[music] welcome back everybody break 75 episode number eight and we are here today.

At somewhere truly historic press wick golf club here in scotland slightly rainy scotland. And it is late in the evening it's 5 45 p.m we're about to tee off now presswick is the home of the first ever open championship back in 1860 how crazy is that. So today.

I've got the honor the true honor of playing with the head pro here dave fleming dave is only one of seven head professionals to ever be at this golf course. And also guy's gonna join us because he wants to play the golf course and why would he not anyway let's head out i'm looking forward to this let's go see if we break 75 as the sun comes down it seems like a really magical place we've got blind par 3 the himalayas number five the alps hole the second shot is blind on 17 as well. And there's some unusual lines off the tee so if you come here you need a caddy i'm going to be a caddy today.

As well as helping you play well it's a way it's not my best hit. But it's good it's fine fine it's fine with me that's not faint [Music] i'd love you to give you some reassurance david but i don't know i don't know what's over there that's right good very nice we spoke a couple of times recently playing links golf courses the rough this is what we're contending with today.

And actually there's some areas that are even thicker than that. And this is really quirky as well me. And i've actually hit the fairway here but this wall is a railway track that runs parallel to this hole i'm not sure if other holes as well [Music] it's just a bit long there's no trouble there now dave is closest to the hole you can tell he's by there before right once. Or twice i honestly thought i'd played it well link's golf fee [Music] touch of an elephant hmm disappointing there really [Music] this is his house we're in his house today.

That was fantastic okay nine iron into the second hole par three wind a little bit short i think i tried i thought the wind might push it a little bit further very windy. And getting very wet [Music] oh it's banged online as well that's looking really good for a long time hey silly welcome to links gulp in scotland authentic yes you got it as well. So your head going this way. And then.

Round that way around the power burn okay that's not where to go i must have run out uh 240. perfect okay this is a blind second shot into this part five one that i feel not knowing what what is down there is actually a blessing because i can just pick a line in the distance. And smack it at it par five from 250 yards away i'm going with a three dog right it's not a miss it's just got a bit nailed tiny bit right okay. So apparently over this hump are some massive bunkers bunker complex apparently oh yeah wow this is like completely hidden almost the wrong way around amazing huge bunker here. And it looks like this isn't even the big one is it david yeah. So it's just part of the complex but the next.

One is the cardinal bunker this is the baby this is the baby that's the big daddy it takes a bit of rake in that one nicely played okay. For birdie here on the third one i feel like i could do with into the breeze far on the card the braver you can attack the flag line the more advantage. But if you go any further right than that it's danger left is your friend left is my friend i've been too far left amy. So there's a broken wall here and up to there this was the boundary of the original 12-hole layout. And which lasted between 1851 and 1882 okay. And then.

Lengthened to 18 holes which is what we're walking into now. So basically they bought this land yeah they just got extra land. And it became um very much you know golf courses were really moving towards 18 holes that modern that modern thing that would never catch on right exactly 18 holes i okay second shot into the fourth hole here because i've come left because i chickened out i'm 125 yards from the front. So that's where i want to land this golf ball [Music] yeah that's a bit too much of a bailout [Music] that's it mr green shouldn't have this long. For par so i found three over par just from three silly little mistakes potter really i flew the green on the first gravity but then.

Put a three put on the second effectively a three foot from there and then.

