This is the brand new taylormade driver the sim shape in motion. Or should it actually stand for slightly improved marketing well you're going to find out in this full review. So here we go it's a new year and it's the new product lineup taylormade are bringing out their new drivers. And they're bringing out the sim drivers now there's three head designs there's the sim a syn max and a sim max d-type now the d-type is a bit more of a draw bias driver. And i'm not going to be focusing on it in this review i'm spending my attention on the sim. And the sim max now the difference between those two the sim has an adjustable weight a bit similar to the m1 or m3 of previous years and m5 from last year where the sim synmax is a bit more of a of a fixed weight system more similar to the m2 the m4. Or the m6 from previous years now price-wise there is a slight difference between these two drivers the sim is at priced at 479 pounds where the sim max is at 449 pounds now if you compare that price to last year's m5 when it first came out the sim is actually 20 pounds cheaper i suppose some regards that's because it's only got the one adjustable weight this time as opposed to two of the m5. So as we've come to expect from taylormade the new driver lineup is jam-packed full of technology with some questionable naming going on. And that doesn't massively change moving into 2020 let's talk about what's new in the sim drivers so sim is all about shape in motion how they're going to play with the aerodynamic flow to make you swing it faster. And they've done that by a revolutionary new shape with aerodynamic asymmetrical soul and inertia generator there they go again now this idea is this kind of big lump of metal sticking out the back it is also angled slightly towards the toe. And they reckon now because of that inertia generator that's going to help you swing the golf club faster see if that's the case twist face remains in these drivers it's been around. For a couple of years now it's this idea that's going to help you hit the ball straight off off-centered hits. And there is a multi-material construction with carbon titanium. And steel the whole idea of that is lowering that center of gravity to make the drivers more forgiving like we've seen in previous models the loft sleeve can change by two degrees up. And down in loft and there is a sliding weight on the normal version of the sim as i mentioned. So there's now just the one sliding weight so you can go more towards the toe. For fade more towards the heel for draw so in a nutshell tailor made a claim and you're going to hit it further more consistently. And straighter than before but this slightly different twist this time in the fact that it's going to be created by more clubhead speed because of the shape of the driver. So i wanted to give it a smash i went to the driving range got 100 balls just to test out sim and sim max just to have a bit of fun and hit a lot of golf shots with it now i didn't have a gc quad i wasn't in real golf balls but i was intrigued i just wanted to give it a good test first. And also got my first impressions of the drivers so first things first this driver looks fantastic behind the ball with that carbon crown and now in a short white finish is awesome it's very similar shape to m5. And m6 which is not a bad thing at all. And i was worried at first i thought you might be able to nurse your generator sticking out the back. But you can't you don't see it whatsoever and the only other difference behind the ball the speed ports in the face now have changed from red to blue color from the previous model which is no big deal all in all the driver looks fantastic i think they've absolutely nailed it on the looks this year feel wise similar to what i'd expect from a taylormade it has that real powerful feel off the face. And it has that slightly deader noise that kind of comes from the carbon in the driver again ticks the boxes right there now performance wise i felt like i was hitting them long. And straight the sim max definitely has a slightly higher ball flight than the standard sim but both i felt like i was swinging fast now is that because of this new revolutionary shape. Or was it the fact that i was at a driving range there was no real consequence i could open my shoulders up. And try and hit it as hard as i wanted to i needed to find some more evidence out and i needed to test it on gc quad against m5 which i do later in this video to see if the sim actually does swing faster than last year's model. But before that i thought it'd be time to take the drivers out on the golf course to give them a test so here we go first time hitting this bad boy out on the golf course and you guys know what it's like a driving race there's no consequence you can hit it as hard. And as far as you want on the golf course things change as you can see there's trees left there's trees right there's hazards there's a narrow fairway. And the last thing i want to do is lose a brand new pro v1 let's give this a hit. And see how it fares out on the golf course i'm excited [Music] [Music]. So after spending time on the golf course with the sim and the sim max i started to see a little bit more of a difference in performance when i was hitting real balls. For me the sim driver one with the adjustable weight is very long. But super low spin it really reminds me of the sldr driver from years ago because that had a forward weight track too seems like if you're not absolutely smashing it as hard as you can sometimes. For me that spin just got the ball dropping out the sky and not really optimizing performance but when hit well it went long for me the syn max was still long. But offered way more forgiveness again the synmax has no adjustable weight it's much more like an m6 let's say from last year. And i found that to for me out in the golf course to perform better forgiveness-wise there's still plenty of distance both drivers look great as i mentioned that short white top of the crown looks fantastic behind the ball for me i was much more leaning towards the sim max which surprised me. But after spending time on the golf course i wanted to get some hard evidence because the whole idea of these new sim drivers this shape in motion is that you're supposed to be able to swing these drivers faster. And certainly faster than last year's model that taylormade had out which was the m5. So i got my gc quad hit pro v1 and hit lots of golf shots with the sim the synmax and the m5 to find out some real numbers so in this new model there is now just the one weight where m5 was actually two weights this weight apparently can move the ball flight by up to 20 yards plus a minus. So that currently is in neutral give it a little unscrew. And then.

