[music] i'll tell you what that is a hole in one hole in it yeah if you ever see one [Music] that could be in the hole zoom in hold that line. And it could be in the hole oh okay welcome down to episode number four break 75. i'm at one of my favorite golf courses today.

And it is absolutely stunning this is presbytery golf club heart of cheshire actually it's a funny story i played one of my first ever open qualifyings right here it went really good to about 14 holes. And i blew up on the last four let's hope that's not the case today.

You might see the last episode i successfully shot on the path can we do it again because doing it once is fine. But can we do it again. And again so it's a later tee off again it's half three i feel ready i feel prepared and today.

I've got a challenger now we've had several matches in the last few months i've actually done quite well against this guy. So my guy is guy from the podcast well last time he played you beat me six. And five so if i can do better than that i'm winning episode number four let's see if we break 75 we'll give you a little bit of an idea on the golf course it is 6400 yards past 71 par 5 star absolute cracker just dead straight down right without further ado let's get going on a different hole oh god almighty that was out the toe i'd rather hit that than hit horrendous driver [Music] i try. And play it like the first at near through the day i'll try and play it like the first up there tried to do a little bump. And run up the hill but miss struck it annoyingly that was a mistake [Music] attacking par i weirdly feel more like more nervous today.

All right don't feel quite as relaxed as last week. For some reason um i've got a few objectives today.

I want to make birdies. And i'm going to put a number in here i want to try. And make six birdies and i don't want to make a double bogey oh and also i want to beat guy that's one more little goal i've got so i'm just going to give you a little update if you listen to the podcast you'll know that guy sometimes boasts that he hits it further than me uh first of all i beat him second all i beat him two nil to rick. So far [Music] spin hard [Music] that sets it going after a little bit of an error there that was important up. And down still level par third hole beautiful wholeness [Music] [Applause] getting through it three bars but making it making it not look easy [Music] that is money is it yeah okay made a little bit of an error here fifth hole i've hit two iron it's only a short path four. And i've put myself in this must admit this not particularly very nice position i'm close to the green but i've got what's a bit too close but hopefully i can execute it better [Music] straighten up ah [Music] oh keep going left right way out position really a bit of a terrible tee shot on this par five i'm honest with you it's a hot the halfway house that's on the top of the hill there that's level with the flag the flags to the right i can't see it um. So i'm going to hit a probably six iron from that lie hopefully get it up there. And then.

I should be chipping down towards the green part five run that might be in the hut yeah. So i hit the hut [Laughter] i didn't think i was gonna reach it i'll be honest with you. And it's come out like a rocket and hit the side of the hut at least i was online right. So after hitting the hook that i was aiming. For it bounced back and i'm back on this t-box now i've got a little bit of furniture to knock it over i could move that but let's hope we can just chip it over down running towards the green third shot on this adventurous par five. So far oh [Music] more than one way to get on the green in this game let's go one under the first of hopefully many more birdies i'll tell you what that is a hole in one hole in it yeah if you ever see one that could be in the hole zoom in hold that line. And it could be in the hole oh [Music] my goodness wow that was it just you know a whole like proper suits your eye i was looking at that. And thinking this is yeah this is money just pick short about three. Or four foot away for hopefully back to that 30s [Music] hopefully back to that purpose for that verdi sauce down oh you absolute flanker what an idiot pass [Music] absolutely stunning hold this one of my favorites here at presbyter up the hill hardest hole in the golf course three big tiers to the green and the pin was on the top. And i thought i'd hit it good i got a little raffle of an applause from the group in front but it's actually middle middle layer middle tier so i've got to go up over the hill drop it round let's see if i can finish the front nine in style [Music] go go ah very solid well quick front nine round up i made eight pars. And a birdie i feel like i could have been a bit low with that front line but i made a lot of good puts [Music] pretty good oh i don't want any more left [Music] i did the arse of it. But it could be holding one get up kick right kick right keep right keep it right keep it right keep right there's no one here is it i said the arsenal could be holding one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] post it [Music] oh that's the best golf i've ever hit in my line oh my god uh right first proper bad shot today.

If i was like literally here i'd had a shot in if. But some babies but i'm not i'm here if i was to go. For it it would have to be a very very ballsy shot because i've got like slice of five iron i'm gonna chip out i'm afraid but i do think it's the right play [Music] at least get back on the fairway go [Music] ah [Music] break break oh very very very sloppy bogey on that easy path five back to level par is that perfect yeah i got that wrong i've just about got a line just [Music] oh god [Music] now three oh back to that bogeys one over par idiot this was the hole where an open qualifying back in like i think it was about 2006 which seems like a long time ago now maybe 2007. i was level par to this point. So i had like five holes left to play i thought if i shoot getting with like level palm doing well i'm pretty sure i made an eight on this hole so now if i make an eight today.

That's going to be pretty disastrous. For break 75 i'm not gonna lie and it's the second article on the golf course par four four forty just required just requires a big boy tee shot oh no that is almost exactly what i did back in 2007. all the demons are coming back oh. For god's sake this is what happens when uh you hit a terrible t-shirt you get punished i'm at the bottom of this tree. And there's a tree root right in front of my ball i'm gonna play a little i'll play a little chipper run seven nine back on the fairway oh in the bunker it goes from bad to worse uh currently i am making it very difficult for myself to try and break 75. i got a bit lackluster i got a bit lazy making pars i was chilling out not finding too much stress. And suddenly golf has found a way to bite me in the ass [Music] good shot yeah it's not bad though i think it's pin eye slightly left okay. So after my fourth shot i've put it here which actually was a pretty decent iron shot this is. For bogey uh i need this just to keep my uh keep the double bogeys off the card which is one of my targets [Music] that put us on fire that i mark it down as the best bogey i've ever made yeah it's best i've ever seen the best poke terrible tee shot basically up against the tree root chipped it into a bunker got very lucky. But it came out nice with the bunker shot nine and nine iron up and down bogey i love it [Music] that's it [Music] okay 15th hole drivable par 4. it's 350. But it's downhill and kind of bouncing and running i'll uh forgo the six birdies if i can make one eagle i've got to absolutely smash it there though [Music] really just lost the pace these last fuels. So on track for beating 75 yes um just feel like i've left a lot out here today.

So three more chances to hopefully get our birdie source out great hole this 16 little dog leg around the corner it's got a bullet or two iron down there [Music] all right again [Music] ah weak pathetic about nine lousy now this time take the top off the birdie sauce get it ready make sure it's not expired it's been so long since we've used it oh that one really hurts a little bit weird one today.

Currently too over i feel like i've left eight shots out here might be i know this might be a sound a bit exaggerated. But i do i feel like there's a lot of chances today.

Where i could have capitalized. And made more birdies it's not been a bad display it's just been a been a bit so i've been with rick on each of these break 75s behind the camera and he's definitely improving i think he's cut. For rick and we said this i think dan said last week. For rick it's all about confidence if he's confident he's going to play well his driving's been pretty good designs have been flush his port has been a bit hot. And cold a few of those chip shots aren't at his best at the minute if you can get a little bit better around the greens i really think this is going to be almost breaking 70 rather than break 75. i think he could go 67 68 somewhere i do think he's got it in him last chance to open up the source see if i can finish with a bird right to left up the hill not the easiest part. But let's try and give it a chance open the cap up open it oh all right guys 73 nice round we'll see you next.

Week it's break 75 at least wasn't great but i got the job.