Right now i'm in the market of getting some new wedges i want to think about new wedges i think of bulkies. Or cleveland's and i've had taylormade wedges in the bag recently as well but there is a brand i often overlook with wedges however. i love their irons typically. So i don't know why i overlook their wedges however. this wedge from this brand has really caught my eye [Music] so these are them ping glide pro how gorgeous are they i mean they just look simplistic they're very clean now i have tested glide wedges in the past. But these pro ones are slightly smaller. And i must admit i'm a big fan of that head shape so right now in my hands i've got a 50 degree 54 and a 58 i'm down here at the duke's golf course and said andrews i'm going to hit some shots i like i said i'm in the market of some new wedges now there is a downside even though they look stunning. And they really are these wedges are pricey 200 pound wedge now i don't know any wedge from any manufacturer that is that expensive. So that's 600 pounds in my hand there you can buy a full set of irons from a top brand. For 600 pound so these wedges really do have to perform okay let's start off with the 68 degree the few little shots around the green as i mentioned looks wise they are super gorgeous these clubs. So nice and clean and i must admit behind the golf ball it's lovely it's like almost like a little spoon shaped i like that a couple of other things to add these grips have archos a lot of ping grips do now. So always be able to track your data out on the golf course ping have definitely started to do that with all their clubs more recently. And really cobra started it alright couple of easy shots around here [Music] that was nice a little bit of delayed spin um. And you might know listen my chipping is not the best part of my game it's not. And i am in the market of some new wedges especially and these to be honest tick every box that i'm looking for so if they perform today.

Like i say these could be a real contender. For going in the bag i've got to uh do everything i want them to do. So first thing i'm going to do is just spend time around the green little short shots. And i'll play with the 50 to 54 and the 58 and then.

We're moving some bunkers and i'm definitely i feel like this green is a spinny green i'm gonna have to hit some long 50 degree wedges into this i think it's going to get some serious backspin [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's it right i'm not gonna beat around the bush i really bloody like these wedges they feel great they look good they spin i mean something about a new wedge anyway. So that's the shots around the green done i think the next.

Shot we're going to play some bunkers how perfect is this bunker. For testing look at that i can play some short ones here from the front with the 58 degree. And then.

What i'm going to do as i go further back i'll get probably the 54 degree obviously i'm not really going to test the 50 50 degree wedge from a bunker as such i think it's important when you are testing a new wedge to make sure it is very good at all the functions you need. For it short shots around the green bunker shots flop shots longer shots so bunkers is definitely a necessity when you're testing some nice wedges okay. So i'm going to start off with the 58 degree what i do like about these wedges again because of the size. And how small they are i know as i mentioned earlier almost looks more like a spoon shape certainly on a shot like this if i want to just open it up a touch it still sits really nicely i i think it's obvious i'm a fan of the looks of these wedges i think they're absolutely gorgeous right i'm going to play the first one almost like a proper splash bunker shot that's lovely oh that stopped a little bit quick actually. But i can't blame it for that i'm gonna play this next.

One maybe not as open this time so i'm gonna go with a 58 degree but just not as open face let it run out just a touch more [Music] oh i fatted it it's there and there abouts that was all me let me try one again oh yeah not as good on those shots. But that was more me let me do a bit more testing. And you know what sometimes it's not always pretty sometimes when your ball lands in a bunker it does something like this. And plugs check out that proper fried egg how's it going to cope in this situation oh my goodness sit sit sit sit you know what i wouldn't be disappointed with that out of that lie even just to get it on the green as an achievement that was really good. So as you can see i've done quite a lot of work with the 58 degrees. So far as i've got further away i'm going to switch to 54 degree now which still classified as a sand wedge just a little bit of a stronger sand wedge this one could be a little bit more of a difficult bunk shot it's just in that awkward distance really that was nice though stop well okay not bad i thought he's gonna stop on that first bounce to be honest. But that might have been a bit ambitious [Laughter] oh that was terrible you know what it was going really well a short game has been lacking confidence recently. And just this little time spent around the green confidence level was starting to really increase there's two shots i've just dented that confidence a little bit that's a shame i'll crack on i'll get it back i'll get the magic back [Music] oh i had some delayed rip on that. But i'm just flying that a little bit further and the wedge itself what i like about it again because of the shape and it's small opening it up doesn't look weird uh i think just. For me that 54 i mean i've asked. For these lofts but it's a little bit stronger than what i'm used to but i think the performance is still pretty solid i think next.

I think it's spin time let's head out let's get a little bit further down the fairway. And hit some full wedge shots in the problem is we've made a proper mess of this bunker are you raking it am i are you raking it i'm raking it great [Music] you guys think this uh youtube likes it's all uh rosie don't you miss the spot it's about 125 yards out from the middle of the screen. And how nice is this what what a setting it's a really tight slim thin green. And i'm kind of in between clubs i want to start off with the 54 i think it's gonna be quite a full one of these. But i reckon that's optimum spin rate and then.

I might just hit some like delicate 50 yard 50 degree shots as well into screen for me so far they've passed pretty much every test i'd be interested to see what they do on the fullest shots you know what that 54 is not going to get there from here actually i think it's gonna be a full 50 degree to be honest you know what not as much spin as i expected to get i thought they were gonna screw back like crazy i mean they stopped pretty quick. But i honestly expected them to be coming ripping back down the green let's be honest they're pretty close shots and i did enjoy hitting them however. i have found an issue with these wedges. So far it's been so positive the looks the feel the fact that you can manipulate them really really positive. But then.

I found a negative certainly on these longer golf shots because these ping glide pro wedges are a much smaller head shape they're much less forgiving. And on a longer shot when i'm hitting into a long green like this from 100 yards you do sacrifice forgiveness. And that is a big issue nice around the green not. So good on the longer shots they're very nice yes there's still an outside contender. For going in my bag yes. But there are downsides thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come see you soon.