Hi guys my name is Rick shields down here at truffle Golf Center in Manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new Nike covert 2.0 driver really looking forward to testing this club I did love this driver last year I really was a big fan of it. And a lot of the tests that I did it out shown a lot of the golf clubs out there. So this is the new one this is a 2.0 one I mean we get it on GC to launch one it's technology today.

With real golf balls. And giving you all the figures that you could possibly want to see if this driver will improve your golf game whether it's a driver. For you to go and try and to test and see if you like it this is the normal version there is a tour version as well which has got a smaller kind of a deeper head. But this is the the full-on normal version what's different about this one is that the cavity at the back which is still there has got more reinforced. So it's got a little bit harder so it's sending the energy to the face a lot lot better so it's got next.

Core technology on the face as well so the idea of the cavity at the bottom is that it stops when the club hits either from the toe. Or from the heel the clubs flows to twist a lot less it still got the really vibrant red on the top and it's still got the nike tick the only difference at the top it's got a 2.0 alignment logo as opposed to a covert a logo that I had before but this is a driver that is really I'm looking forward to testing giving it a bit of a whack it's got a little bit of a facelift on the bottom. But not too much natural effect the performance of the golf club it's got a little bit of a facelift where you can see it's new. And it's got a new grip this is the new Tour wrap grip the white ones come on the normal grip. And the red ones of these come on the tour version I said the tour version last year wasn't very well kind of received because it was almost a bit too hard tip I think they've changed that now this year. So we're going to get giving it hit. And getting it on the GC to launch monitor and seeing how far this bad boy goes so behind the ball I do absolutely love it I think it's got such a good head to it I think it really does stand out. So big and bold certainly that red kind of texture to it the other feature as well I forgot to mention before is that it does have an adjustable neck. So you can change the loft of this from 8.5 degree all the way up to 12. And a half degree and you can change the face orientation to left neutral. Or to the right she's got loads of adjustability on this golf club as well and I've got it in stiff shaft this is the Carew cage standard night shaft that's going to be going on. So it's going to be really kind of useful to be able to see how far this golf ball goes I'm also in the future going to test this up against the old covert to see if there is much of an improvement whether I mean to be fair. And I can't really claim in that the balls go in 17 yards further as some other manufacturers may claim no names mention there. But this the nike aren't really doing that they're actually saying that this club is just being just improved a little bit better that's all the same. So I've got my nuts which is pretty good I'm also going to check the tests the 3-wood. And the hybrid and the new iron so do check out my channel. For that or check in the links description below they should be in there as well so let's give it a whack so we've got real golf balls GC 2 so we're not going to give Kerry distances. And my normal carry distance your driver is about 260. So we'll see how far is going about check the the line I'm also going to give you some dispersion data as well guys see how far right. And left of target this club is going. So obviously it's no use to hitting that long way if the ball doesn't go straight. So let's give it a test all that felt so easy that felt really really really easy to hit so 269 yards of carry distance there and it went it's actually saying it went 25 yards left which probably would still hit a fairway I didn't think it actually went that far left. And I must have just been aiming slightly wrong it didn't seem to go that far left of target but 25 yards you might just miss the fairway you might just stick it in the rough ok let's try another one that was towing that was definitely more toward a toe of the golf club. But it didn't twist anywhere near as much as I thought it was going to do it's still gone two hundred. And fifty nine yards I'll be honest that was a bit of a crappy hit. And it's gone 38 yards like the target that is left it's a bit dead to be honest with you. But that's only because it hit the toe and the club still would have the still be an effective gear affect which would have made the club turn the ball turn more to the left right that wasn't that a bit more my area there so I might take that one out the actual carry distance data on that it's got four three more that felt solid that felt more out the middle that was really nice 265 of carry distance. And only 4.1 yards to the right so not a bad hit at all that's more like the carry distance our decks bets I said I'd normally get about 260 with my driver my I've got a ping i15 at the moment. So let's see if that can just out pip that. And these are all carry distance as well guys it's a little bit down the left side. But felt like I hit that really solidly so it's gone 268 a much better carry distance and 17 yards to the left so again I would still say it was on the fairway. So to speak okay. So it's starting to now average over the distance I was kind of expect on average it to 64 at the moment I can probably get a few more yards out this just yep I felt better all to 5/9. And maybe not as far as I thought it was going to go that time maybe just a touch off the bottom of the golf club. And it's gone - it's gone just 12 years - the rights not a bad hit at all to be fair right come on one more I need to crank this one up a little bit I reckon working at this average up a little bit on this last shot let's see if I crank it let's see what happens if if I do get hold of one all that was better that was more out the middle that was much harder hit as well 277 yards of carry distance. So more to what I'm like to expect really with the driver of that distance really I mean I did try. And hit that harder but it was interesting only went six point seven yards to the right. So it was more accurate hit. And I hit it further so that's really raised the carry distance up quite nicely now so I'll pop all the figures up on screen for you and if we look along the column here we've got the ball speed on the left side my normal ball speed is about 160 I'll be honest with my normal Club. And using the ball ball that I've used the titleist pro v1 hundred and sixty ball speed is pretty good the launch angle there is about optimum. So that's launching for me about twelve point nine which is about right I said I've got this set up at nine point five at the moment there's a lot of talk about lofting up I have done a tailor-made SLD our video on loft Engel. And the advantages and disadvantages that and how far I hit it differently so you can check that out I'm going to put a little logo here. So you can check that out then.

We have a look along the columns as well this is an interesting one about the fifth column down fifth on the cross sorry 3102 revs per minute backspin now that is too much. For me so it's going to be interesting I'm going to test the tour version of this driver. And I think knowing the data that the tour driver is going to spin less I'm going to hit the tour driver further as long as it's still offering me the same level of forgiveness that's going to be an interesting test that's coming up next.

Week. So check out guys on my channel and the carry distance the average carry distance there was 266 yards. So not bad I've got I've got a bit more yardage out at the shots that I would normally hit I must admit my least one was two five nine. So it wasn't the best distance yet when I did hit the ball harder on that last one I got 277 yards now interested in right. And left dispersion the furthest right shot hit was 18 yards. And the furthest left shot I hit with 17 yards that would still be comfortably hit in the fairway you know as long as you're not playing somewhere ridiculous too tight that should still be hitting the fairway and if it's not should be in the semi rough it's not losing too much power so guys that is a club that's going to offer a huge level of forgiveness massive amounts of adjustability. But I'm going to definitely be getting my hands on the tour version of this. And testing this guy up in this version suits my game as much it could do. But guys it might suit your game so do definitely go. And try it it's a club that's that's because of that cavity are offering loads of forgiveness off the toe. And the heel shot and with all the neck technology loads and loads of forget just ability as well it's a great looking Club it honestly is. And it's one that's gonna be very popular a lot of the guys on tour Tiger Woods Rory macro using a tour version so I'm going to test that next.

Week I'm now going to get my hands on the three with the hybrid. And the iron so do check out my channel this week because they're all going to be coming out thanks very much watching my name's Ben Richards down here at traffic Golf Center in Manchester you can do check me out on Facebook. And Twitter and I'd love you to subscribe to the channel also do give it a thumbs up. And comment in the box below I will reply to comments guys. So do give me questions whatever you want to ask. And I will do my best to answer thanks. So much for watching definitely and hands on the for the.