Hi my name's rick shields down here at traffic golf center and today.

I've got hold of the four brand new titleist irons we've got the ap2 we've got the mb the cb. And the ap1 i'm going to test them all with exactly the same shaft. And say get them on flights go up and give some figures as well some live figures while i'm hitting the shots but also just talk you through the kind of pros and cons of these golf clubs which one's going to suit your game the most. And give you complete honest distances with real golf balls down here in manchester um i'm using the same shaft for each club so i'm going to be using the kbs stiff shaft seal tour shaft in each one of them. So again i'm getting the various comparisons it's just about the head testing we're going to do with today.

So the first one i'm going to start off with is the ap2 i'm just going to pop these other ones down here at the moment we'll test them in future videos. So you can check them out on my channel um ap2 now this is the one that's kind of aimed. For the mid to low handicap who wants a little bit of muscle back to the club as well a bit of cavity back and they've got a tiny bit of a facelift compared to the last ap twos um just a bit shiny not nothing much really i'll be honest with you um even on the specs there's very little difference in the specs of this one and the older one as well so this is all going to be about feel of the golf club head today.

And how forgiving it is. And what distance i'm going to be getting in the background on flight scope as well um first off this is the reason why i've hit this one first to me it's probably the most kind of best looking one out of all of them it's got this beautiful chrome finish. But then.

The brushed uh metallic finish as well at the bottom so it's very chrome here at the bottom but on the back edge it's this brushed um almost steel kind of effect to it it's a forged iron so it should have very soft feel to it and it sits gorgeous behind the club it's got a little bit of a chunky top line to it where when you look down at it it's not too daunting you know for a club that's going to be one of those ones that are not super forgiving. But a club that's going to give you plenty of feel off the club head. So if i hit a few of these it's come out very strong this is a six iron by the way i'm hitting. So it's come out really strong nice ball flight just like i left the target felt good off the face felt very responsive didn't feel too hard to hit it's got a very nice ball flight to it kind of stays in the air a little bit longer than some of the other clubs that i've hit in the past seem to go a touch higher i think a lot of that's due this weight being a bit further down because of the cavity at the bottom that's been dragged down to all the rear all the cavities being dragged down right to the bottom to launch these irons higher to hopefully when you hit the green it's going to stop a bit quicker as well that's really nice to hit. And forgiving that doesn't feel too testing to hit now if i try and hit one out the toe i'm going to catch this one slightly off the toe that was bottomed until that'd be interesting that wasn't a good strike at all. But yeah it still looks like it's gone the same sort of distance with the shot of it just hit let's go slightly from the heel this time. So it's just faded as you would imagine it doing but we'll have a look at distances on the flight scope machine in the moment as well but generally feels very very good now if i just try and shape a couple of shots try and draw one that's drawn back really nicely very easy to manipulate the golf club if i go a little bit of a fade on this one very nice it's come back nicely this is a top club this is a club that like say would be aimed even to probably better play as the mid to low handicappers even some really low low handicappers could be using this because it gives you the forgiveness. And feel um or the feel and linkedin with the forgiveness it's a club that you're going to enjoy hitting easy to shape gets a nice ball flight. And because it's this forged head it feels incredible really good ap2 there was absolutely awesome really enjoyed hitting that one. So next.

Video i'm going to be trying the ap one that's the more kind of oversized club head we'll test that in a moment do a similar thing get it on flight scope. And hopefully you'll enjoy the video subscribe to the channel check me out on facebook twitter and check out the other videos in the description below thanks very much for watching [Music] you.