So i'm here at the hardest longest golf course in the uk i've just played the front nine and it has absolutely smashed me it didn't go to plan but now we're here for the back nine we are gonna turn it around we're gonna shoot the best score can possibly ever shoot you'll attack everything now hopefully that's the plan if it doesn't go that way you might be about to witness my worst round of golf ever okay shields there two on the par about nine i'm aiming. For let's see what happens perfect perfect we mean business i mean i might be 250 yards left in my second shot. But it's a good start to the bat nine so why do i say it's the hardest golf course in the country well its course rating is 79.3 which means. For a scratch handicapper around here to place a handicap they will shoot seven over par from the t's i'm playing from today.

Which is the gold tees down here at rockcliff hall. And the yardage is 7877 yards it's an absolute monster the longest golf course i've ever played the longest golf course in the country. And it's not only long look at the length of this rough if i hit one out of place i mean it's really hard second shot throughout it is come on get on the green it might have gone through the back i thought i looked good in the air as well maybe just too much club [Music] that's it all right come on brick make a few more pars this back nine drop in another bogey not sure what made me think after nine holes that the back line would be suddenly different it's not it's just as hard quite honestly this could be the worst round of golf i ever play on video the 11th hole off the yellows which is what most would play from is 400 yards from the gold seas it's 100 yards further back at just over 500 yards that's a massive difference best one of the day come on baby get up there [Music] that's me screaming at a golf ball to reach in two shots on a par four. And i've hit both of them fantastically well and i still don't know if i've even gotten the green i don't think i have oh that was really unlucky. But that was really that was a good goal shot i've not hit many today.

But that was actually a nice golf shot. And it's uh it deserved to be closer that i felt [Music] that is a ridiculously good par 223 yard path three five ironing hands straighten up straight up that's uh maybe a fraction short not a bad hit though right wrong club choice off the t i should have it. For ryan now because this is. So nice i've been trying to chip a lot more recently but you know what considering this fairway so nice i'm gonna put it [Music] keep going ball keep going ball stop there stop there come on that's about pass that was terrible that was terrible frustrating realistically now i'm leveling over power uh what can i what should be the new target i've gotta break 90 haven't huh i know it sounds ridiculous. And i'm a golf pro and i'm sure many people in the comments will be giving me a lot of grief. But i think now the target is to go sub 90. i just walk back to this tee which i thought was the gold. But this is only 556 yards the gold tees are 615. So we're not even close it was 60 yards away i can't even see it must be over here somewhere sophia look at this i actually didn't think this was the t-box i thought this was like the gate to get out of the golf course this is where we are this is home 615 yards par 5. 13th hole i'm lucky. For some best drive of the day oh my goodness that's perfect [Music] okay third shot 100 yards yo i've hit two brilliant shots there brilliant tee shot brilliant three one best two of the day. So let's see if i can make it a trilogy one more good shot stick it in close mate birdie simmer. And spin left that's all right that's okay we're going. For an actual proper look a chance at a birdie i honestly thought that was right next.

To the hole miles away oh start breaking where was the break [Music] oh these are the good t-shirts leaked a bit right ah needed a good one there nine iron into a path four come on make it count [Music] throw a bit just didn't quite catch it we're on the green. But it wasn't my finest strike [Music] another part 15th hole par-3 to the middle of the green from the t is 250 yards into wind water short. And right i'm after it driver i'm gonna have to drive around this hole as part three i'm not sure i should have ever done that until now you know what i'm actually not gonna do anything different as well i'm gonna hit just a normal full driver it actually got me thinking i have it driver once on a par 3. if you remember the video leave a comment down below right come on rick just can't commit to it think of it as a drivable path. For that's my mindset stay there ball stay there ah bunker left ah clean it's been hard come on that weirdly feels like a par on a drivable path four but it's not it's a bogey on a very long part three right right now with three holes left to go i'm currently 12 over par i think right now with a ridiculously long power five coming up now 618 yards. And i think two path fours to finish if i'm not mistaken yes i think right now as i stand on this t i would sign. For an 85 or better guys if you know if you've enjoyed this video if you enjoyed watching me struggle hit like you know sometimes golf doesn't go your way if you feel a bit better about your golf than watching me play so bad but first off you're welcome and make sure you subscribe and like that's all i ask oh travel ah what a game what a game [Music] last hole and it's the first par four that's under 400 yards 399 to be exact i need to make birdie shoot 85 see what i can do [Music] right. For birdie on the last i actually thought i'd hit it a lot closer than i am this would make all the slog the battered and bruising this would make it a lot nicer i can just roll this one in come on [Music] nice par guys thanks. For watching anyone want to drink drop paint i'll go i'll grab you a pie come and join me in the clubhouse thanks for watching like and subscribe and that was really hard.