So youtube land we have got today.

The night covert driver against the taylormade sldr this is going to be a longest drive championship. Or tournament should we say against two of the big dogs in today's market uh the nike one came out earlier this year uh phenomenal reviews i've done on it so far it's been a lot of the drivers but today.

It's up against the sldr the new taylormade one the one with the adjustable weight at the bottom to hit it straight draw. Or fade so it is. So to speak i've got these both in nine and a half degrees of loft both in stiff shaft in their standard stiff shafts i've got them on neutral settings in each so completely and utterly fair test i'm hitting real golf balls a similar golf ball as i can possibly get out the ones i've got in the practice bag i'd love to be hitting all pro v1s guys. But unfortunately i can't do that just. Yet it will be coming soon though hopefully. So we've got the two drivers head to head here and i'm really looking forward to hitting them both um we'll start off with the covert first we've got them all on flight scope now the idea of today's review what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit five goal shots. And we're not only going to do a longest drive championship as well with all five we're also going to do a dispersion championship as well. So the one how kind of wide they are compared to also how long they are. So we have a longest drive champion and the dispersion champion that might be the same club but we'll see how they get on anyway um right nike over first very very highly uh talked about driver this year um came out with this new cavity which pretty much is the same size to fit a golf ball into the idea is it doesn't twist. So much on off centered strikes so if you do hit it a little bit out the toe in the heel not that i ever do obviously guys you know that i always hit out the middle yeah right um it all doesn't twist as much. So the moment of inertia is much much better. So i've got on flight scope we've got all that set up this is today's testing guys. So temperature wise it's not the greatest october day in the world a little bit of breeze and just a tiny bit mild obviously here it in manchester right let's give these a bit of a rip it's a bit of a wide one it's a bit of a loose start then.

Starting shot but i think it should get some decent distance on it it's very loose 271 no distance wise that's much better that's a really nice golf shot just to the right hand side of target. So look at the distance on that one 277 so not a bad hit set a few more i've got to keep watching that that's as straight down the target line as i can possibly hit it. And that one's gone two eight two that's a fantastic goal shot you should see that up on screen now guys two eight two club head speed 106. let's give it two more hits oh it's another nice one it's another nice one just to the right hand side of my target am i it's a tightness ball anyway it's yellow but it's the tightest one 290 on that one apart from that first one they have been quietly quite tightly hit actually it's a shame i hit that first one a bit wayward it's a nerves guys you put all this pressure on me oh nicely hit just to the right hand side of that target another good distance hopefully so 282 so that was my five with the night cover um fantastic feel sounds great i did hit him pretty much middle the power let's say apart from that first one hitting fairly straight as well. So i might have a bit bit of an effect on the actual dispersion on that so let's get on to the sldr the new taylormade bad boy i'm just going to change the setting on flight scope to a new club okay we're good to go. So different obviously color head the gray head i've got it in neutral setting nine and a half degrees oh it's come out lower it's come out has come out lower it's not far away from target though just to the right hand side 285 not a bad start 108.9 club head speed so it's a bit faster there with the club at speed now these two clubs are the same length because i'm identical in length. So i've obviously just been starting to speed up a little bit oh there nice to hit straight down the target line oh it doesn't seem as long that one though we'll see what it says on the flight scope so i'm trying to get a similar golf ball as i can here oh god you have real short one two four seven what a what a weird one that one was i felt like hit it well that's better launched it up in the air a bit more there yeah much better distance i'm not quite sure what happened to that one previous to that 301 big boy they can't have been 50 yards difference in those two i think that last one was a bit of a tough one i'll be honest with you oh it's a nice hit again straight over our target line. And then.

We've got one more 304 big boy again okay one more oh it's bottomed it's bottomed it's not as good shame what shame it should still get some decent distance on it two nine seven. So distance wise the the sldrs has instantly come out a lot further club head speed is slightly starting to increase whether i'm just warming up a little bit. But i do try. And make these tests as far as i can guys unless i hit alternate shots each time. And do leave comments if that's something that you you think might be a good idea in the future um what i will do though is i will take out to make it the fairest test there was a complete error with this one. And the narrower this one i hit the first one real bad with this one i think it was the third shot with this one was bad as well. So i'm going to take those two shots out to try. And make it the fairest comparison i can possibly do guys join me in a minute to check out what the flight scope figures are telling us. And see which one of these two is the longest. And which one has got the best dispersion so the results are in. And like i said i did i've taken out two of the my error shots really the first one with the nike covert i'll hit way offline. So i'm not going to count that one at all. But the total distance or the average distance sorry out of the golf shots that i've hit there was 283 yards with the night covert. So not too bad really um clubber toby was about 105 on average. And that was me hitting it full you know normal hitting um smash factor was good 1.4 right it spun not too bad 3400 it launched okay 12.9. And it was easy very very easy to hit unbelievably easy to hit now what is interesting with that is that this dispersion of the covert was only nine yards out of the four shots that hit was only nine yards dispersion which is pretty awesome. So if you're going to want to hit fairways the cover is right up there with some of the best of them now if we're going to the sldr. And again i took out the weird second shot the ball the ball kind of dropped out the air really i said i'm hitting real golf balls down here now the distance is far superior 297 yards average distance out of the four shots i hit there the club head speed did increase 109.8. But again i was hitting it as normal as i would do um whether the the technology in it whether it's a bit lighter. And it got faster club speed it might be might be the fact smash factor wasn't as good 1.41 so the smash factor for you guys not quite sure out there that's the ratio between what the club head speed is hitting the ball. And what the ball speed is coming out at. So for example if we hit the golf ball at 100 miles per hour with the club head and the ball came out 150 miles per hour the smash factor would be 1.5 and that's kind of optimum really as close to 1.5 we can get the better it's launched a little bit low. And i said that on couple of couple of shots as well it's launched at 10.3 now the dispersion was 24 yards. And that's after the bad one that hit as well i know it did fall out the sky. But the dispersion on those four shots i hit was 24 yards. So nowhere near as tightly dispersed as the night cover so we've got a bit of a mixed result we've got the taylormade sldr as the longest driver out the two no question about it it's absolutely smashed it on distance. But the dispersion the night cover completely demolished the taylormade sldr and dispersion so guys i'm going to leave it in your capable hands to make the right decision i know that you will. And i trust that you can you can use this information to your uh best of needs really right. So this is just me giving my opinion on it uh i am human i'd love to buy a swing robot a golf robot. And do all the testing on that. But that's not realistic so you have to report with me at the time hopefully you've enjoyed the video still and do enjoy them i do put all the figures up there the real figures i'm not messing up with them. Or anything else they're the figures that flight scope are giving me. So giving you the most honest opinion i can possibly do as well guys if you have enjoyed that please do check out my channel i've got loads. And loads of videos i've done loads of longest drive tips reviews you can do that you can check out the description down below. For the channel and do subscribe as well check me out on facebook. And twitter i do loads of competitions loads of giveaways. And everything else on there and more tips thanks very much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic off central manchester and that was the nike covert against the taylormade sldr we had the longest against the straightest thanks very much. For watching [Music] so [Music] you.