Didn't burden the par five three over three four not my strongest start that's for sure 195 yards and is it a long thin green um it's not it's genus i would say you've got four bunkers on the left why one on the right yeah yes the mess is on the right hand side of the post [Music] not caught it perfect. But i feel like it's gonna be in too much trouble oh yeah good hello nice running up yeah the advantage of drone technology didn't have that in 1860 did oh speed's not quite there i know it's got to the hole. But it should have been a lot more aggressive though okay six hole par four back towards the town 362 yards penn's just on the right hand side. But you want to hit you want to hit down towards the blonde kind of building what he's done 116 yards pins just over that little knuckle means that i can't see the bottom of the flag uh slightly into breeze i'm just going to hit a nice probably 100 slightly lower slicing 120 yard golf shot. And hope the wind just holds it nicely the lie was. So bad how is it. So wide that was nice shouldn't have needed quite as much of a safe. But it's there 180 to the front of the green out the roof downwind [Music] so walking up here there's two balls on the green one's close with about 12 foot and one super close oh i thought for a second it was actually. So close it was resting up against the flag it's actually miles away look at that it's at least foot away left to right tiny bit downhill yes good buddy straight in the middle there we go well done okay okay i just hold the golf course i might birdie after that birdie i think it's a good time to talk about the impending task i've got coming up tomorrow now i would have completed this task by the time hopefully completed by the time you're watching this video. But tomorrow i'm going on a big walk six marathons in six days 150 miles from here prestwick across scotland to the east coast. And arriving at saint andrews in six days time um raising money for prostate cancer uk hopefully we've raised loads of money so far if you do want to donate a late donation click the link down below um. And yeah that's what i've got coming up tomorrow. So i'm gonna reserve my energy a bit today.

Okay second shot into this eighth hole quite a bit downhill 144 yards to the front. So i'm gonna hit pitching wedge because i think it's gonna come out hot david's at cracker. So i want to see if i can get closer to him [Music] don't go too long [Music] good. For distance not the best online there dirty opportunity big slope across the green [Music] great effort yeah really good effort good take a path yep [Music] bunker yeah there's a bunker there i'm thinking you may be left. And left and over it possibly okay. So i've hot i've landed it over by looks of things it's actually pitched i can kind of just see the pitch mark here it's pitch there. And kind of jump back to here quite literally a yard away from the bunker and that could have been quite nasty i'm not sure if this is much better. But at least it's on the grass and i might even just draw it a little bit around this kind of hump great shot that is going to chase nicely down to the front i would say because it will start to move left to right now okay. So i found the green long put here though massive sloping right to left like massive i didn't think he'd run. So far beyond should have stuck with six irons anyway it's even two put from here struggling with struggling with the face of it ah you that won't make me edit that [Laughter] [Music] okay second shot into the tenth uphill 185 yards favoring the left side of the pin is good. And then.

Let it filter round come on let's make something happen on this back nine be good yeah you're gonna like that be good a little bit oh no way hit the flag literally hit the flag okay. So let me tell let me set this the story time with rick it pitched up short i think it took one hop okay there's someone got the pitch mark i think that was the pitch mark it's rattled the flag ricocheted up the left-hand bank. And finished the back of the green now this time it's the downhill putt david right definitely downhill and it's definitely right to left oh my goodness it's like a roller coaster putt can you see the little sand patch there is that all right yeah just on the inside of that it's good come on ah speed of the green. So i can't quite get them rattled in well done [Laughter] eleventh hole par three straight in front of us pretty much nearly 190 playing into the wind five iron in hand really good oh be so good [Music] oh my oh he had a little look in i am honestly really enjoying this golf course it's really interesting quirky different um interesting i think i've just said that what is exciting david just mentioned there's actually a lot of birdie chances coming up i think there's one really hard hole which is the 13th. But apart from that there's actually a lot of opportunities to make bird so this ain't over yet three over could do with getting a couple of birdies. So instead of the ship this could be this could be the start of the birdie run let's hope [Music] it's got quite get nothing's ever quite stone dead at the moment good perfect absolutely perfect 250 yards away from the green into breeze i'm gonna have to absolutely rock it a three wood there a sandy grave okay me. And david in the bunker here just short of the 12th green um quite a long way to get up there golf shot there yep well done all right pretty steep in there eh yeah you're good you're pin high right i couldn't see a thing see the top of the the white flag just whisking around [Music]. So zach larry aimed it exactly where i aimed it cracker really good the bail out here as long as you've got enough club is probably left of the pin just go a little bit more the golf shot seriously good golf shot actually that's your best shot today.

