So here you go guys on youtube here is a video of one of my new clients today.

Sam liverton who's come to me uh of 12 handicap at the moment not played a great deal of golf over last year because he actually got injured uh playing football. So or soccer if you're watching the us so we've worked on a few back to basic things today.

And just kind of getting back to the uh the swing that he was capable of doing now what was happening is uh it came in this morning shanking it like crazy. And really hitting the heel badly and if we just look at this very quickly this is his 99 shots. And we've got some areas here obviously in the back swing is super super flat we were trying to de-redirect it getting way too inside with the golf club here hitting the hosel. And just not enjoying the golf game much at all and certainly it's frustrating from a decent player who has had a a bit of time off and has come back not playing brilliant so what we thought we'd do we jumped out straight onto this piece of equipment here on the right side this is the explainer if you've not seen it before a big loop. And it's kind of to illustrate the um swing plane of the golf swing and you use a big heavy roller so it's really useful to use to be able to get players into good positions uh and what we worked on initially was to get the club to hinge vertical up a lot more. So we got back to the kind of halfway point where the hinge is here. And got the feeling the thumbs were pointing more upwards. So as we go back here they get the thumbs pointing upwards so this shaft would actually on the shaft of this would actually point back down to where the golf ball would be if it was positioned on the on the floor there. And that felt odd and weird and horrible at first but as sam got better at it and better and better he actually started to achieve that really nicely so we went outside we did a little bit of work on that. And then.

We jumped back on the jump back inside and did a bit more practice to get the feeling of it going kind of straight back. And then.

Vertical up more so you can see there it's improved from where it was originally here on this left hand side let me just bring that back in. So it has improved from where it was originally came back down on a much better plane. And would hit some nicer golf shots so that's again airborne and out in the middle of the golf club so we kind of started to advance i didn't think we'd be able to advance it this quickly uh this uh this well to be fair. So what we've done from there now is we took it to the halfway position we hinged it more vertical up i also gave sam a little bit of a drill to get him to feel like he was going more vertical up. And we stood him up against the brick wall with his bum back kind of six inches away from the wall and got him feeling like he wasn't going to hit that wall. But not by just moving his hands further away but by hinging more vertical with the shaft and again that those thumbs going up into the air more now look at that what a difference look at that on the right hand side. So we did a little bit of work from once we got to this position here which we felt more comfortable that the shaft angle was pointing much more towards the golf ball which it was brilliantly compared to where it was before where it's off the screen. So super improvement there we'd started to turn our shoulders to get the shoulders winding up to the top of the goal swing from there the club would come back down much more on plane it's absolutely bob on there and we're just hitting some awesome golf shots the final thing we worked on was how much we were sliding. So if we show you this movement here on this left hand side we were making all those correct movements. But what was happening is the lateral slide in the backswing was moving all the way over his right foot. So you can see here his head's really his weight massively moving over his right hand side there. So we've put this silhouette effect onto his backswing look at this big movement onto the right foot so we did our drill where we we have a feeling of putting a brick wall here just on his left side. And got him feeling like he was staying really connected to that wall as he turned the shoulders. And just watched the difference here watch at the top of the backswing he hardly moves off that line if we look at the top of the backswing down what a massive improvement that is huge. And this one on the left was actually after we made the changes this was the very first golf swing on the left hand side now this is what we were doing before. And it was unbelievably flat we've also just strengthened the right-hand grip of it it was a bit too weak. So look at the difference there and at the top of that swing huge huge huge difference really impressed with that and just gotten striking it's so much better and sam starts to enjoy his golf again striking it more at the middle rather than just skimming it along the floor so great session today.

Sam really impressed with the way that you've managed to make all those changes in such a short period of time guys if you've watched this on youtube. And please do feel free please feel free to to use these useful tips to help improve your golf game as well. But you can see the improvement there in sam in just an hour session today.

And i look forward to seeing him next.

Week to see how those improvements are still going on. So if you've enjoyed it give us a thumbs up give it a share you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel it does give me more fuel to add more videos you.