So welcome back to the channel as you've seen so far in 2020 one of the big stories is all about clubhead speed with drivers now this is the new callaway lineup the new maverick lineup. And the big story is the same again how they can generate more clubhead speed. For you as a golfer than to equate to more distance there's three head designs there's the maverick standard there's the maverick max and then.

The maverick sub zero the big stand out for me of the three drivers is the maverick standard because it's very different shaped to callaway drivers. And really any other drivers i've seen in the past and the whole idea is it's going to be more aerodynamic to help you as a golfer swing the golf club. So i'm going to test it in this video the sub-zero has two weights you can put the weight further forward to get lower spin. Or move it further back to get more forgiveness but the shape of the sub-zero isn't quite as extreme as the standard and then.

Finally there's the max version for ultimate forgiveness the weight is as far back as possible not really promising more club at speed. But a very forgiving driver now price wise all of these are priced at 469 pound when they first come out. And i'm intrigued to see if they actually do swing any faster now a couple of bits of technology have continued from epic flash. And rogue and even epic going further back than that the mavericks still have jailbreak in the face this is a way of connecting the top. And the bottom of the crown to maximize ball speed and if you remember last year the big story from callaway cert with the epic flash and that's where the word flash came in was all about this new face how they've bought a super computer yeah super computer to help the club face learn. And develop into something that's going to make it faster. So when they develop it is an optimum performance well this time with the maverick they've got the flash face what's it called ss20 the new flash face where again it's got dimples. And humps and bumps at the back of the face and they reckon that's going to increase the ball speed still. So i'm going to test it i'm going to take it to the golf academy first i'm going to hit some shots with all three drivers get a bit of a feel. For them tell you what i think about them what i like the look of what i don't like the look of. And i think it's only fair to test it out on the golf course because i've seen a statement from callaway on their spiel at this end they reckon the maverick. And this is a bold statement it's five yards longer than the epic flash i'm going to test out on the golf course let's get to the academy first. And see what the maverick has to offer okay. So i'm here at the academy i've got all three drivers i'm gonna hit them on gc quad with pro v1s get my initial thoughts i'm gonna start things off with the maverick standard because that's the one that has the most unusual shape i'm gonna go sub-zero then.

Max i'm gonna hit for you to warm up and i'm gonna start showing you some numbers so let me touch on unusual shape first thing off behind the ball it looks no different to any other callaway driver i've tested over the last few years very much like epic rogue epic flash just got a different colorway now a little bit more these orange tints still got a slightly carbon crown. But it looks like a very classic callaway driver the big difference is how they've reshaped the bottom of this golf club typically certainly over last year you've noticed driver heads going longer. And further back almost hugging the floor as much as possible on the maverick it's changed that back edge is much more elevated off the ground now. And almost it goes upwards and i'll put a close-up against the epic flash to show the difference now on the sub-zero and the max version though that goes to more traditional shaping where the bottom edge is much more closer to the ground it's really the standard maverick which is trying to change the shape a little bit. And as i mentioned the whole idea of that is. For better aerodynamics to help increase clubhead speed now i normally swing about 112 touch 113 miles per hour it'll be interesting to see what that does on the launch monitor like i said behind the ball it's a good looking driver i like the look of it i do. And it does remind me from the bottom a little bit like the second generation of the m2 these kind of stripey bars on the bottom that's not a terrible thing i just like the look of it i think it's a good looking driver right let's give it a smash let's say no numbers. Yet i'll warm up and give you a bit of a hit give my first impressions oh that's nice okay. So that's all my warm-up shots first impression shots done gotta say i like it so far sound wise it's so familiar to callaway drivers from epic epic flash rogue as that familiar sound i like the shape i feel like i'm swinging it fast but i think it's time to turn on the monitor. And actually get some data i'm gonna hit maverick maverick sub zero and then.

The max and give you some numbers first impressions though really impressed me i like the look of it behind the ball i think that's a good looking shape let's hit some more. And get some numbers okay. So after a few warm-up shots i'm ready to do some testing now i'm excited because tomorrow i'm going to take the maverick this one out on the golf course. And pitch it up against epic flash as i mentioned callaway reckon that this is going to go five yards further which is a bold shout now to give you some ideas i'm looking. For around about 113 miles per hour club head speed so i'll be interesting if this swings faster and i'm typically looking to carry it about 285 yards so can the maverick outperform that let's give it a rip i'm gonna hit all heads in the same shaft pro v1 gc quad i'm excited about distances here oh yes wow oh my out the block nearly 300 carry now i must admit i was pumped. For that one that carried two nine seven with 164 miles per hour ball speed okay that's a few more nice well there are three really good drives to kick things off yeah i'm really happy with those three a few more a little bit of the right. But it's not it's not horrendous still getting the distance doesn't stop an overdraw that's gonna definitely miss the fairway so just to give you some background i'm hitting this in nine degree i've not changed it it can change it can go up by two degrees. And down by one degree and also go into more of a draw setting i've got it in standard nine degrees i'm using the aldila rogue shaft x i'm really familiar with one that i've used in the past but i think it's a newer version this is the shaft i'm going to use in all of the heads. So far just give you a heads up every clubhead speed that i've seen on the monitor has been faster than my average all been faster than 113 i'm intrigued to know what the averages look like [Music] so it seems to be going a long way it seems to be swinging fast one thing i'm intrigued to see if i can hit a dead straight one that's all right that's a bit fake bit out the neck a bit out the heel. But as a bad shot i would take that every day right i've hit quite a lot of shots there with maverick let's have a look at some numbers and then.

Move into sub-zero and then.

The max so i'm gonna kick things off by first off talking about that first shot i hit that was definitely my longest at nearly 297 yards of carry which is massive. But after all the shots then.