Let's stick a plaque in here once rick shields hit a green in regulation right slippery one down the hill drop it in the front door come on this will be not even worth considering this is going to go in that's gotta be the most annoying bogey i've ever ever ever made in my life ever ever just put one more in there ever on the t i'd have probably taken five after those two t the t-shirt. And then.

The second shot in okay fourteen time to resettle after that frustration then.

Back towards the clubhouse here short one three six three into window come on hit a couple of nice last drive let's go again lovely lovely [Music] okay let's get one back after that three put on the last. For birdie here on 14. pretty straight [Music] worst part i've hit all day there's a bunker online with a flag and you need to you need to hit it 210 to cover it but that's the widest part of this fairway and it all boils down and then.

There's a bunker to the right about 230 quite a bit to the right so i'm thinking if you can hit your 220 club online with a flag. Or touch the right of it you'll be perfect you'll only have a wedge in absolutely perfect massive so i'll just run on you'll have 70 yards something like that they're well done so we've seen a few of these circles around the golf course david what are these. For yeah. So we're preparing the course for the original 12-hole layout which we're going to have open. For about 10 or 12 days in october to coincide with the 150th playing of the open um and this is the spot where young tom morris hold out. For the first recorded ever holding one on the eighth hole how cool is that yeah. So right here history was made nice i made a hole in one in the open before you did yeah open qualifying did you i got a nice little tie [Music] come down okay not too far away. But very very difficult put uphill big slot right to left oh great try good okay three holes left to go four over par it's a par 71. So that means for par in shoot 75 so could do with picking up a little birdie this is the easiest on the golf course apparently drivable par four that's a golf shot i've driven the green here on 16. eagle put a long one very very long one. But i'll i'll take two put every day come on shields two putts from here come on come on important bird of this yeah i don't think that misses don't think it misses three over two to go. So you see the over the red bucket that's perfect okay we have got a blind second shot 17 himalayas what a hole this is we've just gone up to the hill there. And looked over the huge bunker at the front they've got a name that bunker sahara sahara of course it is sahara bunker. And you've got to fly that i'm completely blind hopefully i've picked the right point i'm 146 yards in the middle of the green i'm gonna hit nine-nine and hopefully get in the middle of the green walk off here with a par and with one hole left to go oh be nice that does look good okay. So we're on the green safely pin high to the right 20 foot away for birdie and one that would very much make walking down the 18 takes that a little bit sweeter off the right big put off the right [Music] oh it was tracking. For so long a little bit shy thank you three over one more check out this by the way i've got to do it up the hill. And then.

Back down come on dave this would be good bit more speed a bit more up the hill it was bang online you know what before we go down this last hole it's getting late now like it's quarter to ten. So 9 45 pm i love this golf course i've absolutely loved it quirky different interesting challenging i mentioned that before on the par 3 but i must admit this bat 9 has really impressed me and these last few holes have been phenomenal one more to go back to the club out it doesn't look long fingers crossed no dramatics a power. Or a birdie should hopefully see me well it will see me break 75. loved it here today.

Final hole nice path four to finish 290 back into the wind let's try. And pump it on the green really good really good be nice didn't see it down yeah it's on it's on the front left on the green yeah putting that is what i want to hear footing will do on the line this is quite simply my favorite 18th hole anywhere in the world smashed it down to driver guys front right i'm pin high left i feel like you can go miles left miles right it doesn't really matter lovely finishing hole we've got this. For an eagle put remember what last time i had an eagle put on the 18th recently in scotland yeah after hitting the road. And everything but still this is a bit further away putters out let's box this the eagle come on rick nice eagle to finish oh it had a peep it had a little look in did it dave it had a little peep in the hole yes well done pal brilliant yes nice well done rick thanks fantastic bro great to welcome you here fantastic i enjoyed it great fun golf course here dave on the nicest brother i've ever met make sure you shop press wick right awesome let's go. And walk tremendous that was good.