As you can see from the title. And thumbnail of this video this can be my biggest challenge. Yet you remember last year I walked across Scotland from Prestwick to send Andrew six days walking 25 miles a day carrying my golf with my back and we did a great job thanks to you guys. For raising loads of money and awareness for prostate cancer UK well this year we're gonna go one step further I'll say step we're gonna go for a different mode of transportation this year starting actually on Saturday this week and we're starting at St Andrews and traveling to this year's open venue Royal Liverpool and that Journey from Saint Andrews to Royal Liverpool is 500 kilometers. So I'm doing it over four days again with my golf clubs on tow but this time using a bespoke custom-made bike a bike for two passengers so it's gonna be me it's gonna be some friends maybe some famous faces and some guests along the way and again we want to raise money for prostate cancer UK so if you can hit the link down below. And donate it'd be massively appreciated one in eight men get prostate cancer so if we can raise some money be absolutely amazing now along the Route there's gonna be four opportunities. For fans to come and meet me coming out say hello wave me off that's gonna be Saturday morning at 8 TM sent Andrews behind the 18th green Sunday evening 6 p.m Carlisle Golf Club time TBC make sure you check in my social media to see if that changes Monday evening 6 p.m Lancaster Golf Club and finally as I arrive to Royal Liverpool there is a psychopath all the way down the coast if you can on that Tuesday evening bring your bike walk along support the cause it'd be massively appreciated now quick note on that I am going to be finishing the challenge at Royal Liverpool. But because they've got loads going at the moment as you can imagine we can't have fans coming to the golf club. So if you want to support be sure to check me out on the psychopath on the build up there's gonna be a live tracker I'm gonna put that link down below as well so if you want to live track me that'll be awesome so if you can donate I'd really appreciate it come. And support me along the way it's going to be fun it's going to be hard it's going to be a challenge I'm nervous because last year I knew I could walk do you know what I mean what's all my life pretty much I'm not a cyclist. So let's see what happens I think it's going to be a hell of a challenge let's go. And raise loads of money for prostate cancer thanks for your support everybody and we shall see you very soon and also by the way we're recording all of it for a really cool video coming out soon stay safe everyone see you soon.