[music] i'll take one like that every day right guys episode number three break 75 i'm down at one of my favorite places a little clue is on the golf ball the mia this is where i was an assistant pro at i've made a few changes one i'm teeing off later in the afternoon second thing i'm playing with dan today.

This is dan whittaker you just give me a few little points to work on is it going to help me break 75. you absolutely smash it what's mad about this place this is the warm-up area you actually hit balls out into the lake. And these are floating golf balls i mean weirdly it's a weird way to practice before you go. And play hitting balls in the lake right but hopefully i can hit them like this today.

Dan [Music] episode number three i feel like beat ready. For today.

Let's go out there. And absolutely smash it and also i've got one change i've made to my golf bag i wasn't planning to but i have i hate people watching i don't know what it is like i can hit charts. And make videos and it doesn't oh matter how many people are watching as soon as a few people are actually watching live it's like such a different scenario [Music] hey i'll take it third shot i've got that. For birdie by the way i teased you on the driving range so i've got a new putter i've gone back to this hopefully it works this is. For a birdie on the first though early birdie sauce get it on there we are off. And running underpass nice [Music] okay second hole just put myself a little bit out of position here i've got to hit a little draw front pin oh draw [Music] thank you [Music] the first two part threes of both break 75. So far have punished me so if i can get through this hole we could be alright i just need to get through this one i feel [Music] did we bring champagne today.

Did we bring champagne with us i'll never take you out the bag again i'm not going to get giddy i'm off the research course record next.

It. But it's good [Music] naughty [Music] thank you i mean perfect perfect i thought it's got massive day [Music] oh [Music] i feel again [Music] when it's your day is your day [Laughter] [Music] i shall take it [Music] i've ripped great swing mate okay six holes in. So far and it's feeling quite nice i'm too under par i just feel a bit more relaxed today.

Than the first two ones definitely with being super early in the morning last time today.

Later tee off i've had a bit of time to practice dan's gave me a few little tips to work on as well which are definitely just making me feel a bit more comfortable the putter's rolling nicely yeah it just feels nice it feels a bit more relaxed [Music] that is a big left you know what i don't do it often i probably don't do it often enough i'm going to take my medicine i'm just going to get a little gap wedge back onto the fairway i think. For this par five i'm doing well on score let's uh i can still make birdie from the fairway third shot par five i'm just gonna hit a little wedge now pin's very much at the front. So i'm gonna land it short and run it up miss everything fingers crossed that's ridiculously good all right come on let's finish the nine with a birdie break break break two under front nine we'll be running out of birdie sauce i've none left okay really happy with that front line two on the path three birdies one bogey uh ready to hit the back nine. And if i'm honest i'm ready to break 75 that's what i'm going to do this back line keep it together keep on pushing let's see if we can finish strong [Music] okay. So second bow gives a day just i'm not gonna digress into it too much but just a little bit sloppy with my first pull i was off the green i had a long put i just thought with it getting a bit later in the day the grass is growing a bit more i thought it was gonna be slower. But it wasn't it ran it had a six seven foot pass and then.

Didn't knock it back in so about to one under [Music] oh you honestly out all the way then.

And then.

It didn't i thought it was gonna all right dipping oh that was close [Music] i'll go in the hole go in the hole oh that was nice [Music] six holes are definitely the hardest holes on the golf course that's broken that's one that's coming now. But feeling good about my game so far let's try and keep [Music] from rick popped in this morning notice that he's just getting a little bit out of position going back trying to look after his club face. And just changing how he's turning made a massive difference to the backswing and seems like he's taking some of this out on the court but to be fair he's absolutely repping out here and his misses have been absolutely mecca scoring great [Music] okay hearts racing a little bit now we're down to the last four holes which are beautiful holes goes around all the lake here um currently my score's doing quite well i'm too on the par we've got room to play with. But i also want to post a number okay now navigating another tricky hole three holes left to go now still two in the par i'm not i'm not in driver sorry here on glove dress it's got to do more than that [Music] it wasn't comfortable put it in the bunker not disastrous. But not the shot i had visioned enough [Music] i can't finish short [Music] oh didn't make that easy for myself but i'll take a bogey [Music] oh oh i'll take it oh pulled it get down get down if we could give rick any advice for us this 75 series it'd be stick to like his shot pattern and what he's really good at because he actually it's great when he just commits to the shot he's actually really really consistent in a little tight draw i don't think he needs to change any of that what he's done really well today.

Is he's actually managed the ball well in terms of like the distance he's left himself on certain holes the position to put it in around the greens to not expose himself too often. For the shots he doesn't feel super comfortable at and you just tighten that short game in a little bit more i don't see how we can't break 75 every day because long game's really good okay comes down to this 18th hole sun is setting mansions on the other side of the lake. And this port is. For a birdie which would be a 69 which would be very nice indeed do not leave it short you absolute idiot oh cannot believe that tap in. For a 70. oh shouldn't be disappointed one on the path.