Hi guys my name is rick shields down here today.

At formby hall golf club in south portland. And i'm doing some testing for the nike cover 2.0 tour um thanks very much for behold for letting me let us come down here and do some filming today.

And also do check out richie marsden who's the head of coaching down here these uh trackman of. And uh all different amazing pieces of equipment in their swing studio but now to the important bit we've got the covert 2.0 tour so i did the the normal three wood last time we've got it on gc2. So i've got all this set up i'm hitting real golf ball still so nothing has changed when i do normally test it in my studio absolutely nothing has changed. So we should get a very kind of comparable results to how i hit the three with last time now the average tree would for the last time was 230 yards carry um the difference with this it's a slightly smaller head slightly smaller it's got the black finish it's also got the adjustable neck technology. So i can loft this now from 13 degrees all the way to 17. And also i can move it left neutral. Or to the right i've got it in stiff this is just the kuru cage stiff flex shaft 70 grams. And also the difference with the uh covert toys does have a red velvet grip on it a red tour wrap grip sorry not velvet torad grips that's how you can kind of see the difference between the two. But this looks like a great golf club it's just got a dead simple 2.0 logo upon the top it's still got the nike red on it with the white tick on the back and i say we're going to be hitting five real golf balls again on gt2. And seeing what the results have to offer so behind the ball it does sit a little bit smaller. And nicer than the actual covert normal i didn't get massively on with the covert last time it wasn't the most favorite book club but this one now with it being slightly smaller in the head should offer me a little bit more kind of looks wise it does look a little bit tighter. And nicer to off the deck i'm going to hitting these off the floor as well i'm also going to be checking dispersion line on this as well. So let's set a few to start off with oh that's really nice that'll come out hot 231 yards of carry distance and the flight was really nice. And low there it's got a little bit left but the actual flight of that golf ball then.

Was really really nice let's try another one oh god yeah i'm really a big fan of that that flight that flight really suits me 240 yards of carry distance. So a much better hit and what i like about it it's coming out low but then.

Staying up in the air really nice and i've i tried the cover uh hybrid and i loved the normal covert hybrid didn't massively get on with the tour one you should check that out my channel as well i've got the driver up next.

To tesla you can check all those out. But that felt really really good and that went just a little bit left to target 16 yards left to target right let's go three more oh that that feels awesome i'm really liking the feel off the head there what i like about it is that it sits small when it's compact behind the wall it's carried at 230. well like how it's sitting compact behind the ball it looks a lot more tidier doesn't look as chunky as the normal version. So it looks easier to hit off the deck let's go two more that did go straight as well seven yards to the right. So nice and straight there let's go two more shots now caught that one a little bit heavy a little bit off the bottom but it still looks like it's carried quite a long way 226 i didn't hit that amazing didn't hit that great so got one more and we're currently averaging at 232 yards so a couple of yards over the normal version i wouldn't expect too much difference in the same length of shaft you know it's the same technology it's just the tour version you can adjust the neck a little bit. And let's say you can change it's got more adjustability to it i wouldn't expect a great deal of difference in distance wise easy of hit this this does seem really easy to much nicer golf club certainly a 3-wood than you would normally get off a uh off the big one off the normal one i'm going to i'm going to give this one a bit more of a hit see if we can just get this average just to pop up a little bit higher i ideally wanted to get into about two three five would be a nice average distance that's gotta be the best one i hit i'm loving that flight that is really nice i know 230 yards against back smack bang on the nose. So if we have a look at the data now up on screen i'll pull that up for you there's five golf shots there we've got 231 yards of carry distance so pretty much identical to the normal version now honestly i wouldn't expect much difference you know this isn't offering a turbo booster all it's offering is a little bit more adjustability. And a slightly smaller more shallow header address which i prefer looking down at um it's offering it's giving us lots of ball speed 152 ball speed which is pretty good. For a 3-wood so the next.

Core next.

Core face technology is bringing that ball off nice. And hot and its peak height is 28 yards up in the air. So quite a nice ball flight it's going to be able to stop into a green if you're into a power five. But if you do want to take it a little bit lower i reckon it's got the capability of doing this as well. But like i said that is a pretty solid golf club i would say it was slightly nicer to hit than the the normal version. But that was my own opinion you know you guys go. And test this out but nike have really kind of um they've not they've not claimed they've not come out there and said right this golf club will go 15 17 yards further unlike other companies they're not nike aren't saying that they're just saying they've improved what they had last year. And i do completely agree with that i think they've improved this version than what did last year guys do check out all the other reviews i've done. For the nike equipment you can also check out the driver review i'm going to be doing that next..

And again get it on gc2 and it's got the the normal version which i quite liked to come up against i think the spin rates on this new one will be a bit better. For me so we'll see if that that proves the point guys thanks so much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at form behold golf club and again i want to thank flambe hall you can check out their twitter name as well it's in the descript description down below. And do thank again thank richie marsden. For letting us come down here today.

And use the facilities thanks so much for watching and please do subscribe.