Hi guys welcome to my girl must have rich heels down here with Pete Finch at traffic golf center and we're gonna fill you in with the roundup of it's not often go what's been happening over the last week or so in the golfing world indeed lots and lots kind of going on in the professional world. And also our world if ya want to look at it light up care so it just got loads of we've been down last week pretty much spent a week at the PGA golf show hero in the UK loads of stuff so much stuff to actually talk about and actually tell you guys about yeah. And we would talk about this on the way I bet in the grand scheme of things that the UK PGA golf show is just my new compared to the US Gulf show. But we aren't we did our best we have three conference rooms full of manufacturers. And brands of equipment of everything everything really absolutely everything is a teaching conference on as well yeah it's like a teaching. And retail conference kind of combined into one so we were buzzing all over the place really annoying as many people as possible we didn't get quite as much content film as we'd like noted around up every day didn't sit around a coward I. So hate channel for that we ended up spending most of time on the foresight simulator you've not seen the video go check out Pete's nearest the pin attempt it's very near you got after lap you don't have to wait long in the video just don't watch it first half hours ago so there's some things we can talk about what you're going to talk about clubs wise. And there's things also the week where we've had our hands tied that we are to talk about zip-top because they're still under embargo which is in the Gulf terms you just can't talk about the club later should be annoying we would do. But we got to see him yeah we got to we got to see them we thought they were great ok I will try. And try and move that message across to you guys now what we saw a golf show so if you can see that message right things that aren't a secret to Newton tight list drivers there's two on the market there's the d2 that the three they came out I kind of in depressed last week. But they're not out to the middle of November in the UK you're like look Herman yes I did I did what I probably say is with tireless clubs I mean they look very similar to the last one if they look very very similar me we're going now to test them at the end of October down in st. Ives yes sir. So we'll kind of have more of an idea bore you look it down they look very very similar technology has changed a bit and so they say but it's all so i'm looking for to hitting i look for it in skeptic and we're gone we've got some new callaway drivers which some new callaway drivers don't do more I'm like God. And we would do an account of before see see if you can get better this we haven't counted up as these are their set six. And 7th drivers this year this year sixth and seventh driver of this year they've got the big birth alpha and this is the 8 815 version there's got the normal 8 15. And the Double Diamond 815 the story behind the Double Diamond apparently is something to do with the ski skiing kind of a grading. So the heart of the ski slope it becomes a double diamond then.

They've grown to the golf term so the double diamond golf club is the slightly harder one to hit yeah I'm taylormade what I was going to say that's the thing I mean it's normally taylormade who get the reputation of bringing out club after club after club after club. And 70 saturating the market but 7 7 drivers in a year is a lot of drivers. And so we're gonna be testing them soon yeah I'll see how they perform that's a lot of tribes we also there are some Callaway clubs we're not allowed to talk about yes. So it's even more cumin well I've ever gave what was a abut there's more more clubs coming out we're not going to say what type of clubs is more clubs coming out you know an hour to talk about. And I'll same drivers not saying not drivable and some of the gear pink pink next.

Year I'm not allowed to talk about that either and it's are we like we're not like it well no not what I like I bet most of the people watching already know this you know you guys know more than what we do most this time we get told. And you like yeah we knew I knew that without really lots of new pinga coming out. For next.

Year and we've got some new the art there is some new kind of tailor make year. And coming out which we will get our hands on very soon very soon very soon we're actually just coincidentally completely coincidence we are actually going down to the bell. For this wednesday to do a little bit filming oh god knows what on we just don't know I think it's not connected to anything we've spoken about. So far no no no it's not um. And possible possible possible possible I'm checking emails as we speak rematch against a certain YouTube team duo as well the guys would play that Wentworth me my golf so there's a potential well have to say I mean hopefully if we can get out in the course. Or will ever meet anyway we will have a look anyway whatever we're doing it's dependent date if those guys can can stomach our wrench I'll revenge much also it's gonna be a balancing pretty much yeah we are weak did get you know watch two went with videos channel now check them out probably leave out the last 10 minutes in fact what part two yeah well ya 2morrow uh you know what is hard. So that's the best part easy to awesome oh it was a possible match up with those guys I'd be really good fun we got on without the appears. And then.

