[music] right guys so you now join us on part two and we've got the next.

Three holes on this video we've got myself we've got peter finch and then.

We've got me and my golf so fine in the dark here it's close it's all square at the moment after three holes and it's getting it's getting tasty but this this video promises more birdies we promise we promise yes guys if you are coming from me. And my golf's channel please do subscribe to myself subscribe to peter finch. And enjoy the video where we're going to make plenty of birdies in green which is hard yeah i think my goal journey hashtag all right andy. So we got 420 yards another 420 yard hole well bunkered pretty tight bunkers the best there we go zoom into that lovely sunday okay no i think we're short of those today.

Okay yep okay great shot. And what's so good about this now in the dark guys is that you can actually see the ball that's why it's. So good isn't it a second part right in pairs so same line i'm sure yep another one of those would be good wouldn't it yes that's the wish that is the wish he ripped up all right a couple of rights oh just a tiny bit down that right side it's like your partner's got you should we swap the order i think we should swap it okay because at the moment nothing's gone our way. Yet okay. So this is obviously the next.

Logical step that will transform our fortune oh huge huge difference right i think you're going around the light i'm just taking myself [Music] [Laughter] we were almost replacing bulbs yeah they would put a flood like that what's that doing there what happens if it smashes the lights [Laughter] it's not the price i'm safe enough. But not all right here we go okay draw yeah good shots well done good job okay. So for the fairway there for mr finch yes uh we are just new york well maybe two yards ahead there. So one two five one two five to the flag and not bad just left side of the flag but looks pretty good if it's the club it's a nice shot yeah looking good good stuff good shot there one two five ball a little bit below the feet there's a big disc at the back of the green you can probably see on camera. And the flag is about three yards to the right of that. So that disc is a great marker it's off to the right. And i think it's on the green just about. But right yeah probably left with a tricky little put up the headlight okay nice shot of yours there rick yeah pin high like that this is totally birdie's chance 30 times times birdie channel the 30. So i pushed mine a little bit uh ball below just sort of came out a bit right on me okay. So just off the green and having the flag left in left him about 40 feet so i could do it knocking it a little closer. For birdie though just his range bait that's what i'm scared all right here he goes yeah gave it a good go last put was slow that's a good day. For that is andy well done yeah good parts oh look at that very generous wasn't it very generous very a generous guy all right okay i'll get the flag. For you then.

Being as though you're being so generous all right so as we said they're rickett pretty good shot i mean it's kind of bizarre looking back there isn't any at all out there yes it's very very bizarre still getting used to it. So we've got this just in his interview with turkish airlines supporting your partner sorry mate yeah he's just a girl starts asking. For an interview and rick shields is off i think a lot of my the viewers would do the same right yep they would indeed here we go oh he gave it a go what a good effort take that away good par guys okay match remains all square yeah we have some birdies please come on that was half a bird we're on the rickshield burning channel coming here we're going to get one next.

Hole we're definitely going to get the next.

Two holes just the one partner we need two right then.

Here's we are um this is par four yeah small dog leg to the right with a bit of water protecting the right side here. But there's a tree down there at 275 which you're gonna rifle it past switch the order here as well oh that's a nice flight perfect perfect a little bit of pressure the shaping shots now oh no no one explained it yeah shaping are we allowed to do that [Music] on purpose intentional shaping as well it's quite impressive sandy's going to go nip. And get a ball right then.

So after piers is cheeky little shaping around the corner. But do me nicely on this one oh very nice great shot oh come on partner good job now shaping to the right it's not my forte no you can take it over this time i might draw it around that lamp i'm not gonna do it i'm gonna fade it if that's stayed online that should be okay you know okay we'll see yeah this will look good with the uh floodlights it might it might look lovely oh nice yeah good left side we're good good. So rick was just over there kind of by the trees. But slightly in the roof so we've picked my little bit of bell i in so what are we going i've got one two one. So we have a little wedge one two one the back stop behind the ball so hopefully ah thinking tactically i like this okay it's an epic strike you're gonna be good nice shot mate very nice shot can't quite see on the zoom here. But i reckon that 12 feet 12 feet of that nice shot mate all right andy so you've got an experimental line yeah i've got an interesting line i was. So focused then.

