This is the taylormade p760 another iron from taylormade. And this is my full review where i test it get on the golf course. And give my full thoughts about this new iron hi guys it's rick shields down here at quest golf academy if you're new to my youtube channel welcome smash that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any videos hit the like button if you enjoyed this review and leave me a comment down below i'd love to know what you think about another set of tail made irons. So what do we know about the new taylormade p760 irons well this iron set is aimed at low to mid handicappers it is a forged iron which hopefully then.

Is going to give a little bit of a softer feel. And it's to replace two sets in the current lineup the p760s are going to be replacing the p750s. And the p770s they're out of here and they've just got one set in that category now so the p lineup for taylormade looks p730s which is the blade the p790s which is the hollow cavity which has been mega successful filled with speed foam. And this bad boy slots in between the two with that in mind they've also introduced speed foam into the p760s from three down to seven iron now speed foamy if you're not familiar is an injection a liquid injection they put into the end of the golf club. And that fills all the cavities into almost like a soft kind of hamster mattress material speedfoam is designed. For more distance that's what taylormade are claiming the price on these bad boys is expensive speedfoam must be pricey. For a full set of seven irons you're gonna be looking at thirteen hundred pounds which is a lot of money it's gonna be about the same price in us dollars as well now if they perform maybe it's worth it. But that is definitely kind of top end of the spectrum. For a set of irons now because the p760s are players irons they come with very traditional lofts. So i'm not expecting to hit these a massive amount of distance i'm actually more about control and ball flight rather than just bombing it out the park so before i get out on the golf course i need to know how far i'm hitting the set of irons so i'm going to hit my gc quad with probe ones. And then.

We better get on the course [Music] so that's the first hits and the distance checks done gotta say massively impressed with the feel of the golf clubs the forged finish just gives it this exceptionally soft feel and i like the profile of the clubs they look fantastic distance wise i knew i wasn't going to be hitting them million miles. But they've hit exactly the distances i want to see being hit with a loft such as these clubs so the four iron for me was carrying at 204 yards perfect the seven iron around 173 yards bob on. And the pitching wedge was carrying just over 130 yards at 132. And i'm happy with those distances because for this loft of golf club i don't want to be hitting it too far so now the time the real test is upon us i'm going to take a full set of golf clubs out on the golf course to test them to see how they perform in the real world i've got my distances. And now they feel i'm prepared i'm ready to go let's hit the golf course and see what the p760s can actually do okay on the golf course let's put the 760s through the paces [Music] okay one of my favorite shots to hit certainly with a long iron it's a little stingy shot that finds the fairway. So i've got the three iron my grumble with the three iron and certainly the foreign as well it's just the oddly amount of offset is on it it kind of looks like the shots are always going to go less than it hopefully it doesn't on this shot might just be looks oh yes [Music] yeah that works [Music] okay. So on course testing so far so good i like the look behind the golf ball certainly from the mid and short irons long irons however. has a slightly unusual amount of offset for a player's iron it kind of maybe a little bit off-putting not massively suiting my eye however. so far i've liked the feel i've liked the flight and it's given me everything i want so long irons just don't quite suit my eye that's really the negative so far [Music] okay this is an interesting shot i'm kind of in between clubs it's either a hard nine. Or a soft eight i'm saying that these are players irons gonna go with a little soft low cutting eight iron we're into wind it's a shot that this type of club needs to be able to play [Music]. And that has played it to perfection [Music] that's the shot oh yeah that's the shot [Music]. So as you know you hit irons all around the course and this wouldn't be a thorough test if i didn't do a little chip. And run from the side of the green with an a tire that's how it does [Music] yeah it works [Music]. So that is it full testing is done with the taylormade p760s it's got to be said the thing i loved the most was the feel i felt like these irons felt fantastic when being struck. And i actually really liked the irons without speed foaming weirdly enough the eight nine and pitching wedge probably felt the best in the set for me the flight was solid i went no surprises out on the golf course because i'd done the distance testing in the academy i knew how far i was going to hit these irons. And on the golf course they stay true to their word i like the fact i could manipulate the flight a little bit hit it softer hit it harder hit it high hit it low all those great workability features you want in a player's iron what did i not like well first off was the long irons i despised the look of the three. And four iron the offset for whatever reason there's so much offset on those three or four irons another big thing is price this is a huge negative. For this set of irons talking 1300 pound for seven irons scandalous golf clubs in general are going up too much. But for a set of tailor-made players irons for me that's far outweighs where it needs to be it's at least three or four hundred pounds slash dollars too expensive so if you have a thousand pounds i'd be looking at maybe getting a set of mizunos for the feeling of forgiveness that's where i'd kind of be putting my money for me they're overpriced but if you've got the money it's burning a hole in your pocket and you think these are going to improve your game they might be worth testing. For me they did a good job i felt at the feel the flight was superb i do like the looks that's got to be said bar in the offset of those long irons guys hope you enjoyed the video if you did smash that like button leave me a comment down below what do you think of the taylormade p760s i'd love to hear your thoughts thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.

Time [Music] you.