Cobra and Puma gear they're flying things out good relationship with Rickie Fowler at the moments there they're looking at route trying to grow this girl that obviously pulled to grow this brand at the moment and the doing some good stuff probably that's probably the most the thing I was most excited about actually when I was that the Cobras thing yeah joseph filippi mr.. And Carlos he can I speak about what it involves. But the clubs are great. And the clothing line looks awesome actually I really really like the clothing line so that's looking good and then.

There was some manufacturers that we're really really trying to make packed at this gulf jung the first one as soon as you walked in through the door the biggest stand in there. And the topless and the tallest and the grandest and the most ambitious can you could you guess did you imagine this imagine walking in through the tale about a doughnut it's not terminate walking through the tradeshow doors. And the first biggest stand that you see what Drakon it would be I know the answer don't know I'm asking your ass hey oh you ask you mean I'm asking all right okay well I know down sir yeah the answer guy wasn't waiting it was shrink Siddhant written in Cleveland a huge soon as you walked in an absolute monster stand now we've already done kind of the club testing yeah oh. For the Strickland Cleveland product so check those both out and tether down both the channels but the whole as soon as you walked in it was such am such a massive impact that it's kind of there it's just a real statement of intent other kind of going about it the segment with that big time I mean fortunately they've got the products to back it up. So it's going to be interesting to see kind of how it all pans out. But yeah there they don't it's not only got the products now they've got the ambassador's work you know on their side now. So obviously plays like Graeme McDowell he's been using tricks from a long time you're Keegan Bradley sign back up to see Erickson or using Cleveland wedges as well and then.

You've got the main short game guy in the world move now from one of the biggest manufacturers that brings out a lot of drivers to Cleveland yep Dave Pelt who was at the show as well in a ambassadorial role. For tricks in Cleveland but also actually giving a coaching conference as well to the to the pga pros gathered there very very very interesting still awesome guy and very very engaging nice not to have a chat to him as well which was a little bit she was lovely it was lovely. And for a gentleman who's been in the game for an awful long time his enthusiasm oh the passion for the gate was just radiating out oh it was it was built. And how long has it taken to get to his phenomenal background to do some perhaps practices if 30-something second 38 seconds it takes him to get from his I think it's a living room we've got pictures of this guy I'm gonna put the pictures up now yeah that's his garden that's the if you watch it in scars you look at that picture yes that is a replica of the 17th the sawgrass over the top of the image there. And yes to the right-hand side that is a replica of the road hole. And yes that is a replica of pebble region yes that is a replica of more holes Augusta its humble awesome all artificial as well. So he literally steps out of his porch and he is transported through the greatest practice facility sure game that we've ever seen was unbelievable awesome it's just. And he just loved it it loved it was showing us clips of shots that you'd hold I don't forget all their those I'll try. But shut the old and it's a passion is just awesome feels alright look was the short game cake came away very kind of infused by all my lessons the day after all the show okay. So we've covered since and I've had a reporter down as well one of my father pros might fry it down at the Grove in London because Dave pelts actually did a big seminar in a conference down there as well. So hopefully going to get some footage over the next.

Few days of that. So stay tuned for that guys because that's more of the teaching side of things we couldn't film the cat teaching side of things the way we asked him some questions on a other aspects but not not so much the short game and and then.

The other big companies try to make a big statement someone who's not been in the market for a long time links yeah Golf Links Golf they really going friends said they had bad at large done yeah a large standing a lot of a lot of products as well like good-looking stuff as well who didn't get chance to kind of walking away. But I think you're I've got some links now with the guy links links feelings I wasn't supposed to happen I've got some links with links. And I when we get some golf clubs in the near future to be testing and it looks great it looked it very very in your face almost oh very very guys look at a picture the shaft now on screen certainly so they won't be a you don't want to slow down for us you'd have to play really well if you guys some play let me know if you like those shafts we have mixed response on social media I'm going to post that picture tell me if you like those shaft would you play with the shafts like that. And we're going to some Q&A is in asset because we've got lots. And lots to fly through Facebook and Twitter all of these things questions they would post on Petes portals of communication its Facebook page Twitter got one check them out yeah I think what we should do is you do it a week I'll do it next.

