back in there it it go left lip and firm okay boss ah three in it down the last something Big's got to happen. For those boys to Win It granted on fire today.

The last hole hole number nine this is actually the 18 that wall see it's potentially drivable certainly. For these guys with three shots ahead so I think we can safely say we've got the W he's got the W no no no this is a team effort hey let's not lay up here guy I know you love laying up. But just rip driver my mouth is also watering at the prospect of Grant versus James which is what we're going to film next.

Who's your money on comment down below oh. So far right where's that been all day maybe you should play that four R was definitely the play that's gone that is dead see I'm a four R guy I don't want to hit driver oh grant that could be money as good as I can hit it there that is a one great shot that's great now the pressure is really on cuz losing by three is not ideal losing by five the same second position he's L losing is losing right come on a good drive all right the toe come my got. So short it's okay oh wow that is if that boun is left oh did it bounce at all don't even know it bounce it went over the hill that'll be really right that should be down there okay second shot here after James's great t- shot I just come over this hill we actually thought this was fair. But didn't have either let it grow or it wasn't ever Fairway 95 Ys to the flag Grant has literally managed to find a sixy fairway played really well this nine holes no comment try knock the flag out finish with a birdie even if we're going down we're going down strong that's good in a super shot games that really nearly went in mate it's just not enough great effort got a round of applause what a shot from James first that was insane. But what a drive from Grant this is literally we said before in the last hole you were position B this has to be A+ oh this is A+ plus this is insane got 90 yards into the flag a little bit of wind helping us I've really haven't contributed this nine. So let's try and put something close oh he did it he did it he did it oh Oh I thought that was in thank you oh my gosh I thought that was in that was. So close dude I think that came like that close from going in I really did that was crazy oh we pretty much guaranteed a birie oh I pulled it okay guy we're a team Grant don't forget that you know what that's been my day cuz I feel like that's helped me feel like I've contributed like that's next.

Level close right I'll let you have your Victory put. So after some Sensational approach shots this for birdie to get us to 300 nice good part nice good part re inevitable that's respectable three under 39 come on guy well done fellas let's go six deep play thank you very guy played well today.

Play well played well awesome guys thanks. For watching be sure to like And subscribe be sure to check out Grant on his YouTube and also James our good friend James on his social media um the big match coming soon Grant V James I can't wait see time.