Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester um today.

I've got my hands on the new nike cover vrs 2.03 wood this is the the new version of the old cover obviously last year it's had a face lift. So the bottom of it now it's still got the big cavity hole in the back of it offering much more forgiveness they're going to stabilize that fact that section as well to make it less twist even less than what it has done before um from below they've just had a little face lifting below. But on the top you cannot tell the difference hardly at all the only subtle difference is now that the uh instead of the alignment line used to say covert it now says 2.0 it's still red it's still got nike tick it still looks awesome. And i'm looking forward to really testing it i've just tested the driver so this is the just tested the normal driver. So that's you should be able to check out my channel for that and this is the the three wood of the this is the normal 3-wood not the tour 3-wood. So the tour 3-wood has a black head finish to it so the face to it and the bottom is more black. And it's also got an adjustable hose this hasn't this is just a 3-wood set in 15 degrees it's in stiff shaft. And it's in a kuru cage which is the manufacturer's shaft. And the other thing you can tell that's different is the grip this is now a white tor wrap grip a bit squishier. For guys probably playing in hot climates it's probably not a bad grip at all whether it be good as in the wet as we do get in in the uk quite a lot i'm not too sure. But it's uh i know a lot of people do use this grip. And they like it a lot so we've got it on gc2 and we're testing it with real golf balls i'm gonna hit some out the middle of the club first to give you some distances and how far this club's going then.

I'm gonna test how forgiving this golf club is right. So this is aimed. For pretty much every standard of golfer so if you are a higher mid high handicapper. And not hitting the middle as often as you should be does this give you the club that offers more forgiveness. So let's give it a white let's give it a hit and see what what actually happened so behind the ball it still looks pretty awesome i'd say i've tested the the hybrid in the three and the tour version as well before that so let's just check where i'm aiming actually i don't want to be aiming in the wrong direction okay we're on we're perfect apart from a big flock of seagulls that have just come down the range that seemed like a pretty decent hit. So slightly off the toe of the club 232 yards of carry distance also this club is offering a nex core face. So this should be producing faster ball speed so slightly thinner face that was a bit towie actually. So 232 off a slightly off-center strike felt more in the middle that really did feel more in the meat of the club 234 yards it's interesting as well i've hit those just a little bit left side of target. So 9.9 yards left and 14 yards left so a little bit left at target so it's not offering amazing forgiveness like i said the first one was slightly off the toe let's see if we can get a slightly better one this time i fear. For this flock of seagulls that have just come down on the range one of them might get hit hopefully we don't see a death live on youtube it's offering a very penetrate penetrative flight it's coming out quite low it seems to be flying up in there for a long time 230 yard again these are all carry distances. So i'd expect this to roll out a little bit more than that as well um and eight yards to the right that time so that's averaging the three decent hits at 132 yards so now i'm going to test it off the toe. And off the heel i've got some impact tape this is my own strike right target tape you can check you can get some of this in the description down below it's definitely worth testing with. So it goes on every club i'm going to fit it straight on there i'm gonna hit this one more out the toe of the golf club this time. And we'll see how far this one goes still that felt quite nice actually and that is definitely toe side of center you can see the mark on the club it's toe side of center. So that weight in the back is helping stabilize that club head a little bit it's gone 221 yards not as far as as the one before obviously the offset the centered hit. But it's still gone a pretty decent whack i'm going to try off the heel this time i'm going to strike it much more from the heel side of the club oh that was right off the heel it gets that cut spin on it that was definitely more heel side to center that time 223 yards. So off a toe and off a heel strike you're still getting quite a lot of forgiveness in this golf club i'm going to finish with one more smack bang in the middle i'm going to crank it up a little bit because i don't think those 230 ones are probably as far as i should be able to hit this club let's see if i give it a bit more of a rip out the middle definitely felt a little bit better it's just toe side of center actually i didn't twist as far. But 239 yards slightly toe side of center hit so guys that was my review of the nike covert 2.0 driver what i'm seeing this offering is maybe not a massive amount of of distance. But definitely forgiving so it's a three wood that's going to offer loads of forgiveness if you're not hitting in the middle of the golf club i'm going to be testing the tour version of this next.

Week. So that might be offering me better numbers than this one can offer. But for a club that's had a very successful season last year apart from mcelroy too much i think he was using the tour version this club was very very successful last year. And if like a look at some of the actual data on this club as well we can see. For that what we can actually uh kind of divulge from that information. So for the first three shots i hit we had a total average carry distance of 232 yards i think that's about 10 yards less than a normal 3-wood. For myself i normally carry about 240 with my own 3-wood and it's the same loft so it's not giving me loads and loads of carry distance but the interesting thing is on the three. Or so there's two shots that hit outer sink average still at 222 yards so i only lost maybe eight yards on that where enough centered hit on normal woods which didn't have the cavity in i know i'd lose a little bit more than that when i did stripe it when i did give it a bit more of a rip on that last one i did manage to get a total distance a total carry distance of 239 yards. So when it when it is hit hard. And when is hit more in the middle it will offer us much more distance. But i'm going to try to tour version of this next.

Week. But guys if you're in the market of a club that's going to be really forgiving. For 3-wood one that you can use off the tee as a replacement. For the driver definitely and one that you feel comfortable hitting off the off the floor like i was today.

It's got a really shallow face to it. And dead easy to hit so that's more aim for a high to mid handicap level um or a low handicapper who wants to get a bit more forgiveness with their fairway woods guys thanks so much for watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester and that was the knight e covert 2.03 wood please do check out my channel. For the other nike stuff that i've been doing and also all the other videos that i review and tips as well thanks so much for watching and please do subscribe you.