Week. So every question next.

Week will be posted on my social media all the questions this week would Pete post on peter north alternator each week otherwise they get mixed up everywhere we are not losing some of Nolan area that's right. And everyone uses the hash tags etc we're gonna do some Q&A. But before that we'll go out swing analysis with a difference yeah I mean a lot of you guys have been asking. For we tended with pics kind of in the kind of the past weeks and plays from a European tour men's tour and the main store PGA Tour and then.

The rider cook but we've not done any kind of ladies our swings or senior swings kind of so far so we want to focus on when it burn it burn it burn either we've not focused on the ladies game which is such a shame because if you do have the chance to get to a ladies tour event go watch it is almost sometime in my past experience it's almost sometimes more enjoyable than I men's because you can actually get a little bit closer to the players. And they can really play. And it's it's great to actually watch so absolutely they're going to do analysis of the number one kind of play on the ladies tour the US at the moment Stacy Lewis who yeah quite an interesting character. And quite interesting there sweating as well a little story behind her as well the fact that she was in the back brace. For a long time yeah yeah really really bad was not as well obviously overcome injuries is a big thing in golf we'll jump on the map do a bit Stacy golf swings Stacy Lewis is golf swing top right up then.

We'll do some few days. But as a problem on the rock was this we should really maybe hit a golf shot before we start filled. And third time we really should so Stacy Lewis golf swing what couple things I we spotted while we look to the true golf swing is the fact that shoes of the leave is massively. And she leaves absolutely nothing left behind so it's what you'll see if you get people to top Stacy watches at the top gets into quite a high left arm position yes it's not right arm as high as well. So you wouldn't say it was kind of a traditional topper backstreet inflation well what is traditional topper backswing position from here that she rotates her hip wrong way squats. And turns and it's from here now I think the bigger difference she leaves absolutely nothing behind what I mean about you're seeing a follow-through actually swings through her arms are extending at a follow-through can you do this thing ah it's literally pop Hill is. So far around her body that you can't literally leave anything behind in that shop arms extend follow-through is completely not with hope. So we notice well we did a little bit of research on stage mean mr. naska'we said when she was 11 watch out little back yeah straighten up her spine number of operations on a backhand pretty much all throughout high school shout to wear like a brace this support I think seven. And a half years we're ready for what you got a budget is a really crucial golf development tunnel in here. So you know Stacy's come back into this game I don't want you gonna play God there's no way unless you just potted. And kicked all the time so how good to tell you what even with a normal functioning spine I can't really do that money really like shows that alter ego sorry big pride backswing okay got a power let's to drop it a little bit in here really squeeze it out. But just extension under rotation really it's that there it's almost a female version McIlroy yeah macro does very much a similar movement we're on the way through his follow-through looks like it yeah I think I think it's one of those things I think um dress tributed then.

I think on that one that I was almost kind of replicate that follow through just by my arm. But it's her body it turns into this position as well yeah there's the extension of the arms. But is also that's her the shot is all the way through really it really is a position where I got these left behind. So if you want to try and replicate still say she's followed stretch stretch first goodness me so really high at the top then.

It's a bit of a drop into the ball so even though you'll really go for that probably not be that's problem eighty-nine percent of the way there's she's there eighty nine eighteen or nineteen sixty side by the way there's only its cargo schedule so yeah it's a big turn I mean that's oh really watch all the way there. But if you were to go any further than that I our decent distance really decent distance. And so one of the things I think you can pick up from ladies golf is how they can utilize their frame I say not as much not. So much yeah those much more. So much not as much strength generally is kind of general email generally we're not saying all the time how they can maximize their performance by not always swinging that same perfectly by the book I mean state is brilliant she's got a great technical sound swing. But there's ways of it out to create power without having the physical strength sometimes that the you need to elbow 55 absolutely I mean she's also not the issues not slick said she not mostly she's just. So lean and flexible and that's how she is able to generate all that big turns out we r equals Madonna Jeff we can gather every day basis. But what or cuts good since they they were in a back brace let's go on boss look right in that extension. So see even there naturally it's just not easy to IC diary that go much further than that really car the guys we're gonna jump back on now answer some questions and and we've got the other questions on piece social platform today.

