Right we're going to talk about never doing that ever ever again this is top tip time. And this is all about never topping the golf ball ever again it's a bold statement isn't it i'm going to explain to you why you would top the golf ball. And hopefully clear up if you missed but give you some really important factors to help you fix where you hit and how to not top that golf ball it's such an embarrassing shot you might have hit a great drive and you're top and iron down the fairways nothing worse so a topped golf shot where we actually hit above the equator line of the golf ball with the bottom of the golf club that's what we have to do to create a top um just before you do think about this video. And i do want you to think about this quite quite uh quite a lot really ask yourself do you do you actually top the golf ball because i've seen a lot of golfers come in. And go rick i top it but when we actually look into it they actually shank it they actually hit the heel of the golf club the segment of the club that's got no loft on it. And the ball either runs along the floor or shoots off more to the right so if that sounds more like yourself it might not be a top that you're hitting just check check on the golf club check for some evidence if the heel is full of marks you're probably shanking it more than you're topping it. But if you are out. And out topping it where the leading edge is hitting the top of the ball this is the video. For you so i'm sure many of you watching this video you might have watched a few already in the past and you might have asked playing partners why do i top it. And the general gist of the general consensus to a lot of players is that you've lifted your head nobody really ever lifts the head ever i don't think i've ever seen anyone lift the head there's other areas of the golf swing that can lift. And can change. And that's what we're going to talk about today.

So actually lift your head at contact is really really difficult the force that's going down into you into the ball into the floor you trying to pull your head up from that is near impossible. So a little bit on that yeah absolutely watch the club hit the ball. But then.

Enjoy the ball flight and you'll enjoy much better golf shots right we're going to talk about why we could top the golf ball today.

And how we never going to top the golf ball again this is this is the top tip this one i see all the time when we set up to the golf ball we will set up with our arms straight. So we've got a radius between our shoulder to the hand to the edge of the club and that is a fixed radius the only thing that can really change the club can't change the club can't bend in half the only thing that can actually change is this. And that is the arm coming upwards that's the only bit of our uh radius that can actually change. And what it will do it will it actually shortens our radius it moves the club further away from the floor. And that's why we can top the ball without question. So we set up to the golf ball with really straight arms we might even go back in the swing with a relatively straight left arm but as we come into hit the arms will actually pull upwards into the body. And the radius of the swing means that the bottom of the club can't hit its lowest point can't hit the floor where it should do. So top tip i want you to hit golf shots if you top it absolutely focus in on straightening both arms at the point of contact both arms also i want you to work on trying to hit the ball first and then.

The floor after so you're not only trying to stretch your arms but you're actually i would put that in the cut out but i'll keep it um you're not only just trying to stretch your arms you're trying to stretch and hit beyond the golf ball so you're stretching and hitting the ball and the floor after so we've got arms stretched at set up we swing back our arms stretch down towards the golf ball both arms and we're aiming to hit the ball in the floor after that's what you need to focus on it is honestly it's not the fact that you're lifting your head because you can you might be like this. And keeping your head down but your arms will still pull in. So my arms are pulled. And that was a real good top my head was down you saw that on the video my head was absolutely down. But my arms pulled in and upwards another one another little top tip on that as well once you stretch your arms down towards the ball stretch your arms on the follow-through as well so your arms extend as you hit and extend on the way through that guys is how you can never gonna top the golf ball again if you follow that bit of advice you'll see a massive improvement of where you hit you want to hit the ball first the floor after. And extend your arms at contact and through the golf ball just check guys like i said to start the video that you are topping it if you're hitting the heel this is the wrong video to watch you be watching shank videos um. But if you are out. And out topping it that's the reason why guys thanks for watching you can you can check out my other top tips in the playlist just up here in the corner. And subscribe to the channel by clicking the link down below and hopefully that will help you. But it will help you do comment down below. And we'll see you all soon i have to put that other one in the outside.