A lot of people on the internet get very excited about new mizuno irons well today.

I've got four brand new sets to test. And we're taking out on the golf course the new 921 range of mizuno irons so there are four new sets of irons from mizuno these are the jpx 921 lineup all four sets do look quite similar. But are catered. For different types of golfers kicking things off with the higher handicapper the club that's going to give you the most help is the hot metal. And the hot metal pro these clubs are chunky they're going to offer distance. And forgiveness we're gonna test those later on and then.

There's this one this is the jpx 921 forged iron this is a good-looking iron i reckon this is going to cater. For a lot of golfers from very low handicappers up to higher handicappers if i'm honest this sits right in the middle and then.

Finally and i've got a full set in the bag here today.

Which i'm going to take on the golf course there's these mizuno jpx 921 tor irons wow these look good now these are more suited to better players. So from probably i don't want to put number on it but starting to move into single figure handicappers and professional golfers and even some of the best players in the world have these in the bag and there's one particular name that has them in the bag that's not paid to use them or a older version whether he'll move into these we shall see let's take him on the golf course i'm excited to test these mizuno always have this fantastic reputation that they feel amazing. And you might have seen a video i did a couple of years ago where i had a load of followers come down. And test golf clubs and mizuno actually came out on top on the field test so i'm so excited to see what these have to offer because apparently they've improved the feel if that can be even possible they reckon they've improved the feel of this new mizuno lineup let's get on the golf course let's test these i've got the tour from four iron down to gatwedge let's give them a test okay first hole i'm going to play is this par three eleventh hole married worser park it's 165 yards now these lofts are very true lofted. And what i mean by that the seven iron is 34 degrees. So i'm not expecting these clubs to go a million miles not in this lineup anyway they get a little bit stronger in those other irons i mentioned before so i'm just gonna hit a little seven here they are good looking irons wow they have nailed the look of this line up the last few iterations. So 919 especially was a super good looking iron. And if i'm honest certainly in the tour the idea they've not wanted to change the lineup too much they're happy with how it looks and basically this is just a bit of a little bit of a cosmetic facelift it's gorgeous it's very very it's the right word almost simplistic. But classic a little bit of perimeter waiting and if you might know i'm looking for a new set of irons at the moment and these could be right up my street let's give this a hit little seven iron it's not what i like about it it's not super bladed it's actually got a fairly quite big face actually blade length from heel to toe is actually quite big. For a iron in this category it's not a scary looking iron right let's see how it feels because that's the most one of the most important features of this set of golf clubs oh and that felt so nice you know what i like about feel it's it's become more familiar now after testing more mizuno irons it's just a really good compact feel when you hit it apparently as i mentioned they've improved the forging so they reckon they put it in another category of forging now i could sense that a little bit from that first shot very very nice indeed the flight popped up nicely i might have just actually missed green left but it felt awesome let's go up there and see where it finished so this is where i hit my first shot to just left of the green not bad. For distance a typical first shot for me now normally i'd probably use my sand wedge on my love wedge from here but you've not come here for a tailor-made review you've come here to see the mizuno iron so let me just pop it up on this hill because there is a club in this set which i'm intrigued to test you don't see this too often these days this is a gap wedge actually made in the sets let's give it a go with this this is just less lofted than a sand wedge. But more lofted than a pitching wedge so it'll be perfect from here little bump and run shot that felt nice it's something that i'm always looking out for with better player irons making sure that the wedges are usable around the greens have a little bit of you know touch of finesse you don't want anything too powerful around the green certainly in this category of iron that was nice very nice indeed let's get let's play a few more holes just with the irons okay i just want to note that shot that was with the gap wedge from 90 yards away out of the rough wet rough. And the ball stopped with those new clubs within a couple of feet that's pretty impressive so grooves are good you're gonna get some spin which is good [Music] me [Music]. So i just tested out then.

The long irons on that t the four five and six iron hit some nice shots actually when you don't quite catch it well though uh you feel it in your hands it definitely hurts you'd expect it with an iron of that size what you might see a lot of golfers doing they went for the tour irons they might actually combo the set with the forged longer irons that might not be a bad idea to get a bit more forgiveness just depending on how the lofts match up long irons are good though they're not scary to look down on i think again because of that because of that blade length like it's a long blade like what i mean from that is from toe to heel it feels quite long. So it actually looks like there's a lot of club face there so not that scary to look down on but as i mentioned if you don't quite catch them on the whole just previously off the tee uh when i didn't hit it well it definitely hurt my hand a little bit so let's play the rest of this hole i'm gonna try and hit as many of the irons as i can that's how we go right. So i've just hit that first shot off that t with the four iron into this left roof and i've just thrown a few more balls down there as well i'm gonna see what these irons perform like in this condition today.

The grass is wet it's a little bit long up this left hand side it's really going to grab hold of the golf club. But i'm going to try. And hit let's go from seven six five then.

Four irons we'll start off with seven and then.

Get down to four iron again a set like this even though it's going to be offering a little bit of extra help in this kind of perimeter waiting it shots like this out the roof that you still need to be able to kind of power your way out let's go seven first. So my goal is to get them all further down this hole in this par five. And back on the fairway [Music] yeah that was pretty easy with the seven iron okay six iron next.

