Right guys this is the ultimate driving test with our mid handicapper robbed back. So rob featured on my callaway iron video the big bertha iron videos and was incredibly successful rob you have a bit of a fan base going on there i've i've even set up my own twitter page now just. For the beard what is it it's uh dobby's beard there you go at dobby's beard if that gets more than your followers real followers that would be crazy. So i've pulled robin today.

To do some driver testing of some of the latest drivers that i've been currently been putting through its paces on gc2 with the simulator software we're going to see in this video where ruby rob is currently hitting his drivers to. So rob also featured on my video a while ago in the sldr 16 degree video so currently you were using the callaway x2 hot yep we're going to hit some of that with that as well today.

Just to see. And then.

We're going to hit some with the sldr 16 degree. So this video is more of a benchmark of where we currently are then.

We're going to test the r15 then.

We're going to test the 915 d2 we might even hit the mizuno we might even hit the aero burner we're going to be hitting quite a few drivers to see how they perform compared to his current ones now the thing is i'm going to put a disclaimer on here none of these have been professionally fitted they've not been apart from the callaway none of these have been professionally fitted we're just going to go on this on the idea of of giving rob quite a bit of loft with a regular shaft. And seeing how it is how it is you know we're not going to be far off without it no too far you've always pretty much been regular shaft yeah we've added a bit more loft into his driver it's helped him hit the ball further that are the principles that we're going to aim. For are we good yeah fine. And rob is brutally honest slightly brutally honest am i castrian. So let's hit your sldr 16 degree first we're gonna hit five shots we've got a benchmark and then.

We can have a look at what the callaway does. And then.


Video we shall have a look at what what do you want to test first well i'll tell you what let's go with the callaway first because when i got fitted. For that one they fitted me at um 10-5 degrees neutral and standard it can go up to another two degrees it can go up to 12. And a half so it was quite interesting that they set me at 10. And a half and i think we'll be able to show the results away from that between the taylormade anyway afterwards. So here hit five with us and then.

We'll uh we'll move on to you so there we're not gonna show all five we'll hit a couple and then.

We'll skip through the other shots you perform well on camera though rob yeah a little bit low. But you perform well a little bit lower yeah it's easy to go okay. So we're gonna now hit the next.

Three shots and then.

We'll present all the numbers up on screen for you two very consistent starts anyway but quite low i would say let's hit three more then.

Join us in a sec right so rob has hit five with his callaway at the moment the one that he was professionally fitted with regular shaft ten. And a half degrees and we've got those numbers up on screen um it does say i sell the r. But it's not it's the callaway we swapped the order that was you that swapping the order. So even though it says sldr in the corner it's not it is his callaway uh club head speed 90 miles per hour we're about there with your club head speed rob yeah uh rob's uh not not too uh you know un you know what your clubhead speed is you know where it sits at you'd love to up that we know that i swing it like an asthmatic tortoise. But there is a lot there is limits got some of your lines there is limits obviously rob you might see in another video i'm sure you don't mind me saying this had a little bit of an accident lost a bit of clubbed speed. So that's something that we're trying to find with new technology um so club speed 95 90.5 miles per hour we were averaging carry the the callaway 185. For a total of 219 very very very low flights the launch angle wasn't particularly high 13.5 and it had a backspin actually a very good numbers 1900 backspin so apart from the launch there and maybe the club head speed that's where we would find a little bit more distance so now if we can now stick to order please rob us if we can now hit the sldrs in 16 degrees we'll see what the numbers come out with that. So five shots again there rob so this is one we how long ago was it we got we did this it'd be around about uh may okay. So about five six months ago we tried this club um and the results were pretty pretty impressive straight away. So 185 carry for 219. let's hit two and then.

We'll hit the next.

Three on off off camera don't hit dobby for missing up the order i could never hate you rob could never hate you as long as they've got me soccer mapping you're fine so that was a decent start much much higher straight away an instant better distance yeah instant better shot great shot well i've noticed i'm starting to uh tilt the ball to the heel well i'm fine i'm hitting everything toei now okay. So you've put it in the heel and put it in the heel on purpose and set up so we're gonna three more and then.

We're gonna see what the distances are already started very well right. And rob there's the five ridiculously better slowly ridiculously better yes a little bit. And rob was warm on the first five bear in mind rob was warm. But the difference is the height. So now we are still generating the same climate speed 90 miles per hour. But we are now averaging 20 yards further up with that driver 20 yards that's pretty much what we saw last time how though how is that going 20 yards further the big thing. For me is the launch angle it's launching. So much higher where the callaway was launched in about 14 this is now launching at 18.6 with still good spin numbers 2250 it is carrying 206 on average we took out that second one was which was a bad shot. And it is total distance two to eight. So total distance that's only getting 10 yards even though hang time it's getting longer so that's because of the surface on the simulator it's it's presuming it's hitting the fairway yeah. So i'm sure in the winter months now you should find that this drive is certainly going further because the ball doesn't roll far anywhere at all that's true right. So that's where we are currently at the moment the best driver we're going to compare it against is the sldr s in 16 degree i'm going to get the the no none of the other manufacturers do a club in 16 degree not. Yet we might bring an r15 out in 16 degree they may do. So i'm going to get as much loft as i possibly can in the r15 in the 915 d2 yep uh maybe give you a go in the mizuno jpx 850 one that rob likes a lot. And we'll see where now these pieces of technology sit 13 handicapper testing down here at traffic central manchester go and check out rob's beard on twitter and then.

We're going to join us in the next.

Video which if you're watching this now should be coming tomorrow. And we shall see you then.

With the r15 let's get some loft in this loft up baby.