[music] hi guys it's rick seals pj golf professional and this is the complete fix your slice guide this is the finale part if you've got this point great first off i'm sure you're probably hitting it a lot straighter than you ever have before. But you might still hit the occasional shot that leaks to the right i want to try and clear up those if this is new this is still an important part. For hitting driver well anyway so stay tuned if you want to fix your slice entirely go and jump back to the overview which is up here in the corner. And follow each video step by step so the last piece to this puzzle about fixing driver shots is where we actually hit on the club face. And it's so important and very much gets overlooked if we strike the location on the club face in the heel there's gonna be an effect that has more curvature to the right and you could be doing everything correct what we've just been talking about in the last three videos but you could end up catching the occasional shot from the heel and it will have a level of curvature that goes off to the right just how golf clubs are designed to do it'll probably start somewhere near straight. Or even slightly to the left but then.

Curve to the right i'm going to show that as an example. So if i just start to this ball i'm gonna purposely look at drawing the golf ball like what we've talked about in the video so far i'm gonna purposely hit the heel of the driver i can see that that's not fully fully sliced. But it had a level of curvature to the right even when i was setting up to hit a draw there. So even though it didn't fully slice it's still a curvature i think i just hit slightly heel side of center. So i want you to measure strike location on the face this is such an important aspect get some of the foot athlete's foot powder spray. And this is a great tool to spray on your driver it leaves a white mist on your driver. And hit five golf shots with it have a look at where your patterns are if your patterns are slightly heel side. Or center and they sound silly but quite simply try and hit more towards the toe a shot that's hit slightly more towards the toe has curvature that would generally go more towards the left heel shots as much as drivers are mega forgiving these days heel shots will still have curvature because the faces aren't flat there is curvature of the face bulge. And roll which is helping you hit driver it really is. But if you do hit sevilla from the heel there will be a level of curvature to the right. And what i don't want you is get disappointed that you did something wrong in the golf swing you could have put the most perfect golf swing on it to hit what we've worked on. But catch a really horrible heely strike and it will curve off to the right. So what we're looking for is strike locations in the middle slash closer towards the toe that way if you do catch slightly closer towards the toe you'll actually get more of a curvature that goes more right more left which again is helping prevent that slice golf shot. So if i look at hitting this slightly more towards the toe with a draw golf swing this is probably going to over draw now there we go. And that was because i struck more towards the toe. But again for a lot of slices that'll be awesome be wonderful guys thanks for watching hopefully you've enjoyed the video do check out every single part of this is if this is the first video you've managed to stumble across check every single part monitor strike. And you'll be surprised how easy you can fix it once you know where your strike is actually taking place you take you need to take ownership of the strike that's. So important every golfer has a responsibility of taking ownership of the strike guys thanks for watching hit that like button if you've enjoyed the series the complete fixture slash guide stay tuned lots more videos to come comment below what guide would you like to see next.

Got loads more planned but i'd love to hear your thoughts as well you're brand new to the channel hit that subscribe button and we'll see you all soon enjoy hitting straight your golf shots and get rid of that slice go and kill it.