Out the rough let's see how it does one thing i have noticed with this set though considering these have come custom from mizuno the grips are just not on well at all hopefully you can see this on camera. But from about this point downwards that golf pride symbol just points way more to the right shoddy that i'd expect better if not i've never in the past had a grip sent by mizuno not on straight but this set is not good at all i need to call it out you know if i see it i'm going to tell i'm going to tell you it right six iron out the rough next.

[music] oh that's. So good yeah five next..

So the next.

Two shots could be quite tricky the five iron and four right now at the roof here that those golf balls are really sat down now this is where personally in the set that i'm currently using i'm using a much more bladed set i would not feel confident in those lies of making good connection with a five. Or a four iron let's see how these set of mizunos do because they are they're nestled into this kind of wet claggy rough today.

Five iron out out of here oh don't kill a bird oh my goodness me i'm somewhat embarrassed i feel bad. For those birds now right um four are next.

Why are they staying there i don't know i might just chase them off in fact let's go. For it i'm confident with this uh for ryan hey you know what i'm going to move the birds first that's that's fairly embarrassing that i've needed to to move a flock of birds while hitting a fire vine out the rough. But uh we're clear now if i failed that test it might just be the golfer it might just be me but it's just not i just struggle with these you know more bladed style irons hitting out of this wet rough let's go for iron i feel more i feel okay now the birds have moved that's done a bit better yeah you know what that's actually done quite nicely maybe that five iron i just didn't strike well i think this is where a lot of golfers who will want this style of iron as i mentioned on the tee just combo in a set like this with a with a more forgiving longer iron definitely makes more sense. And make sure you don't kill any birds in the process right let's get down there let's finish this hole so so far so good but i want to play more golf with these irons [Music] [Music] [Applause] so i've just had a few shots at the bunker there with the eight iron i'll be honest i didn't hit them well but that's more down to me than the club um but also i wanted to show you this this was a look at this because there's no rakes in the bunkers at the moment i got this from my mate scottie coway a little personalized rake that goes on the nd club. So this is now become a mizuno rake. For those die hard fans either way that's done a great job okay i'm going to try. And play a little fadey one around this tree uh i think the key word there is is try because this isn't going to be particularly easy [Music] oh it moved maybe two yards in the air from left to right not my natural shot shape. But there's a bit of workability in there [Music] so the mizuno jpx 921 tour gorgeous beautiful set of irons i've enjoyed playing with those i think if you're in the market. For this type of player iron that looks this sleek that feels this good you won't be disappointed it's not a massive upgrade from the 919 but that's not what they're trying to do it's a little bit like when you buy an iphone. And they bring out an iphone s six months a year later it's kind of this version really it's not that different to the 919s but it is good it's a very nice upgrade today.

I'm going to do as i mentioned i've got three other sets we've got the forged hot metal. And hot metal pro and down the line i'm going to do a more in-depth video of all four sets. And tell you exactly who i think these clubs are more aimed at. But first let me just finish off by hitting each of the irons with the seven and just give you a bit of an idea on how they look and how they feel let me give you that explanation i enjoyed hitting those though they were very impressive. So i've got all four new irons lined up i'm gonna hit a few with each to give you my initial thoughts i've never hit the forged hot metal hot metal pro let's kick things off with the tour as i mentioned later down the line i'm gonna do a much more in-depth review of the four sets in total really. And also give you a better idea who should be buying which set because they do cater. For a massive variety of golfers now right tour first okay. So that just confirms what i found out in this video that's the tour version that feels fantastic and he's definitely a contender for my new irons i really like that a lot next.

Up forged iron so the forged is three degrees stronger. And it's almost like a juiced up version of the tour it's a little bit more perimeter waiting a little bit chunkier still a forged head so it'd be interesting to see how it feels looks nice behind the ball yeah just like i said just a slightly bigger version of that tour iron i've been hitting. So far but this is stronger. So it should go a little bit further potentially oh that sounded different that a little bit more of a crack to the noise when i hit the iron but felt just as good as the tour that feels really nice yeah very good feel wise very similar to the tour personally. For me they're a little bit too strong a 31 degree 7 iron is a fraction too strong. For me but that felt very very good so next.

Two clubs is a hot metal lineup this is the hot metal pro which is a slightly smaller head than hot metal do not forge these next.

Two. So it'll be interesting to compare the feel the stronger lofted this seven iron is 29 degrees of loft now let's give the hot metal a hit i've never hit this iron. Yet so you're gonna get my initial thoughts [Music] that was such a good flight there's an instant difference in feel compared to these two sets the tour. And the ford there is it's a slightly harder feel. But with it still being this kind of mizuno iron it still feels pretty good for this iron category sound really good very very powerful they're they're beautiful they are three probably the most consistent shots i've hit of those batch um a little bit of forgiveness in there as well i like them a lot last one to test is this the hot metal i think these two hot metal pro. And hot metal are going to be super popular this is the biggest head the chunkiest soul again. For a seven iron this is 29 degrees of loft. And it's gonna offer a lot of forgiveness guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like as i mentioned down the line i'll do a more in-depth video. And tell you really who suits which set let's finish off with three more of these oh that is strong what a ball flight yeah different feel a little bit harder off the face. But loads of forgiveness there and they look they look a lot more welcoming behind the ball if you did need a little bit more confidence right guys last one if you enjoyed the video again make sure you smash like i'd love to know in the comments below which iron set do you think you would prefer i'll tell you what i think this lineup of mizuno irons is very very impressive indeed we'll see you next.
