Hi welcome to rick shields down here at trafford golf centre in manchester and we're going to be doing some three wood comparisons today.

Against the top 10 three woods out on the market currently at the moment i've done some previously. And i've done i'm gonna do some more in the future. But i've done drive reviews iron reviews so this time it's review of the three woods we're gonna get it on flight scope i'm gonna choose the best three out of the five that i hit with each i'm gonna draw the names out the hat so it's a fair comparison and hopefully you're gonna enjoy the results so we're going to let you pick. So first one i'm going to go with the it's the nike cover. So the normal nike covert the slightly bigger one against the tour the tour is in there whether it's going to get picked up against it i'm not sure let's try the next.

One is it going to be the tour it would be a bit weird if it was ridiculous honestly they are all in there right it's against the tour i have got all the other just to prove because i want you to think this is a fix. For example i've got the titleist 913 in there i've got the the thing g25 it's the two nike three ones it's probably the one that you want to see most most um most desperately really so it's the nike covert against the night covert tour i'm going to get these two on flight scope we're going to see which one is going to be the most consistent we're going to see which ones are going to be the longest. And also we're going to test them on flight scopes to see which one out the two is the best enjoy right. So we've got the nike over against the covert tour it's a comparison video to see which of those these two is going to be the best hitting club. And hit five golf balls real golf balls i'm going to take the best three out the five. And then.

Give you the results to show you out are these two which one's the best. So benefits and features on the two woods really they're in identical lofts i've got them exactly 15 degrees and exactly the same um flecks of shaft the tour does come with a slightly more tour defined shafts whichever slightly heaviest it's 17 instead of 60.. But apart from that they're exactly exactly the same um the tour one you can adjust. So you can set it at different angles. And you can do it to left. And right and the normal one is just set as it is. So this one came out the hat first we're gonna hit this one first five golf balls see how they do see how they get on. And then.

We'll give you the results enjoy i'm enjoying this one i'm going to look forward to this one because i think this is one that a lot of people have been questioning which one of these two is the best. And obviously this was not a fix it did come out the hat as genuinely as you can get it out the hat okay let's give this a go forgot to mention i'm going to hit them all off the tee to get the cleanest quality of strike i can possibly hit get. So let's see what the starting number of that one is give you a bit of a benchmark 242.. So it comes out quite high a bit launchy but very nice feel to the club i'm trying to get clean golf balls to get the most best comparison i can possibly get it's going to set this screen slightly different. So i can actually see the results eyes are getting a bit shots are 2 4 6. all three of them have been straight down the middle though all really solid hits 247 very consistent a little bit more to the right that time just riding on the wind now left slight left to right wind now air today.

Oh it's a short one two two five it is short it went a bit higher that one oh that was beautiful that's the best one without question that's really nice great flight nice height hopefully that should get a better distance out of it yeah 245 much better. So let me change the setting on this now to the covert tour interesting probably not as long as i'd expected it to have been i'm gonna put that one out because it's dirty not as long as i expect it to be i expected that one to go a little bit further so let's see if now the tour can beat it. So slightly smaller head it's got the black finish instead of the chrome finish but apart from that it's pretty much identical oh so it's lower just launches a touch lower whether that's because the shaft is fraction heavier might well be oh two two nine no not a big hit see what distance that one's getting slightly harder to hit slightly less forgiving two three one it's got some catching up to do well that one should be nice that's dead straight down the middle really nice solid ball flight 264 there we go it's more like the distance. So it's just a little bit of breeze out there today.

Seems to be picking up just a fraction nike ball. For a nike club let's see the last one oh i don't know if i've middled that felt bit toei it's going to be interesting the results on that. So join them in a moment i'll get the results up on screen and then.

We'll see out the cover and the covert saw which one of those two was the best. And longest so we've got the results i've taken the worst two out of the five and it's left us with the average of the three some really interesting results between the covert and the covert tour so we'll start off with the covert the cover averaged at 246. it's not a bad hitting three well that's pretty good the benefit of that it was incredibly accurate the dispersion out of the uh covert was only four yards dispersion very very little sideways. Or long ways it didn't seem like there was going to be that much difference between each shot which is great that's something that you obviously need to rely on when you're playing golf the covert tour let's see what that one got. So the covert tour averaged at 250 so the covert tour was longer beat it by four yards not a great difference. But by four yards and the dispersion however. was 12 yards with the covert tour. And i must admit it was harder to hit it was slight i found that out with the driver as well the tour driver was harder to hit than the normal covert um. But yeah it still it is longer there's no question about that. But it's just not quite as easy to hit the features with it is adjustable. So you can maybe deal off the club. Or make a bit more height on it and turn it left and right to make it a bit more um dispersion better but to be fair the cover for me was the easier club to hit. And the one that i would probably put more in my bag than the actual tour one do you need four yards you need five yards you even need 10 yards would you rather be straight. And i think that's the question you need to ask yourself when you're looking at buying these two do test them do um get them out on the range. And get them tried hopefully you've enjoyed today's video i'm glad you've watched it please do check out my other ones as well i've got all the other three wood comparisons my other driving comparisons i've done in the past check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel guys it really does help me kind of make more videos. And more more information so you can enjoy. And start playing better golf thanks so much for watching i've been rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester.