Hi guys it's rick shields down here at quest golf academy here at prairie sports village and i've got some exciting irons to test these are the brand new ping eye 200's these are going to be a replacement. For the eye irons that came out last year um interesting they brought the number back in because if you remember a year and a bit ago when i reviewed the eye they said no more numbers it's just going to be a new generation of eye hmm they've changed things quite quickly. So it's the i200 and it looks beautiful so this is aimed at kind of that middle range handicapper virgin into a single length single digit handicapper. And probably sneaking into maybe about a 20-ish handicapper depending on the ability um it's got forgiveness it's packed full of technology as well as it looks awesome so there's going to be now the i blade which is i've reviewed that you can see that link in the corner then.

The i-200. And currently the g and the g-max are still in circulation. So you've got four lines of golf clubs in the ping um it has a very different look to any ping iron i've seen before it actually looks unbelievably modern there is definitely a changing of the guards taking place at ping at the moment because all of the new gear is coming out looking ultimate modern design with technology. But all design is a big thing here at the moment. And there is a new elastomer insert in the back of the head which is supposed to activate the activate when impact takes place maximizing ball speed. And then.

The weight has been shifted to extremes towards the toe and the heel for forgiveness the lofts aren't super strong for a seven iron it's 33 degrees for a five iron it's 26 degrees and for the pitching wedge which i'm going to review as well it's 45 degrees let's give it a hit let's give it a smack. So i love the look of this iron behind the ball i think it actually reminds me of a slightly chunkier version of my eye blade which is a good looking golf club as well it's got the same sort of finish as the eye blade where it's almost like this brushed i don't know what they actually call it brushed chrome i suppose let's give this a hit felt great that felt lovely. So i put that flag at around 168. it's actually travelled a little bit further than i wanted it to not bad thing it just it came out a little bit hot apparently it's featuring now a 30 thinner face in the eye range i carried 175 and i wasn't really trying to hit that spin's a little bit lower around 6000 mark ball speed's good 122 lovely flight same feelings i get off the eye blade almost identical where it's not that butter soft it's not forged ahead but it does feel solid enough it feels good like a healthy feeling off the face that came out hot actually hotter than uh i expected with that level of loft let's see a few more i'm a big fan of that flight very neutral flight that's a slightly better carry distance lovely hit felt good it seems like it's got um 165 carry let me just see the numbers on that yeah just under 6 000 spin again it feels like it's got quite a bit of chunk behind the hit it feels like it's it's well protected even if it was an off-center hit both those two were fairly middled. But it feels like it's got a stable head when i actually hit that shot which is a nice feeling even though it doesn't feel soft a super soft metal i can't complain with those three shots at all they're very neutral flights. And i am i'm not really trying to hit that hard at all and that's carrying comfortably around the 165 to 170 mark let's go one more with the seven what's that one six nine feels great i really like that i think it's a classic look it does i've seen this design of a golf club before from other manufacturers it almost looks a little bit almost tailor-made. Or nike with the back of the golf club if i'm dead honest it kind of has that look towards it which is uncharacteristic of ping. But they've done it in a really classy manner i love the chrome finish on the number which also features in the eye blade i think that looks really smart. Or not and again as always you get the custom fitting chart across the pink i've just got this in black spot you always get that little knockout at the back of the head where they can actually adjust the head a lot. And also you traditionally get a white line on the bottom groove with a ping club as well i'm a big fan of this i like the i like the performance so far it just feels like a slightly meatier eye blade which i know a lot of people like i blade but i think that the smallest of the head might just put a lot of people off where this probably puts them in that in that frame of mind that they're still hitting our eye blade. But it's slightly bigger version uh 168 carry great numbers uh further than i expected if i'm dead honest with you uh average carried there at 170 176 total and the spin was just under the six thousand mark which is relatively close to where i would expect to seven a little bit low sometimes i get a wetter club that spins slightly more into the six. And a half thousands closer to seven as always i'm testing with pro v1 so get some reliability let's go to five iron next.