I'm going to push it all the way towards the toe she's going to give me a little bit more fade now the only thing that i've noticed. So far on the weight track is actually not much of a tool to identify where it is it's pretty much either going to be in the middle. Or a bit of guesswork all the way to the fade or all the way to draw it's a bit of a downside let's hit it and fade and see what happens to the ball flight [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see in phase setting it definitely had more of a tendency of moving to the right. But it's no magic one i still managed to snap up a couple let's move it over to draw. And see how that flight changes this isn't the easiest kind of i'm just trying to like move it around it's not the easiest to move it that's kind of it stuck in that fade corner [Music] so i just needed to hit it on the ground apparently right it's in draw i'll hit a few and see how it changes okay. So weight is now all the way in the heel should promote a bit more of a draw let's see if that's the case [Music] okay that's good [Music] there you go even with that weight all the way in the heel i can still carve one right [Music]. So as you can see from that testing this weight is no secret formula to help you hit it straighter even in the most draw setting then.

I still managed to fade them quite badly. So just remember that when you're trying these clubs because it's not going to fix every bad shot i think. For me i'm going to keep it in neutral because that's going to suit me a little bit more the next.

Thing i wanted to test was the loft sleeve because it goes up. And down by two degrees so i can crank it down to seven. And all the way up to 11 degrees first thing i notice is how much it has changed aloft i i know two degrees doesn't sound a lot. But i can hardly see the face now. And also when you de-loft it it opens the face a little bit as well let's hit it in a seven degree setting [Music] [Music] okay we're in 11 degrees now. So how much of a difference it makes first off it does look ridiculously different to the seven degree looks a lot friendlier to hit it goes outrageously higher. So as expected the loft sleeve made a difference going down to seven degrees. For me just went way too low didn't get the right amount of spin but then.

Changing that and going up to 11 degrees the ball went up in the air with too much spin. So for me i'm going to use this driver head in 9.75. But it just goes to show the loft leave definitely works and definitely makes a difference so now that i'm fully dialed in this is the moment you've been waiting. For can the sim drivers make me swing it any faster. And can they make me hit it any further [Music] [Music]. So let's go through the numbers with the taylormade sim first well first off it's a pretty long drive i was carrying it at 282 yards with 160 miles per hour ball speed. And that's giving me a total of 305 yards pretty much exactly where i want to see it with sim max i was hitting it a whole yard shorter 281 yards with exactly the same ball speed of 160.3 with just that little bit more spin gave me a total distance of 302 yards. But the big question is around clubhead speed the whole idea of this driver is it's more aerodynamic. And this asymmetrical inertia generator at the back is helping you swing it faster well was that the case against last year's m5 driver when i tested it well the answer to that is no. And let me explain the taylormade scene i was swinging at 113.1 miles per hour now typically my swing speed may vary two miles per hour either side of that. But as an average number it was swinging 113.1 the m5 on average of all the shots i hit are swinging at 112.7 now bearing in mind my own tolerances are probably two miles per hour either plus. Or minus of those numbers the difference was only 0.4 of a mile per hour i mean that is not even quantifiable that is not a difference in my opinion whatsoever. And funny as that swing speed probably goes lower so if you're a golfer that swings at 90 odd miles per hour that difference would probably be even smaller so as an overall summary for me shaping motion the sim doesn't make me swing it any faster but it doesn't make it a bad driver this driver is very good it ticked every single box. For me and certainly i thought it was one of the best looking tailor-made drivers they've made. For a long time who's likely to buy this driver well first off it's going to be the taylormade fan who wants the latest. And greatest and there's nothing wrong with that if they see tiger woods or rory mccoy using this driver they'll probably want to pick it up as well it also suits a golfer that might have a driver that's four or five years old now and technology's definitely come on that much in four or five years and for me the golfers who shouldn't buy these drivers are the golfers who have an m5. And m6 thinking that the performance of a sim is going to be. So much better because as you've seen from this review there is no difference guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did smash that like. And that was my full review of the taylormade sim drivers.