I didn't think i wanted some new irons. But these have seriously got me [Music] thinking right guys i hold my hands up sometimes i'm a bit guilty of swapping clubs too often over the last couple years though i've been better definitely have however. some irons i'm testing today.

That have really caught my eye now let me rewind time a little bit november 2019 i put a new set of irons in the bag the ping blueprints. And for a spell absolutely loved them gave me everything i wanted the downside they weren't very forgiving and because i wasn't playing loads of golf i needed something with a little bit more forgiveness hence in august 2020 i decided to change them after testing the taylormade p7mcs really nice irons and i've had them in the back ever since and if i'm honest i really like them a lot however. these new irons i've got in my hand today.

The ping i-59 could be right up my street the reason why i took the blueprints out of the bag because they weren't as forgiving these are slightly bigger than the blueprint are slightly more forgiving than the blueprint. And look this clean and i have to say they look out of this world so in the back today.

I've got three down to pitching wedge i'm going to play a few holes. And come up with a bit of a idea whether i want to put them in the bag or not now this isn't going to be an easy task. For the ping islands to get in my bag because i'm not only looking for good looks looking for feel looking for workability and most importantly i'm looking for forgiveness certainly in the long irons are these going to replace the taylormade in the bag now there is a slight downside to these irons the price. For a set of seven irons the 1600 pound rrp now typically when they come out the shop they might be a little bit cheaper but that price tag definitely put these irons at the higher range of the spectrum so let's start off on one of my favorite part threes the 14th here i've come further back so i can hit slightly longer club now looks wise these irons i mentioned they're very clean there's a couple of changes they've made there's more grooves on the face something i instantly recognize. And there is definitely more grooves on the face apparently that's to help with more spin there also is this tungsten weight in the toe what they've done internally they've managed to move the weight around. So when they put this tungsten weight in the toe it offers more forgiveness sounds great it's got the hydro pearl finish again that's to help with more water repellent across the head they had that on the eye blades and also the blueprints which i've used before in the past they're just gorgeous looking they really are now loft wise i've got these in the standard loft. So the 7 iron is 34 degrees you can also get them in power lofts where the loft goes to 32 degrees. For more distance but also something quite cool you can get i mean retro loft that's actually making the irons weaker. So you can get the seven iron. And well the full set weaker so the seven iron will be 36 degrees of loft i'm excited about hitting these i really am they give me the looks that i want hopefully. For me they've got give me that little bit more forgiveness so i'm going to play this whole hit a few shots since this quiet par 3. i think we just play a few different holes test the functionalities of these irons. And do they cater. For my needs and do they tempt me enough to maybe put them in the bag i must admit they started off strong looks category is a big tick [Laughter] oh the excitement was too much it's got miles left oh someone sometimes when you're excited about hitting a club you get a bit too too excited that was a silly shot i'm not blaming the club. For that first one uh not the start i wanted i think 120 yards left have it one miles right. So in theory if this next.

One goes between them it should be on track for going straight in the hole [Music] oh. And it is absolutely online no way there we go just needed those first two shots a little bit of a warm up that looked very nice. And that felt sensational really good feel off that now that one again that that's the shot that might just still let this type of iron down as i mentioned earlier i'm looking for a set that still looked like this but offer more forgiveness that wasn't a terrible strike but it's performance wise that's dropped off a long way short of my target of the flag oh this looks nice get up a bit [Music] all right that's really nice okay last one come in a bit oh that was a nice strike i've just leaked it touched right sometimes when you've got a set of clubs that you really want to work that you're fond of sometimes they don't quite do what you want them to do because my expectation level's a bit high there. But i've not didn't hit them great a couple of shots i hit nicely granted around the flag but a few too many mistakes it's not the testing over but it's not the strongest start for these irons okay. So i've come a bit closer on the tee i'm gonna hit a few wedges into the same par three i don't think it's a full wedge either it's gonna be a little soft one delicate one which again is something i'd want from an iron like this if i wanted a wedge in the bag i want to have that option to be able to a little bit softer without it going too far then.

It's a little three-quarter one let's see if we can do better than the seven iron started that felt really nice simmer oh it's big yeah a bit i need to take a little bit more off that that was nice get down hit that way too hard okay last one i'll be honest they're okay golf shots. But none of them are dead close they do feel nice designs that's a definite positive i've found. So far i'm just not just not getting them perfect at the moment come on rick a little soft pitching wedge into this flag come down a bit oh that's nicer that's really nice you know what so far as i mentioned looks and feel are right up there forgiveness. And suited to me at the moment are not quite where they need to be the next.

