[music] the set of irons i'm about to show you in my opinion are possibly the best looking irons i've ever seen. And you might know right now i'm in the market for a brand new set check out these taylormade p770s how beautiful are those irons absolutely gorgeous now there's one thing a set of irons that look good yes. But do they perform well let's take them out on the golf course today.

And give them a test so first things first like i mentioned beautiful looking irons to get a big tick from me but as you know this wouldn't be a tailor-made launch without a load of spiel so let me explain what they say the features and benefits are. And who they're aimed at so this is now a compact player's distance iron which delivers impressive distance. And forgiveness okay interesting forged hollow head construction with revolutionary speed foam inside. So this basically there's a little uh bolt there at the end which once they've made this hollow head they squirt the speed foam inside and it expands into all the corners to give better feel and we've seen that before in p790s which i'll come on to a minute there's now a new tungsten weighting which is positioned more low. And towards the toe to help off centered hits and also from iron to four iron there's a true slot speed pocket design we've seen that again from taylormade there's always a technology store and that's all right as long as it kind of works what i want to go back around to is the p790 you might have seen from videos i've done in the past the p790s are some of my favorite irons i've ever tested the first model. And then.

The model just out right now are phenomenal my only biggest concern. For me as a slightly better player is that the p790 they go a bit too far like they're power clubs well apparently this now is quite simply a p790. But in a smaller head and i'm happy to know and a lot of golfers out there will be as well it's actually got a little bit more loft on it. So this now seven iron 33 degrees of loft so much more traditional lofting this launch the p770 also coincides with two more iron launches i will be testing those irons too p7mbs which is the blade which is stunning as well. And the p7mc irons which is a kind of a more cavity about not a hollow head design i've got to give credit where credit is due taylormade have nailed the look of this new range they look incredible without further ado let's get on the golf course let's give them a test let's see what the p770s have to offer. And i could well and truly see these potentially going in the bag let's see how they go [Music] oh i like that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay. So far so good i've played a few holes with the p770s and i've got to report they feel as good as they look these things feel superb i've played some good shots actually i've enjoyed hitting them i've got more testing to do. But i've also carried out some tests out on the golf course the first test i wanted to find out was what were these clubs like around the greens because as much as they are somewhat of a power iron i wanted to still make sure i had a bit of finesse around the greens happy to report these clubs passed with flying colours i played some lovely little delicate chips with the pitching wedge. And i think beca again because they're not too strong lofted i felt like i could be delicate. And that is a very strong positive. And also i wanted to test out the long irons the six the five and the four iron because these head size are a bit smaller than the p790s. So i'd still see if they infused confidence behind the ball they look incredible and when i hit them well they fly i mean they're easy to hit to some degree. And the ball flight is phenomenal [Music] i did however. see a drop-off in performance when hit low on the face. And even though taylormade say these have got the speed slot on and off the bottom of the head they're supposed to still perform as good i saw 10 to 12 yard drop off in distance when i caught it off the bottom so that is a bit of a downside [Music] also i want to talk about price these clubs are expensive. For seven irons you're looking around 1 250 pounds so not cheap and as i mentioned they've got to perform i've got more tests to carry out what i found and i found this with other brands as well in the hollow head design and especially with the p790s for me that was the biggest downside of the bigger versions of these every now. And again when you're hitting just a standard iron shot you could crush one out the middle the ball speed would go up and the ball would fly through the green 10 15 yards too long my next.

Test is gonna make sure that that doesn't happen with ease let's find out let's get to a par three hit some with the seven iron. And make sure they don't fly unexpectedly too far i want the dispersion to be nice and tight and personally if these irons are a contender to go in my bag this is a very important test. And also i'm yet to test them thoroughly out of the roof i want to see what the long islands perform like out of this kind of wet sticky roof today.