I forgot pete was going to film me i was about to play the shot. So that's how much i'm into the game i've got 93 yards i'm just gonna hit a smooth 52 smooth 52 through the trees in between rick's shot and the bag it would be nice it'd be nice for you if you don't want to do it though travel up there okay. So after my um slightly offline and slightly misjudged 52 degree there so got a downhill here right to left plenty of work to do it's not going to be too quick though because of the dew on the ground. But two puts over here would take not a bad line not a bad line just needed a bit more power i think yeah not bad. But still not still not quite there though is it. So this leaves pete in a good chance here to take advantage writing partner so we are probably a little bit further than our 12 feet with first thought. And he's playing shadow tricks playing with pete's head not very nice how do you feel come on fake roll within thank you willing someone's got to make a birdie. And i hope it's you we don't need this one do we don't need that one [Music] ryan pete great port great port one very much uh look at this this is now the six hole um. And it's what time are we on now this is by the way this is quarter to nine p.m we're playing we're playing golf in november we'll take it right come on par five. And a monster at that 572 meters big big hole [Music] oh it's down the right this whole frame goes perfectly and you've just knocked it just tight i've got a good partner on this one i've had a good partner all the way around obviously cool come on then.

Partner i have every faith in you on this whole i'm looking forward to this t-shirt i reckon this suits you perfect really it's too straight it's fastly straight oh water yeah that's good i don't think this is gonna be a two-shotter anyway. So we're doing well i think we're gonna be all right nice xiaomi thank you okay peers ready to unleash yeah going. For it changes hot color yeah it almost itched me a bit. And i think my golf brain was in this one this could be the smartest changing clothing golf has ever seen. But this remains to be seen maybe whoa whoa whoa whoa get the white one back on get the white one back on a little bit off to the right that one this well this time of night in turkey on holiday yes that is exactly what you should do reels are starting not to make sense anymore all right come on andy give it a smash should be okay okay. So hit the tree come down pierce a little bit of a line in here a long way back we're gonna be putting from inside ten feet for birdie on this one andrew yeah nice stuff on the right hand side nice that'll do me what have you intentionally laid up. For leave handed there uh it's it's it's not so much that's the bunkers we've got the bumpers on the right so it's good to have this very narrow throat to the entrance there so um if i'm hitting three wood which is gonna leave his 80 yards he's too close sorry. So the bunkers are in there in range mark choice look at that cap what brains is giving you right then.

Pete. So i've snuck us past these trees that the lads actually just managed to negotiate out of whoops i'm taking you to the sky uh right uh so what are you hitting pete um it's about 220 to those bunkers. So i'm just gonna nice easy four down there yeah four would leave me inside 100 yards yeah perfect we'll leave your shot into the grip that's all i can ask. For you're gonna see some great ball fight action bit lower as well here yes please lovely perfect great golf shot thank you all right guys. So andy how far are you away i've got 137. the flag is actually just over andy's head there a little bit of a hidden view tight left as well we have got no clue what the green looks like we have we just had a look oh you did is all right yeah it's good the flag's tight left. So there's quite a lot of room to the right of the flag so i'm not going to be actually going to flag here okay well peter says we have to be putting from inside 10 feet. So that's the rules that's the rules that were you one piece that's what i'll give you come on pete i want oh it's me next.

Yeah hit the green you'll be happy let's down it here we go come on baby. And it's the safe side you said a little bit to the right yep big bounce left that's b ten feet shot good shot though okay not too bad that's too bad. So pretty much the same with 137 in yeah probably one three five i'm gonna try. And hit the same shot i hit on the first hole but soft soft pin is there just over that top of the bunker a little nine little knife hold on there hold on there it's just going slightly left. But i think i think it's okay oh i've just just missed the green by about a yard i'll let you off oh sorry we're still friends. For the moment okay even though we've actually just just missed the green i'll try. And show you we're actually closer so guys it's just on you um a lot of discussion here they want some burden both having a look at this birdie channel this is this is do not disappoint [Laughter] yeah some channels like pars we like birdies let's go. For it knock it in i think it's in the hall mate okay pete. So uh he's got an interesting shot he's only just off the green he's got about probably got about 20 feet and he's gone for the putter now the grass is quite wet off the green. So it's going to be a very different place i think should we should we just keep talking. So we can't hear what we're saying so it's excellent club choice there come on partners yeah it's pretty straight right we have to give it a bit of a whack through them yeah imagine the hole is where the camera is yeah you can myself. And finch here uh promise you a birdie not many probably yeah we did we have only got one go each other we did we did it right. So guys um we want to now going to shift back over channels that's me my goals. And do subscribe. So if you've not seen me my golf which i'm sure you have done uh hopefully by this point you guys should be turned to a hundred thousand dollars all down to you guys help him a few more and guys as always check out french on his channel he's got loads of behind the scenes footage of this match as well guys so go and check that channel out check it out right back over to yours and we're going to continue the path a birdie streak i think it's impossible bogey channel to start with now with the eagle i like it channel tuned guys take charge [Music] you.