And then.

We're going to fly through miss black is impossible. So I guess so Stacy Lewis his golf swing dawn and take hopefully everything he come from that because that's a very very solid sound golf swing yeah jump on the q. And A's now so we've got on Twitter hashtag monday night gold sure we're gonna fly through these as quick as we possibly can because we've got a lot a lot a lot absolutely yeah I think we have to really think about how we how would condense the invite okay. So we'll fly off and the council i'm on twitter do you miss playing competitive golf either club. Or pro comps and dimas trying to lower your handicaps and i don't particularly miss lower in my handicap because i just wanted to get 24 I've found it quite quite precise to get to that I was fine actor I got to that. But I don't miss that and competitive golf do miss it slightly. But kind of with the course vlogs that we do it's there's still that a little bit of a competitive edge you're not playing. For too much money but now it's somebody miss a little bit yeah yeah same same on the competitive edge of things because we're not playing pearls we don't get a chance to practice quite as heavily as with light. So I do actually slightly mr. on aloma handicap because it's like a gauge it's like a challenge you know you try. And lose you lose weight or you trying to do it's kind of that it's continuous you each week you improve it. And it's a gauge of how good you are. So yeah I do miss that side of things a little bit okay what's your best score we've done this 10 don't know on a legend Alan hassle than just view back in a few kind of their episodes before you can have a watch through all that local Dave Simmons. And from simo always even put it on me for yourself in the third person from stevo and predict 2015 major winners in order woof so he's acting students himself how's it I don't know he's not suggestions that they are suggesting supreet will do this predict 2015 winners in order ok MacAvoy all right open rose okay US open I'm going to popular on Patrick Reed us vga it's going to be some random complete round number help me on that one I don't know long i'll go. For McIlroy for the Masters I'll go for McIlroy for the open I'll go McIlroy for the US Open and I'll go McIlroy for the US PGA okay diverse Danberg in hi guys best way to overcome nerves I'm a tricky forefoot poor I'm all ears Fe last honest eye is a tricky question. For a tricky tricky situation and probably well obviously a bit of practice but pre-shot routine and concentrating the process rather than the fear of the outcome if that kind of makes sense but that'll be am I gonna want to do a separate video on really. So just like that i'll probably do a video on her how often should you change your grips. And the same question with your wedges and I least once a season yeah if you playing regular. And the same question for your wedge analysis often should you change wedges again want to see once a season I was on how much you practice yeah exactly I just that name insomnia some new jack is somni jack hi guys good putting drill to replicate pressure putting course tile on the practice screen you can do the same thing without nervous put him up yeah absolutely i mean probably the best one to do is put something on it i used to do it i used to put my dinner on it when i was trying to get there as a junior I used to have a ladder putting drill. So put the balls kind of different distances away from the hole back in a straight line kind of five or ten so used to hook try and hold them all if I miss one I started again go on my dinner until I hold them all there I I was a skinny child was that you making that really parents. And those repairs pretty poor will bring you. And I loved it he said right you've got a whole these 50 in a row before you wait okay I'll try right real quickly well we've got a lot on Facebook get your mom's face we were right quickly Ryan Clark counterbalance putters believe in the science. Or personal preference and well you asked this question actually at the seminar and that you quite get the response that we were looking. For really and I acting different ports are different strokes you know there's no question of Alice's do believe in the science. And the do believed is a personal preference I've seen Potter's seen great Potter's use Potter's that shouldn't suit their stroke. And likewise you know I've seen putters who should hit inputs using putters that are perfectly suited to. But can't hole of a bound or so yeah i think is a little bit about their ya asses. And if you could fill all your golf bag with woods ions and a putter what clubs would you pick and why would you pick those clubs place the clubs that we would use in our back yeah yeah. So we'll do what's in the back soon didn't rather yeah that is do what you know we use the clubs that we want to use you know what is the most embarrassing shop you have ever hit whoa crikey um I've never here by Judge bit technical psychology fila. But is never hit a bad shot um most embarrassing I've had some stinking first tee shots God. And Reno not just on the video but in general I in life your ingredient first he is never a good strong point. For me I'm always dreadful on that first ebook and I remember my captain's driving one time I'll quickly go to historic cuts his driving it was a dogleg to the left. And as a thirteen-year-old kid I thought right I'm gonna go for it let me go for this cord got the drive route it's all out of bounds left over the drive Range you stuff to hit it over and it the worst bottom healy golf job ever hit my life which I was. So proud about because it didn't go out of bounds it didn't actually go in but it was awful it was straight. But it was dreadful. But it was the embarrassment I was saying I'm gonna hit over this car oh I was pre-empting the Charlotte didn't pay off. So I got stick flat for quite a long time I'm gone you are this next.

