Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new nike cover 2.0 hybrid i've already done the drive review. And the 3-wood review so go and check out my channel for that but this is the hybrid version this is the normal version it's not the tour i'm going to be getting the tours in next.

Week. So i'll be trying them but this is the normal version we've got a little bit more forgiving head. So it's a bigger sized head it's still got this awesome red finish on it i love the night finish on this i'm glad they've stuck to that interestingly it's not got a lineup line on it where the other driver in the three would have the little 2.0 this has not got that but i suppose for a hybrid it doesn't really matter they've still got the uh the kind of cavity in the back so it sits a golf ball in it slightly um but it made that a little bit bigger a little bit deeper so it's more stable apparently but it's a much more forgiving head this is in the normal version you can't tweak the neck. So this is just a normal 9 a 20 degree. For a 3 hybrid in the tour version you can tweak the heads you can de-loft it you can add loft. And this is just in a normal kuru cage flex stiff shaft this is the stiff shaft now what i'm going to do on this club i'm going to get it on gc2 which is the launch one show you down here it's going to give us really closed accurate data i'm going to offer all that data to you guys watching. So you can make a decision whether this is a club you should try i'm also going to test it on off-centered hits the reason why you would use a hybrid more than the three iron let's say is because it's more forgiving. So it should be easier to hit off toe and heel goal shots so i'm going to test that theory using some impact tape. And still seeing how far the ball travels by hitting it off the wrong part of the golf club effectively um but we're going to give it a whack. And we're going to give it a hit um behind the golf ball it does offer. So much more kind of forgiveness than whatever has done before it the last version of it was much smaller in head shape than this this is a much bigger head shape. And it does sit a lot nicer it's almost in between a traditional hybrid. And the three wood head in my opinion just a little bit more now i would say for a three hybrid i would normally hit this about 210 yards on the carry so we'll see how far this is going oh that was nice oh that was that was a bit too easy to oh behave it's gone 233 yard carry it's gone 233 yards of carry i hit that nicely i must admit that was a bit ridiculous that felt really really nice off the face. And so easy to hit the other thing i just got to mention guys this has actually got a new tour wrap grip like the driver in the 3-wood this has got the white version so the white is the normal version. And the red one the red tour app is the the tour version 233 yards of carry set a couple more nice ones 227 yards of carry that is massive. And i'm not gonna lie to that i've hit the first one 1.5 yards to the right of target and i hit the second one 0.5 yards to the right of target i'm getting good at this game or is it just night because it just night that makes me feel like i'm good at this game they were pretty good right one more good one oh that's the easiest hybrid i've ever hit i'm gonna put it out there that's the easiest hybrid i've hit 229 yards. And 5.8 yards to the left of target that is really nice that is really solid. So what i'm going to do now i'm going to test it on an off-centered strike. So those three shots gave me an average of 230 yards of carry distance with a three hybrid not three wood or three hybrid so i've got some of my strikeout impact tape which is available in the link down in the description below. So you can test that out we're going to hit some shots. And if i'm going to hit it off from the the toe edge of center first. So like i said 230 yards is the carry distance if i catch this one out the toe let's see what actually happens. So because this has got all that padding it shouldn't affect it too much it's out the toe not massively out the toe but it is out the toe. And it's still gone 225 yards let me just try and hit one more out a bit more out the toe there a little bit more out the toe than that that was out the toe that was definitely more out the toe i felt the club twisted my hands. But not ridiculous 211 yards off a toe strike don't think that's too bad i don't think that's too bad considering let's say a shot that would go 230 if you're hitting it 20 yards less off a really off-centered strike i don't think you're getting that punished i think if i hit it from there with like let's say a three iron. Or something that would really have punished me right heel shot let's go more off the heel this time that was way off the heel that was ridiculously off the heel just have a look at that i nearly missed the thing that was two that was right off the heel. And it still went 212 yards i tell you what you do that with a um an iron you would shank it. And it did go 10 yards to the right. So it went 10 yards to the right of target offer severely off-centered strike so guys that is showing how forgiving this golf club actually is by the way this sticker when bought just comes off that easy. So it's definitely worth getting some of that stuff um so the night cover 2.0 hybrid i'm going to throw the figures up on screen now. So you can see all that as well. And if we look at the bottom three first the bottom three are highlighting our best shots. And they were really nice we've got ball speed averaging at 147 miles per hour which is pretty fast we're offering launch angle that's lower than the loft which is about 14. And a half 15 degrees which is pretty solid as well massive amount of height. So once it's come out low it's then.

Rising up in the air and it's actually peak height it's 40 yards up in the air so when it comes down to drop it'll drop pretty quickly now for a hybrid that's pretty good because you're gonna hit it into path threes long par threes or long power fives so you want the ball to stop fairly quickly and like i say the average carry distance 230 yards that's pretty good you know for a hybrid that is pretty solid. And that that's not me trying to hit the ball hard that was just normal. And what i was really really impressed with is off the right. Or left it was my furthest right shot went 1.5 yards to the right. And my furthest left shot went 5.8 yards to the left so the dispersion is pretty awesome there were the three good shots now if i go. For the three off centered strikes i hit two out the heel and one out that's two out of the tone one out the heel and the average carry distance then.

Was 216 yards. So i lost effectively 15 yards off off off centered strikes um the ball speed really dramatically dropped to 138 from 148 to drop 10 miles per hour off-center hits but again the furthest right shot i missed was 10 yards that would still be not getting you in trouble. And the furthest left shot was 8.3 yards to the left. So fairly forgiving golf club so guys that's my review of the nike covert 2.0 hybrid i do think it offers ultimate forgiveness. For a hybrid club i really really do i'm really impressed with that it's definitely one to be trying as a as a high to mid handicapper who wants ultimate forgiveness from the longer range of your golf clubs a lot of manufacturers now aren't really featuring three irons this is a fantastic replacement. For that um you might think i'm on advertisement. For nike i honestly aren't this i really am not this is just a club that just felt awesome. So guys that was the my review of the night cover vrs 2.0 hybrid you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment below. And i will reply to as many as i possibly can thanks very much. For watching you.