Hi guys it's rick shields down here in orlando and i'm going to test the latest taylormade p750 irons. And i'm also going to follow it up by testing the taylormade p770 irons two sets of golf clubs very much aimed at the better player very much aimed at that better player i've actually come over to my friends at four sites i'm also going to test out the new gcq as well which is the normal device i used gc2. And hmt but all combined into one unit now it's just hidden in this uh this section here the reason why i'm using that as well so i can use the sim software to show you how i normally review golf clubs you know that's how i normally do it apart from the sun's out here. And i'm not at prairie sports village let's go with the 750 firsts these clubs are. So designed to the better players they are. So clean looking we've got a little bit of tungsten in the bottom we've got the forged head which is a soft metal they look super classic. And super simple unbelievably simple not absolute specs on the loft yet but i'll put them in the description hopefully i can get those after the review. But i've got a seven iron a three iron and a nine iron to test and then.

I'm going to move into the slightly larger 770 irons the p770 irons why they've been called those names it's the blade length. So the 750 have a 750 millimeter blade length and the 770s which you've just fallen over have a 7 70 mil blade length so that's where they've come up with these names um not the most inventive let's be honest but that's what they've called them um these have been very much designed from the tour players moving back the best players in the world want to see clean lines they want to see an iron that looks good that they can manipulate that has soft feel that's why they're forged this particular model the 750 has a little bit of tungsten in the bottom i think five grams of tungsten in the bottom. But that way it's been moved forward and not as far down as you may see in a more forgiving model these aren't aimed at forgiveness they're really not i say i don't know loft i would imagine by looking at it it's around about 33 degrees but i will put specs in at the bottom i'm hitting probably ones like i would do normally in my reviews let's give this a hit from the top it it's boxier than i expected it to look it's got quite a boxy top line. And not not as scary bladed as i've seen some of the pre you know really bladed taylormade irons in the past the top line does have a bit of thickness moving into 770 they go even slightly thicker i didn't expect that i thought there'd be a lot thinner top line let's give these a hit i felt good off the head it felt very soft yeah i don't know if i'm going to be able to hit these very far that came up way short of what i expected i didn't middle it that was a little bit from the toe what did that actually carry out was really short one five seven hmm let me see if that was just a real bad miss strike. And i didn't quite fully tell or whether they are maybe not the longest i wouldn't expect him to be. So to be fair that's the better hit i think the first one i didn't hit very well at all yeah that's more like the distance i'd expect yeah what did that carry out just under 170 carry i think that one had good stopping power intact green feel lovely. And soft in fairness that first one didn't feel as bad as i thought it was gonna be one six eight carry on that seven iron that second one let's go one more oh a bit of a left one not overwhelmed with that i'm over i like the feel. But i'm not massively supposed again this is aim. For the really much better player you know the best players in the world are using these the justin roses of the world are using this type of iron. And that's why it surprises me it's bigger if i look at the strike location the strikes are all very very central let's go one more with the uh p750 iron with the seven it's a penetrating ball flight it's not super high that i wouldn't expect it to be really high creeping on the front edge again surprising they felt good really soft off the head they're not long they're really not. And i found that i couldn't really tell whether i'd absolutely middled it or didn't middle it i'm definitely more boxy than i expected them to be i'm gonna pull the flags further back so i'm going to move to a club now that i've not hit. For a long time and you can tell they're a proper players set when you have one of these even as an option these days this is the p750 three iron not at three iron. For a while so i don't know how far this will go if i'm dead on the screen again i'm not expecting ultimate distance. And so boxy the shape i'm actually not a massive fan of the shape i like the i like the fact there's not that much offset i like the look of the irons and i want to look like the top line but i just don't like how squared off it is almost like they've been a bit too sharp with the lines it's not as it's not as rounded as like a previous model like a p uh a psi touring that was quite rounded this seems very boxy. And sharp on the figures let's give this a hit three iron i'm not expecting i'm not sure what to expect distance wise on this around the 210 215 mark i would expect a little left bullet it's gonna it's cut out like an absolute rocket ship like a missile that came out like low you're not to get a lot of help with these irons you know honestly and that's not what they're designed for they're not designed for that i would say to entice the better players you've got to make a club that's soft and it looks great i think these look great i just don't think i like it from the top line when i look down at it just not as soft as i wanted them to be. But that's just my personal opinion on the irons and hopefully from the close-ups you'll be able to pick up on those sharp lines at the top it's coming out like an absolute missile it's going to get close on that one it's got one more. So that's carrying it's carrying around that 200 mark i would say just in and around that mark i've not got lost on this iron again i'm gonna guess it's around 19 20 degree 207 carry it's nice straight ball like that this is giving you no help whatsoever if you want an iron to go high look somewhere else because these aren't going to give you that height that you want from a three iron they're actually quite hard to hit up in the air at all feel phenomenal more than anything feel phenomenal what super soft feel believe they've used a new you hear this a lot a new different way of forging an iron. But they do feel really soft let's move to the nine iron next.

Okay. So moving to the nine iron one thing i didn't mention before and i'm looking down at the number as well and it goes it complements the boxy look of these irons it's a very boxy number just very sharp and a bit i don't know i don't quite know the word it's not i just wanted it to look a little bit softer all over it needs a little bit of a bit of a looks like it's been proper designed in a workshop with proper men and they've just gone that is we want it to look certain way. And then.

Let's just stamp it with a bit of masculinity needed a little bit of female touch i feel some of the edges needed to be softened off the number definitely the actual number of the iron definitely needed to soften it off as well let's hit the nine i'm going to guess again around 40 maybe 42 degrees of loft. For the 99 so put the flag at 150 slightly bottom thinny one just goes to show again there's there's zero to no forgiveness in these irons. And and again that's not what it's designed for you've got to look at a set so differently you've got to look at the performance the elite best players in the world what type of iron they're looking for and then.

There's a whole new category for when you're looking for forgiveness and distance these do not sit in the forgiveness. And distance market they sit in the performance line i would say that's the nicest shot i've hit out of any of the shots so far that felt great and i really cannot and i mean this in all seriousness i cannot complain with the softness of the feel i love that forged softness i think it is wonderful i'm not seeing sensing that much difference with the tungsten. And the weight across the bottom i'm not feeling that at all i love the look behind it's very clean very simple top line just too sharp and thick for me it's just not it's probably too thick for me if i'm honest too sharp and thick needed to be a little bit more rounder to suit my eye i love the fact there's not much offset just not a lot of forgiveness and i think now if i move into the 770 which is the iron i'm gonna do next.

I think that's where we're gonna see a different look to the iron in the fairness i think we're gonna see a very different performance of the iron from what i've been told is the same lofts. But i think with that extra little bit of blade length. And the way they've added more weight into it i think the 770s are definitely the ones that people are going to be trying more. But don't just take my presumption of that stay tuned for the next.

Review coming very very soon of the irons um the p50s 750s i'm somewhere in the middle of them i'm not overwhelmed with them i think they could have done a better job with the cosmetics performance wise that's all down to me whether i'm going to hit them well. Or not because you just don't get any help with these at all but that is who they're aiming. For they're aiming for the better better better players probably out of my category really guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video um quite interesting using the gcq much bigger hitting space which made the review a little bit easier and hopefully all of that is saved. So i can show you that data as well guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