We've taken the averages the average is obviously a little bit lower than that because you'd hit a few miss hits as well it's good testing carry wise i was carrying the maverick 284 yards which is bang on where i want it to be as an average 307 yards total distance with a ball speed of 163.7 miles per hour solid spin rate was just over 2 000 at 2 100 absolutely perfect interestingly i want to show you the club head speed because typically i'll swing the driver around about 130 miles per hour sometimes a little bit faster sometimes a little bit slower. But average 113. the maverick when i was testing it right there was 114.7 miles per hour that's fast it didn't quite equate to massively more distance which is the major thing. But club head speed was definitely faster i mean tree that was i like that i like the shots a lot let's swap the head let's hit the sub-zero on the max i'll hit a few to give you an idea on how they potentially differ i'm intrigued to take this out on the golf course tomorrow. And test it against epic flash can this honestly go five yards further i'm not sure let's see if those claims are actually true right sub-zero then.

Max let's give them a rip okay. So this time i'm going to try the maverick sub-zero the weights in the front. So the heavier weight is in the front port ie will probably spin a bit lower. And i'm staying with the same shaft nine degrees need to screw that in neutral straight i'm expecting maybe not as easy to hit just because that centre of gravity's moved forward but it should come out a slightly lower spin let's see what it does. So the only thing i'm noticing behind the ball in fairness after hitting maverick is how that back edge does hug down to the ground more like a traditional like say epic rogue epic flash it looks more familiar. And i think that's what they've gone. For with this sub-zero let's give it a hit [Music] yeah. And as you can see it's not easy to hit that's punished me that badly yeah cause that central gravity as soon as that weight goes forward you've got to be hit in the middle you've got to be swinging it fast i obviously didn't do that that time that's better lower flight lower spin not really longer in distance. For me on that one that's better oh it's gonna be massive if you get the combination right with a sub-zero driver it can hit some good drives. But it's not easy to get the combination that's it two more that's the best one that's the one i need to hit all the time with sub-zero yeah not quite doing doing it. For me there sub-zero a little bit too low spinning this model and therefore. you've really got to ramp up the speed a lot you've got to hit it hard you've got to be hit in the middle it's not for everyone sub-zero it's for really tall players and maybe tall players only right before showing numbers that i'll hit max and we'll show all of the data and then.

The last head to test the maverick max now this is central gravity back as far as you can go. And also there's a little weight port here in the heel to optimize a little bit of draw i've got it in more loft 10 and a half degrees i'm gonna crank it down to nine and a half degrees same shaft let's see what the max can do i can't imagine. For one minute this is going to suit me i think it's going to be a little bit too high flighted. But i'll give it a hit head shape wise on the max way more welcoming it really does loot round the back hugs the ground as much as possible i can imagine. For a golf who struggles with confidence this is quite confidence boosting. But let's see what does performance wise that's not a bad hit a little high draw yeah that's exactly what i'd expect to see nice okay that's enough. For the max i like that and that was going to be a big market. For that golf zoo need a little bit of help and a little bit of draw bias that exactly did what it said on the tin right let's compare the three numbers now. And give you an idea and then.

As i mentioned in this video it's going to be tomorrow now because it's starting to get dark out the golf course with epic flash let me show you the numbers. So let's start off with maverick maverick was my favorite. And gave me the best numbers i was really impressed with that sub-zero spun a little bit too low. For me but there would be a market but gave me similar distance and similar ball speed and then.

The final one the max a little bit higher on the spin similar distance and actually very easy to hit i enjoyed that one too if you want to see more numbers feel free to pause the screen now but i'm going to jump out on the golf course. And take the maverick up against the epic flash so it is a new day i've got the maverick out on the golf course now the perfect hole. For the test is gonna be the third. So i'm gonna play the first and second here at marriott worthy park just to warm up i'm looking forward to hitting this [Music] bit left what it'll do [Music] [Music] [Music]. So now i'm warmed up we're going to test maverick versus epic flash callaway claimed that maverick goes five yards further i've got them in the same set up nine degrees of loft. And use the same shaft i'm going to hit 10 with each i'm going to swap each five shots dc quad pro v1s can the maverick goes five yards further let's find out. So the maverick's gonna go first [Music] that's absolutely crushed okay first five are done with the maverick. And five fairways hit i'm impressed with that next.

Up epic flash same loft same setting same shaft [Music] [Music] that is crushed. So i'm halfway through the test and i'm hitting it well i'm just going to move slightly on my t location. So don't damage the t and hit five more with each of the drivers before we see the results [Music] okay. So that's all the shots hit with maverick five more with epic flash [Music] so i've hit 10 with each difference wise epic flash sounds louder not quite as appealing i prefer the sound of maverick it's a little bit more dead outside performance-wise i felt like it maverick really straight i felt like i hit more fairways it's hard to call the speed yet i've not looked at the data on gc quad i don't know which came out fastest or longest if i was to hazard the guess i'd guess maverick let's have a look at the data. So the results are in. And have been verified by producer guy i've not seen them yet let's have a look at what the results look like okay i've not seen these at all. Yet just a reminder maverick is supposed to go five yards further than epic flight that's the claim that callaway have said let's start with epic flash club head speed 114.8 miles per hour ball speed 163.7 miles per hour which are good numbers. And a carry distance of 282.8 yards solid numbers for epic flash now maverick can it be five yards further club head speed 115.6 miles per hour that's a gain of plus 0.8 mile per hour ball speed 161.75 miles per hour that's down by two miles per hour. And the carry distance is a total of 281 yards meaning that's a loss of distance of 1.8 yards does the maverick go further than epic flash no we'll see you next.