I'm going to fully flag let's put it back to 190 the five iron loft is 26 degrees. And again i'm not even taking the little sticker off there off the number um again it looks a very smart iron i like the fact that actually when i sit it behind the ball it's got a thicker top line than my eye blade in fact i could even probably put like a five and four iron into a bladed set and it wouldn't be out of characteristic because the lofts are pretty similar let's go five iron give this a hit. So 26 degrees not super strong just a nice five iron loft i just i'm a massive fan of the flight i really am i'm a huge fan of the flight and that's again longer than i expect and when i'm hitting it i'm i'm not going at this. But it seems to shoot seems to ping off the face oh excuse the pun not noise wise but just kind of feeling wise it has that energy transferring into the ball which i really like they're saying that this is the elastomer that's in the back of the head. And it's offering faster ball speed or activated when you hit the shot kind of i i can see that a little bit when i'm hitting it it was a bottom strike not a good hit. But still finding the green at 190 ish just off the green bad hit and it's only just gone left of target which is pretty good as well i'm a you might sense i'm a big fan of these irons i think they're very i think they're a nicer addition than the eye blade i think sorry the eye iron just a normal ion from last year i think the look ten times better uh performance wise it's probably getting about the same performance if not a fraction better i will do maybe a head-to-head down the line is it one more little fady one. But that's my fade straight at the target straight in not bad at all actually i didn't quite put the flag very straight there but great phenomenal performance off that five irons and easy enough to hit felt good and i wasn't trying to crack those nose getting like 190 carry um average there at one i've not probably not got the average actually uh you can see that actually i hit 193 193 192. So the average is 93 pretty much. Or 92.7 whatever it may be great great numbers let's now drop down to a wedge because there are there may be some new wedges coming out soon which i've got to review. But i can't really tell you right now but they're coming in a couple of days um which i really like look of and it seems like they've incorporated that same look in the ping i-200 wedge this is just a standard pitching wedge um 45 degrees has a great shape to it very rounded doesn't look offensively big it actually looks quite slim i think i could definitely swap my eye blades. For these if i felt like the eye blades were slightly too hard to hit. But i don't really i find them relatively easy still let's try and hit some wedges in a flag at 140. get there tiny bit short nice hit though i like the performance seems to seem so easy to hit i'm hitting very straight at the moment certainly and they seem very easy to hit when i'm catching these 130 carry spot at 8 600 which again is maybe a tiny bit shy of the spin rate that i'd like from a wedge it's a nicer hit yeah big fan huge huge fan of these irons i think they've got the looks there is definitely a change in the guards at the moment at ping i think they've changed the chairman now as solheim jr now taking over john i think he's his name is as well. And it seems like they're going into the modern era of club design they've got the technology which they've had. For many years but now they're starting to challenge some of the top name brands in the respective looks i always think pin ping's probably been slightly down on that chart before they've not been the most beautiful irons in the world they're all all about performance well now they seem to be gelling that performance into good-looking irons as well which can only be a positive. For players who who like the appearance of irons just as much as performance sometimes so as appearance aids performance if you like the look of the golf club well i have absolutely no issues at all with those i think they're great i think they're perfect i think they've got great characteristics i think they look. So stylish and and smart they're a hard iron don't be confused with that they are they 're they're a firm feeling iron when i hit it i can feel the contacts i can feel the strike forgiveness level there i probably didn't hit that many bad ones if truth be told. So i can't sense how much forgiving it is off centered hits i think i hit just hit one five iron that was slightly bottomed. But apart from that just hitting the criteria perfect and looks wise i just think they've got it absolutely bob on they do look like irons that have been out in the past. And i'm you know i won't be the only person that ever says that taylormade irons are definitely like those even some of the new ones they're coming out with. And they look like the nike irons many years ago now um however. new for ping new look for ping new era ping and i think the clubs are only going to get better looking perfect i love those guys stay tuned. For a review that's coming out in a couple of days of some new wedges thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video if you have do subscribe click the big red button down here in the corner what do you think of these new i-200 irons um i why they brought the number back i have no idea. But i'm sure we'll find out due course um but i just like them i think they're they're a really good looking set guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come and we'll see you next.
