Right guys so welcome to the Monday night golf show here in Orlando we still got coffee we're still got mr. Pete Finch and we have got special guests there this is golf pro Brian tough who is a golf pro here at Orange County nice good evening everybody do you think in American accent you start sucking it's a little bit of class pretty cool um a little bit glamorous hit you're over today.

Yeah well welcome on Xena ago sure if we start talking American in this video we do apologize massively because all we've done all week talk American. So far in video all over we have got coffee dude coffee coffee laughing we don't sound like that extra Brian is a friend of the show he's been incredibly helpful if you're ever interested in golf lessons are out here in Orlando we highly recommend coming giving your mom Brian a bit of a shout all right we're gonna do a pretty quick one this is filmed on Sunday. So we ask the questions out on Sunday afternoon on our social media Facebook Twitter and we've had some great questions and we're going to talk about the event that's finished in Abu Dhabi. And we're going to talk about what we have in store shall we start with Abu Dhabi first yep can be a bit of a bit of a mixed bag a lot of great golf. And a lot of players kind of bouncing it around in contention quantity all right no one's re holding Walters do we had the most smart mom they want him in s hello it's pretty special all the way up yeah it was a great celebration. And then.

Tom Lewis a new pro he's been probably on circuits a couple years now you know he had only one and he actually won him a car not like these lads need much more money but eat one in the car and then.

The most famous one on the day after there was Rory McIlroy's holding one. So it's the first one he's actually had tour events all of it at least the girl ready said 10 in LA. But that was the first professional event is that a day all mornin sir I've never I want to pee Giovanni either no we're in the same boat yeah never well we've actually we've just been trusting we've never had a hole in one. Or a table of twos and threes and fours and fives and sixes and other scores but this one it's a table of no holes basically pretty close out on the short course over here please yeah yeah yeah. And I almost skipped on it yeah good yeah I didn't flirtin with the winner it was Gary stole who held off tough competition from Rory McIlroy world number one to finish on 7-under. For the last day and finished 19 on the total time is it kind of faded away which is a chef's past another bit of a shotgun he had a real shocker. For the final day he shot three over it's a bit of a shame really because it's not like him is it yeah no. And you think that German officiants of the German edition it took out the Ryder Cup team some maturity efficiency that managed to sink that Ryder Cup winning is easy. But ya know it's a shame we don't happen again please Martin we like seeing good golf and we need winners winners winners dubious one it's been playing well since Gleneagles right who's that Dubey Swan yeah French guy oh yeah we thought do you sell to boys huh yeah way. So yeah he's a scary guy yeah happy guy yeah the guy that finished behind em Thomas Peters is a NCAA individual champion here in the states played the University of Illinois. So that's the name that some people might know might not there's a few Americans in the field yeah yeah yeah get a few Fowler it's nice to see ya I don't think out the Greystone that's good time out there which is good mMmmm McIlroy the five some big battles this year looking. For that hope and then.

The actual American event is over in the East Coast as far away as you can get it's in Hawaii. And then.

It's past the west coast in in the Pacific what's I remember yeah I remember going last year tomorrow was gonna get a flight out to Hawaii it was another about ten hours away from yeah some forums. So it's this way yep six hours yeah it's a six hour time change. So similar the time change between home for you and where we are now it's that much further still what. So currently now right now in the in the US where we are in a one though it's to ten minutes past two on a Sunday afternoon. So of the eight o'clock Paco yeah I'm Sunday night. And they've not even teed off yeah no I think the first tee times are going out about four o'clock our time here in Florida. So rains getting pickleboy off we get to watch some golf this afternoon yeah absolutely nice we've played golf this morning yeah I won't play golf certainly. And we're thinking I'm with just played golf from the plane golf's afternoon you think we're here on some sort of job it's some kind of golf trip thing that we're doing. So we we had a lovely love the night whole match today.

At Orange National Golf Course Orange County national. And it was a great little match of the three of us. And now we're off to where we off to next.

We're going to a country club of Orlando next.

Which is a much different style course than which you'll have seen from our art course log this morning here at Orange County haider much tighter yeah looks tight set go watch out. For dice comfortably they're looking to what you ain't brian fairway singing except mr. consistency here and yeah which is which is a new one all of us I'm staying on I am staying on the right questions they are firing in absolutely firing in right there on Fair Peaks Facebook I put a picture on as well. So let's start with some sensible ones flow against the silly ones this is a question I'm gonna actually ask to you Brian this is from Gareth Ali Oliver if you had an iron. And hybrid at the same loft would you carry the same distance hashtag Monday night golf show okay that's a great question Ollie I'm gonna assume is your nickname Gareth first name anyway thank you. For the question mr. Oliver the answer to your question is a little bit more complicated than just the loft of the club when we're talking about loft that's one factor that goes in the distance. But some of the other fact that go into it are gonna be club head speed length of length of the club the total length of it. And both of those are gonna kind of play off a little bit differently between hybrids. And irons with irons we're gonna find typically a little bit shorter heavier shafts and due to that we can't generate quite the same amount of clubs club head speed so even though the loft is the same we still probably aren't going to hit them quite as far as we might hit hybrids the other thing that goes into it. Or spin rates hybrids with are gonna have more bulge. And roll so gear effect I don't know if you've talked about that on your channel yep it's but so gear effect is gonna have more of an influence on the ball flight with the hybrid than it will with an iron. So all of those things are gonna vary into slightly different numbers I would tend to say that you're gonna hit hybrids a little bit further because they're typically lighter than your irons are gonna be however. it's not going to be a drastically different kind of distance. Or length than what you would get so I start actually I'm gonna inform them so that that was a fun they're on the show force. And talking about ions in high words how about you before I'm downwind in the window let's go by the way he sat down he's six foot five right honey he seems he sat down on the floor right now we're at seats feasted up yeah yeah he absolutely bombs it. So is fall around there was a hole that we played out there today.

