There you go guys on youtube here's a another video of my uh german prodigy this is uh joshua who um if you've not checked out his previous video did a video a couple days ago about him uh kind of his story about why he's here he's over here from germany um over here. For a month to improve his golf his best score currently which is. So hard to believe it's untrue isn't is 120 actually written down proper score. But already we've seen signs of him shooting less than a hundred in no time his mission is to shoot on the nine world close tonight his mission really is to shoot under 100. But i've told him it's to shoot as close to 90. does some work with the driver today.

Now joshua still got a bit of a bit of a fuzzy head after uh his celebrations of of germany winning the world cup. So we've we've rented some anger today.

And some passion with the driver and he's hit the ball so well i mean i'd say joshua's going to be shooting some unbelievable score soon it really is. But do you want to highlight some things that we've worked on with the big stick today.

Uh generally hits five wood off the tee which i i see as being a good thing i like joshua hitting the five wood off the tee just kind of the way the scores that he's trying to shoot at the moment he doesn't particularly need the driver. But we've done a bit of driver work today.

Just to help him with his development. And his skill kind of acquisition as he moves into his in his game and starts to advance so first off what we see in this setup is his posture is fantastic lovely spine angle great distance away from the golf ball like how his arms hang natural from his shoulder socket he's got a good shaft angle there one of the things that we have increased there is the distance away from the golf ball we're finding that we're hitting the heel far too often when joshua was hitting the heel it would produce this kind of left to right curvature. And we kind of explained the gear effects and the fact that if he hits the heel the ball will curve off to the right because when we look at his golf swing his swing is. So good on playing his downswing is. So online it's untrue if we look at stop the video just here on this right hand side you can see how the shaft angle is pointing pretty much smack bang at the golf course that angle is just amazing we hit the heel because of a couple of reasons let's say one because he was a bit too close. And the other just because he's slightly moving into the golf ball a touch but we don't really need to massively think about that today.

All was talking about to joshua was the fact that i want him to feel like he was hitting towards the toe a bit more um we also look at his setup we made a few little tweaks here from his belt buckle to his sternum we wanted a bit of a tilt backwards that encourages bit more of an upward hit. And we talked about the shoulder rotation getting his back facing the target as he kept his left arm across his shoulder plane so some quite hefty pieces of information there today.

But again as ever josh has taken it in in his stride and he's performed some great golf shots in fact his last carry distance with the driver was 247 yards this is a guy who's not officially broken 100. Yet it's scary just because here next.

To me laughing um so 247 yards with his driver uh and like i say he's gonna he's gonna go on to fantastic results we've got a playing lesson scheduled very soon i'm meeting joshua at the open uh this week so we can you can have a look. And learn from some of the best players in the world as well uh guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up uh like i said i just want to i want to keep you posted with joshua's journey while he's over here in the uk. And having some sessions with myself down here at traffic golf center and the improvement he's making is just scary scary good i'll keep i'll continue to keep you posted guys keep watching keep thumbs up in the video you can subscribe by clicking the link below i look forward to seeing you all soon.