All right guys so now we have moved into the nike vapor pro driver this is smaller headed less spinning alternative to speed that you've just crushed. And you've just started that with a fantastic golf shot a little bit to the right but a fantastic hit yeah. So we've just done the speed the speed shots are the ones in the white line that we've just seen on the simulator there average carry of 221. So let's see what the pro does yeah what do you what do you think about the the idea of a i mean it's not a massively smaller head. And no i mean we've used the same shaft you might not you might not have caught in the last video we just we used the fabuki 50 gram stiff flex i didn't kind of touch on that until right at the end of the video no it's uh i like it i mean we tried the small head in the mizuno if you remember uh we did the testing ages back there was 440 cc uh in the mizzou no is that smaller small head okay yeah there's only bobby ed uh could put the forces yep. And i've been hit by a truck people i like the look of this i think the uh what is this called vault why would it not become vault exactly what would it not be nobody looks like teenage mutant ninja turtles um yeah this vault color uh sets off well with the slightly blacker face speed uh completely white face. And really stands out compared to the black face of the pro yeah. And i think with the black head. And the vault grooves it really stands out yeah i think the contrast is a lot better if you're looking. For just sheer aesthetics yeah i think that stands out better um the small head doesn't doesn't interest you well no that's what interest doesn't worry me in the slide it's not massively. And to be fair and that might not even be true i think it's somewhere i think the dimensions of it are different to the speed. And that's pretty much it it's a lovely lovely looking club it really is yeah the first first shot was phenomenal let's see how it compares to the speed in distance. And forgiveness and all that jazz yeah i think that'll be the big thing it will be forgiveness if anything uh especially with me yeah just nearly took the camera out you might have heard that whiz past your ears guys i think it actually did yeah okay yeah it was underwater over 200. For distance-wise now you can you could possibly if you wanted to we're not going to do it because we didn't do it on speed you can put this in the left setting as well if you needed to. So it's got adjustability and loft and you can go left right. And and it'll have a bike towards left yeah left right. And a half degrees yeah is it a few more that's fair enough i think that's just more of a bad swing then.

That was was causing that you might they might have heard it on the camera while going bad switch which pastor is there she is that looked like a lower spinning flight it was can you tell what you know what i mean by that it kind of just went popped out there which was a different flight uh still not quite getting the same carry distance you're doing it no it's not sir what's up sir you get yourself set up i'll look after that. For you we'll make it carry out of him yeah yeah i'm gonna help look after you today.

Right um. So far not not massively impressing against the speed but still for rob's driving distances normally about 200 this is still carrying further yeah it is oh rob that went did pick up no didn't up you're right you're okay that'll be an epic fail yeah that's more swing fault than club that's that's that's me that's that's uh poor swinging you know give us one more then.

We can actually have a look at some of the averages yeah club head speeds down on this. And spin rate is lower funny enough really well it should be the pro head should be spinning lower because it's a smaller head. And it's more squashed up and squished and everything else so it's going to spin a little bit less. But yeah i mean if we can find if we can find straight on this we'll get really good comparable right let's come on go on dobby ah pants would you say i'm struggling with this one yeah i i think yeah it's it's i don't understand why can i have one more because you can just uh i'll take that last one out let's just sort myself out because don't forget robert this is you know there are different it's a different side it's different shaped head it's not going to be it's not not every single driver i mean the speed one really performed well. For you yeah well let's give it a smack yeah i don't understand why i'm it's not pants now that's the one almost a great shot it's better just slightly pushing this. And it's funny because we're in the same shaft nothing's changed it's a monster hit though but yeah it's still going it's not longest on tesla i think actually isn't it 227 carry yeah it's longest time test right let me pull those figures up. And let's have a look at let's dive through let's see if there's anything that we can kind of take from those. So we've got white as the top four four shots of the uh nike vapor speed and in the last five of the nike vapor pro uh club head speed is tiny bit down on the pro yep only a tiny bit uh i'm not really seeing anything that stands out to why it should be down um there's one lower than the than the vapor speed. But that's about it nothing different ball speed is considerably less. For you with the pro so whether the center of the club couldn't quite get activated as well potentially um spin rate is phenomenal spring rate is 1800. So it's a lower spinning yeah. But you're just not finding right in the meat yeah just not quite getting it i think it must be just a little bit smaller rob yeah i think well would just be that now 215 carry. So it's only lost six yards it's but it's then.

Also got the longest carry two to seven yeah average total distance two four one yeah i'm putting that down to to dobby swing rather than nike bad technology okay that's more down to me than anything else uh i'd simply say that um i can't i can't fault the design on the numbers the when i you know you've said in the swing i felt there's a couple of times i've actually shifted. And not brought it around so i absolutely blame me i like the club the club is actually nice um speed. Or not to look at yes to look at um because of the black face because of the black face uh to look at yeah i do like it if you go off performance performance wise thought would be it has to be yeah has to be this way the numbers can't lie no. So i think with with time i think you could have with possibly even another 10 shots you could have found your balance with that. But we want to do it it's like the same tester this club. And all the rest of the clubs that we're going to hit yeah rating out of 10. uh 10 because of the numbers everything i'd say an eight i think before you probably matched it nearer to the speed yeah. But the numbers just didn't quite match up to the speed yeah to look at to look at it. And aesthetically disappointed because that was almost the one you like yeah i like it yeah. And it can be you can swear a lot of people you know you like the look of something you go oh get it they didn't get it. And he just becomes the biggest anti-climax and it's not horrendous but it's just not as good no exactly. And for me it's been anticlimactic all the all the club head data as well i'm going to leave on screen. For you guys if you want to have a digest through that you're more than welcome to for where where uh rob hit it on the face how his path was. And everything else just to say it compared to the speed i don't think there's a much difference there's not really a lot of the other numbers are in fact a lot of the other numbers are very very aligned it's just that with the pro you leave in the face two degrees further open at contact yeah that's it yeah. And we saw that with the flights guys if you've enjoyed the video thumbs up comment down below let me know what you think about rob's reviews i think the phenomenal please do show me show him some love. And comment down below he's a great reply to comments and now we're going to move on to some more drivers which one nick robbo by the way strickson what else have we got one of those first. So let's add the strixing because i've never hit anything strixing so i'm gonna go with the shrinks and i think it's the five four five right um yeah five four five z five four five stay tuned guys we're gonna give this a smash with rob potter uh see how it performs on gc2. And then.

We're gonna go on to the callaways guys thanks for watching we'll see you next.
