All right guys we're going to now start off with a new batch of testing with mr. rob pasta 13 handicap we're going to start off with the drivers. And we've got something quite luminous in your hands there up yeah it's looking like it's sellafield. Or Chernobyl wow so this is a Nike Vapor speed driver. And we've also got the pro head as well we're going to talk about too much with the Flex we're going to these two in separate videos see how they perform on GC 2 with Rob who's like say 13. And the capper with all some driver testing with him before in the past so we saw a fantastic gains and this is none of this is fitted I've just gone straight off the shelf ten. And a half stiff flex let's see what it does yes it's the simplest way of doing it yeah. And what do you think I like it I like the simplicity of it it's a black head which is much better oh it's a different colour than white. And so I like that the luminous color doesn't really matter coos I'm the best of the club you're not really going to see it it just needs to shine out when it's nice that's trying to track you that's fine the one thing that. For certainly for a mid handicapper is cylinder hang around the covers. Or still golfers because it's Nike it's Rory it's Tiger ish because he's not really doing much is that there's no alignment at the top on the top of ground there's absolutely no alignment it's all saying were the middle of the phases. So some amateurs like that so I just don't know you know could very pleased my flight although if you're going to start aiming. For with the but that way you know with the Nike swoosh is what you doing a lot of the hill I yes it's got the big swoosh on the back which you can see. But that's the only bit of vault the actual Loomis color is Rob yeah vault really was that coming from whoever patented that just need slapping purple they go there. For that vault you know right Bob let's go for it so we're gonna do the speed head first then.

We're going to swap over videos. And do this do the pro head Sarat performs yeah the design I'm liking that this this code taking this is pushing the center gravity forward. And everything like that yeah. So off-centered hits is more support. For the toe and the heel interesting this is like an upside down version of the top flight driver that was out in the early nineties where'd you come up with this stuff it was a top flight drivers out in the early 90s I never had about cut out here on the McCrone that went in. So it was hollow. And your met yeah more Sun belong we usually my mate your net friend of the show rival pal let's do this alright good start Chris that rob hey always the CCC soulful on a plan I want it Hobbit let's do it looking forwards this what's a good Carrie go Carrie. For me anything over 200 yeah I can carry something obvious we got the arrow burner flying out there I got 50 that tailor-mades that's what Rob's currently using. But we thought would give it a bit of a go with this that was nice well alright oh well yeah felt wonderful off now you see it now you've seen the result. So two to three carry 148 91 clubhead speed very good spin rate 1700 with very very high launch yeah you hit the nail on the head that was very impressive that was that was a good start off really winning feel okay yeah he did I see it felt felt felt quite now this is honestly just off the shelf we've just gone straight stiff shaft ten. And a half degrees and that's what we're gonna do with most of the drivers here we've got to test. So yeah we got a good compact comparison that that's fair enough it does look good from when you're looking down on it it really does look nice nice Oh baby hi super drawer look it up well oh he'll be boom sizzle mashup that's that's the tall surprise yeah sure please you know I just want to great spin numbers again high launch low spin yeah everything you want to be doing with the driver yeah very much. So just what ad I've never hit a Nike driver ever so that this is this is literally the first ivett. And a key driver you never even hit the covert no then.

Hit the red one no didn't hit the square one nope nope I add the Callaway scroll add the FT IQ okay well - great starts - great starts really grace to her well they're liking this ah then.

We always story took a bubbling you always show those ones yeah he's got to do it you know. So that was a bit heavy Rob kind of hits a little bit - from the inside a little bit too far the way up yeah. So I kind of punished you a bit there yeah my turn out. For the averages yes thank you we'll leave it in. For fun yeah yeah just just see I can be a human what more than normal. And the fact that we just don't cook we just keep hitting shots and Sarah it goes on yeah cheers up no worse you're welcome there you go girls. But we're good me there you go back on I'm on it that's lovely art that really does feel nice it's. So easy to hit yeah. So so easy to hit that and everything just fell I'm not going at these no no no I'm really not going at Lee give me a give me one more. So ah ah okay. So far so good yeah it feels really nice another good head look at those eye that's the kind of drive-in looking. For sty signs it that's really really nice to it up let me pull up the figures novel quick a quick glance at things so so when a take out only because it stupid to leave it in is that third shot third one yeah I'm going to take that one out right averages. So we're going to be able to use this as an average from this shot. And also all the drivers that were hit in today.

So this is kind of a starting block. But also a key way of knowing how far Rob's hitting each Club clementa me is about ninety one ninety two it's around that mark which it pretty much always is ball speed down is up to 130 relatively good smash factor 1.43 yep spin rate is phenomenal the spin rate on the four shots there You've average at two thousand eighty one that's really impressive because with your launch angle of nineteen degrees that's actually a really good combination yeah yeah you when you went even when went sailing made you didn't get that spin rate no I was looking you're. So in half around that mark and it was run about 16 to 17 degrees I was hitting launch angle yeah. And carry distance average 221 for a total distance of 244 how that's not just going to go straight your back I don't know that's just this really nice of right I said I've I've mopped Nike a lot over the years I felt they were a gimmick club. Or a gimmick brand apologies for that because the stats clear don't prove that because the pros are winning trouble if we set up. But yeah there's just been always been my personally I'm already very good finder will reenact rating out of 10 what would you give out as ratings I'm gonna throw this one straight in other 9 Wow because of the it's not a loud hit a storm is gonna go cheap no it just goes. And then.

Phenomenal figures yeah yeah I'm going to leave all the clubhead data up on screen there as well guys you can see that all the columns on the right they're all Club ed data. So you can dive through that as much as you want see where Rob hits it on the face how his path was how his angle of attack will see whether it suits your kind of game. So with the great well you're now going to jump on the Nike Vapor Pro before do that rating out of oh yeah I just had to rub. But every do it start the video don't let me forget the rating at the end. And we did it twice you don't have to remind him twice go. And check out Rob on Twitter as always yep and his beard do give him some love in the comments below because he's a fantastic require. But only giving love don't give many hey I don't like that stuff we're getting onto the other drivers now we're going to go pro next.


We've got a selection of drivers more as well. So that's gonna be interested here you hit those do subscribe click like if you've enjoyed Rob's review review. So far I think he's done an awesome job firstly. And let's swap that shaft and put it in the pro oh chef we didn't really talk about it no quick on fubuki 50 gram stiff flex done alright stay tuned guys we'll see you next.

Time you.