Be really interesting. And i uh for everybody asking as well these shafts i've got on these the kbs tour x stiff you get loads of different shaft options and this is the grip that comes as standard i've got a mirror it's one of the nicest feeling grips i've seen on a on an item really golf pride it's a zed grip. And it's like a tire it feels like a tire of a car it's really sticky i like it right let's start this test in theory if i'm hitting these seven irons into this green i want to see the dispersion nice and tight let's see what it looks like so i'm 175 yards away from the center of the green that's kind of where i want to be landing these shots go in i actually think that's gone in i actually think that has gone in the hole seriously come on down oh my goodness i'll keep this recording that looks unbelievably close i can't tell i honestly can't tell oh i don't know if there's a bit too much ball sticking out oh no give that a little zoom in it's close. But it's not close enough i got very excited then.

Sorry to get everybody very excited. But you weren't maybe as excited as i was i honestly thought that had gone in the hole. So good strong start with shot number one [Music] so there are four very very nice golf shots. And from the looks of things they're in a pretty decent dispersion i've not felt like one is gonna pop off the face too far very impressed with that one more to go [Music] i've just pulled that one a little bit left that might go a touch longer anyway yeah that in fairness that has gone longer. But that was me pulling it as opposed to the ball just popping off unexpectedly too long past with flying colors that's a big one. For me and this iron has nailed it for dispersion not getting those random hot ones that nobody wants certainly for this type of iron so this will be an interesting test often golf's not fair you find yourself in situations that demand you to hit a good shot. And wet long grass is one of them now with my blades i don't feel confident in a shot like this. And i've found myself in one of the hardest holes because i've got to clear water i'm 200 yards away from the green so for me a shot out of this thick rough landing anywhere near the green is a result now your ball could land anywhere in this spot it could sit down somewhere nasty i mean that is a horrible lie i'm gonna try. And hit it from there and see how i get on and you've got four iron which is 22.5 degrees of loft. So it's fairly strong but hopefully with this little bit of extra protection and padding and power and what i'm hoping to hit out there just come have a look at this lie though first i mean that is one nasty nasty lie four right out there with my blade i'd have no chance what am i expecting to see with a four iron of this caliber like to anywhere over the water near the green is a result oh that is a horrible lie oh it's come out oh you might not pick it up on the uh on the drone i've bailed out a little bit to the right let's go another one from this lie let's see if we get oh my goodness come on look at this one this is horrible today.

That first one if i'm honest did okay this is an exceptionally hard golf shot. And i didn't i felt like i had enough power to get there i just felt like i didn't quite catch it perfect is it going to clear the water is it no it was wet i think the moral of the story is i just need to eat my spinach i need to get some guns to be able to get out of here the club did oh k considering that condition i did feel slightly more confident than i did with a blade. But still not quite perfect from a lie like that but it is tremendously hard to hit it from there with a four iron one ball in the water never mind [Music] [Music] [Music]. So after spending time with these irons in the bag let's give you my summary let's talk about the positives and negatives of these irons positives first they look incredible these p770s look superb they also feel incredible like hitting these irons some of the best feeling irons i've ever hit what you also really like and who they're kind of more aimed at is the fact that the distances don't go too far like they're not massively powerful hitting clubs. And as you saw in that dispersion kind of little test i did i'm not hitting these ridiculously too long which is a massive positive moving into negatives there's a couple not many. But the first one is they're actually not that workable. So i've spent some time on the golf course today.

Trying to hit different shape shots as well. And i'm a natural draw of the golf ball but when i really tried to fade it i found these clubs really hard to shape where other clubs i found easier to maneuver and another big negative is the price like. For seven irons these are costing twelve hundred. And fifty pounds and are they that much better than a p760 which they're replacing probably not. So you might be better off picking up a set of those because you'll get those at a better price now they're a very very good set of irons i think they're gonna cater. For a wide spectrum of golfer from mid handicappers all the way down to potentially professional golfers would have these in the bag i'm very impressed for me they're a contender to go in the bag definitely i've got a few more irons to test there's the uh two more sets from taylormade as well p7 mbs and p7 mcs which you'll see soon guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and that was my full review of the new taylormade p770 items.