Shot oh yeah would you rather win a green jacket. Or a claret jug cloud room for me I accident green jacket for me I really I'd prefer to win the Masters yeah I just think it's just an awesome tournament Marmite love it. Or hate it hate it hate it thank James Sean Cartwright a few questions here but do we'll probably have to just pick the one issue you've asked quite a few questions I'm active kind of pushing feedback the next.

Time. But would you choose accuracy over distance or vice versa it's quite an interesting one hello YouTube why i choose distance it's really one of them you could do the accuracy of like great up even though even though i got there at still won tuesday's go to use distance i'd probably say with with modern balls with modern kind of club technology most of the courses that we can apply out less is super tight probably choose distance because a hundred-yard wedge shot is gonna be a lot easier than a hundred. And forty yard 99 even out semi what if it starts going into the big stuff then.

Yeah we've got a bit of an issue. But i always prefer a little bit more length yeah don't go too deep I'm talking about to all of these will do one that's got the most likes jack williams what is the best way to practice in the winter right question that's an interesting question i'll let you answer is 2 i've got some bit of a shameless plug here. But I've got quite a few videos coming out on a winter fitness schedule and kind of winter practice drills he can do. So i won't give all my secrets away just yet dude in a rush but my advice is don't watch these videos. And God as low as loves low Terry Hudson asked all the same question three times if you could choose any player on tour to coach or caddy who would it be macro McIlroy and eventually just have to point you in the right direction yes don't you know Furyk did you ever gonna change your swing all you literally have to do is point him in the right on the edge well don't you rub both counts out Rob cat said that oh no we can't sorry that Rob. And however. little tailor made yep go and check out can't read the question out last one should you play will go last one. And the gold father's filium Williams lilyc sorry and e-golf father Phillips I metal is that your real name obviously the versus difficulty I don't quite believe your level it's asked to UT no even ask me oh oh I lost the question of got a joke I Peter I got harder during the take away do you feel you take the club away with your left. Or right I've got I'm asking you this question so the come away with your left or right arm or both equally I've been having success lately connecting concerning on both the club to the top with the left and really relaxing the right keep up the good work so is it left arm is it right arm is it both I I've got at the moment I am working very much on keeping my hands my arms my wrists very much out of the shop. And just focusing on using my shoulders to actually rotate away that's about in fact nothing evil but that's just my personal preference what I'm working on the moment I'm just working on the concepts of keeping this triangle between my shoulder my arms keeping it fixed in one unit and rotating my body a little bit more but that's just I'm experimenting the feud if I suppose that does just make your arms go back in a straight. And together don't yeah it just it just makes him kind of work together. But that's not for everyone that's just a Madame playing around with so guys that was like say we'd love together with a love the fact that we getting lots. And lots of questions and now we really really do appreciate it. And just fortunately unless you want this video to be four hours long we can't for everything what's cookies no not before I was Bill keep sending them guys because we will get through them as watching to come let's say the questions I've got my social network platforms next.

Week. So check me out on Facebook Twitter and I'll Pete will remind me to ask because I it's always being remember this guy's do subscribe to both channels we got some great content coming up. And this week just this week because it's well done loads and loads and an exciting next.

Few months in the build-up to the end of the year and stay tuned thanks for watching guys give it a thumbs up comment down below and we'll see you next.

Week two guys you.