Challenge is some long irons how well can i hit the three. And four iron that's gonna be a bit a big test okay proper test now three iron. And four iron off the t now granted so far i've not completely killed the mid irons and i've not really killed them short irons so i don't know what i'm expecting to see from the long irons but i'll be an interesting test anyway because if i can hit these it gives the irons a level of hope that i could potentially play them. And put them in the bag i'm gonna start off with four iron first they're not super ridiculously bladed but they don't look like they've got loads of forgiveness let's crush a few down this hole well that was all right you know what that was actually really good that is. So similar to the last shot two down one more to go with the four iron happy with those two so far nice yeah you know what i cannot fault that four iron passes with flying colours onto three iron next.

Oh a bit chunky. But i've got away with it yeah that wasn't my best hit. But i managed to get it down there oh that's mega [Music] oh yeah that's the best of the bunch considering it's the hardest line to hit that's the best iron shot i've hit. So far that was. So nice i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it all the time that's the issue again not my best hit. But it's okay like it's getting down there in fact it's better than that it's in a1 position now that's put a little bit of a spanner in the works because i'll be honest. So far i wasn't blown away by the performance but those long irons have maybe shown me a glimpse of what these irons can do maybe i need a little bit more testing time to really get my head around them. And get used to them because those i could get used to hitting those shots all day every day they were class right. So one of the places these irons should be really good at is around the greens because they're not power irons they should be quite kind of adjustable i should be able to manipulate different shots. So i'm going to start off playing a few little bump. And run shots one of my favorite shots with an eight iron i might just grab the pitching wedge out as well and play a few more little lofted ones that was really nice [Music] yeah really good really good [Music] [Music] got great shots there felt nice to a good three a little bit pacey i'm just not quite getting it with these irons on my not quite a hundred percent you know what at the moment i'm undecided. So i'm gonna do what i think is the right thing to do i'm going to head to the driving range i'm going to get a bucket of balls. And whack a load of shots with the ping i-59s and i'm also going to pick a couple of my tailor-made irons as well to maybe to compare them i feel like the irons are good i liked the irons didn't get the best performance granted i like the short irons again not the best performance the clubs that surprised me with the long irons the ones i didn't think i was going to hit that well have done really well let's head to the driving range let's let's just pound a few balls let's see if we can figure out whether i do like these enough to put them in the bag all right. So i've come down to traffic golf center i think this will be really interesting bucket of golf balls a selection of my current irons the taylormade i've got four iron seven iron. And pitching wedge and then.

The pink i-59s i just want to hit some shots like maybe get top tracer set up and just get a feel for him i'm not sure what i'm fully gonna establish but i do think i'm gonna get a much better opinion of what i think holy of these irons. And who doesn't like hitting brand new irons at the driving range right one of the best things in the world okay i'm going to start off by just taking a few of the pitching wedges with both of the models the taylormades. And the pinks just to see what i think about them [Music] [Music] you know what just after hitting a few with both of the pitching wedges there's very little in the look of these golf clubs there's definitely more grooves on the ping which i actually do quite like it gives me a little bit more confidence i'm going to get spin feel wise i'd probably have to give it to the ping. But for me consistency wise i'm in the taylormade camp at the moment let's move on to 7i next.

[music] so i'm actually going to do i'm just going to put this to 6 iron even though it's the pink seven iron just. So i can get a little bit of an idea on what the ball flights look like i'm not looking too much into numbers i feel like these clubs will go the distance i want it to go it's more just how i feel ball flight consistency forgiveness they're the type of things i'm looking. For so so far i've hit the wedges and the seven irons i'm now gonna move back to the four iron in each set there's so many similarities when you look at the club side by side i mean performance wise whether it's because i've had these in the bag. For so much longer for me the taylormades are definitely outperforming the pings when i crush them out the middle out the pings they feel better. And arguably they look better you can't choose clubs on look and feel i've made that mistake in the past idea that's gonna be based on performance let's see a couple of long irons just to finish it off weirdly i hit the three and four line in this set really good i'm just not sure about the rest of them didn't expect to hit these ones as good as i am doing so on paper these clubs are right on my street. But will my head be turned towards the pings i'm not sure i absolutely love the looks i can't fault the looks in fact they're impeccable beautiful stunning. And even the feel off the club face is fantastic. So much think. So many things i like but for me i've got to base this decision on performance and i prefer the taylormade on performance i like the ping no doubt. And i think if you're in the market. For an iron set that looks stunning it's more blade-liking looks they offer a level of forgiveness not huge amounts of forgiveness the pingai 59s could be the ones they're stunning beautiful at the moment the taylormades live to fight another day we'll see you next.

Time thanks for watching and stay tuned for more content coming soon.