And he almost carried it 290 yards close to 80 so yeah. And a pitching wedge 180 anyway so yeah that's a little bit of Cillian you see that on the course videos. But you know what I loved about that answer then.

That was really something cuz I was answering in my head. But the one factor I didn't influence with the lightness of the shafts right I really didn't think about. So I was thinking about the extra length yes to have to put my speed you create yes not the lightness. So graphite shaft sometimes I'll run over it over a steel perfect answer that's why I find a lot of time Tour Pros especially in the states that go with some of the driving irons they prefer a more classic looking iron but they want some of the extra distance Ernie ELLs was famous. For this with the Callaway driving irons when they first came out but in graphite shafts in them so that they play kind of as more of a cross between a hybrid and an iron than a hybrid or an Ironwood well then.

Alright next.

Question. And this is a 1/2 out. For the group Christopher Longley hi Stockman that girl show will Martin Kaymer win more majors BAM Rory McIlroy I'm gonna say no I'm going to say no not even maybe not even maybe no he's not he's not McIlroy is without question going to win more majors. And Willie be you know the likes of Woods and Nicholas we're not sure we left the way to say it's gonna be exciting I'm not sold on that concept yet I mean I I think he has the potential to be that good. But there's so many things that factor in how many majors you win that are outside of his control yes exactly no reasons to find Woods. And Chris get off Facebook get down to the ridge yeah he's one of my lessons oh yeah he's the guy that pops into the back yeah ah yes good on pizza Rodriguez why do professional golfers struggle with a lead on Sunday hashtag. For example Swartz the last week and comets day um come on you've got to think write Sunday let's let's picture this way you're leading after Saturday you come off the golf course at afternoon. And you are leading first thing you get thrown into is a media circus you get quest asked question after question after question about how when was the last time you won an event you get reminded of all the times that you last failed to win an event you get reminded of the bad shots that you hear the good shots that you hear you get completely pulled from pillar to post here there. And everywhere you know it's a lot of demand on these guys after the Saturday afternoon you then.

Struggle to sleep surely you know this is a big event these are a lot of prize money a lot of a lot of merit to be worn you wake up on Sunday morning again you're the focus of attention every camera is on you every image on you every player is watching you every hype is all around you you can imagine the build-up of pressure that was put on that individual well the guys were 2. Or 3 back they don't get up pressure the guys at 2 or 3 but they're kind of hidden there behind the radar and they're kind of they're not they're not that involved in it and they can sneak open. And catch up pretty quickly so guys go if they're winning and they get pushed into something afternoon I would it says to the mentor this is there's a big difference between having the mentality to chase early. And to maintain and hold early know you when you in the leader often you're thinking you know I just need to keep those bad guys back I don't need I don't want to make a boat yeah they want to make a double I just need to keep your head very don'ts yeah don't want to make a bogey they don't want to make a double. And the guys behind can just fire everything they can if they're going it's night to make birdies we need to make Eagles there's a very different mindset it's not it's not easy. But you know I mean thing is reports an unkind me you know they've won before yeah you know that they're not he won't class them as bottlers I mean Kyra the US Opens that the perfect example were just destroyed everyone from a lead yeah. So it's different with different tournaments yeah just about that yes these guys have bad days there are human to the will here's just a quick one any match play course blogs coming up in Orlando between you. And Rick maybe not between just those two because I don't know if we're actually gonna play each other just on our own we might do we don't know Brian's going to jump on along we've got some special guests coming along over the next.

Few days as well. So we're not too sure we'll see we'll see right is a good one this is something you've warns about Ian Roberts us always heard golfers going on about different types of grass on golf around the world ie fuze don't fetch you yeah sorry fescue Bank grass blah blah do you think that's love. So he said yeah I've never played on violent highly technical they're here do you think it really makes a difference to the shot you play. Or is it mainly due to the different climate conditions I think we should ants at first maybe yeah we've experienced different types of grass today.

Brian did try Wallace we didn't listen every time he come yeah I mean it makes a it makes a massive difference it makes an absolutely huge huge difference just because he changes the contacts on the ball it changes how you can get into the back of the ball it changes everything. And not only when you're actually trying to hit the shots just on the degree the difference in the grains you know bermudagrass in particular when did we had a few putts today.

Where it was down wind down grain that seemed like it was gonna be much slower. And they just keep on rolling it makes a massive difference I mean he's something that we don't really see too much in the UK with the grasses we have over there. And the fact that sorry guys coming out here sorry sorry guys I don't want to rub it in ya it's somebody with everybody in the UK I mean the grass isn't as. So why would it doesn't follow the Sun as much as supposes well really the way it works the green of Bermuda grass you can imagine bent grass which is mostly what you have in England right if you can imagine my hand being blades of grass bent grass grow straight up. So for me to grasp rows like this okay. So because it grows in different ways and I enter tangles with itself it actually grows kind of in the direction of gravity so that's why people say putts always break towards water it's not necessarily sports water but it's towards the drainage of where the water would run to it's more in line with gravity that's why a lot of the easily stuff works really really well with the game to find the correct ball so that's kind of how it works with cutting and I find that it's tougher and chipping especially into the grain yeah it takes a little bit of practice certainly be able to assess your life I would say that the technique becomes more difficult. But understanding what you're looking at becomes much more difficult than when you're not used to looking at different types of logs that's slightly anything any kin especially into the grain anything which is just slightly heavy on the actual contact it will just dick you just you can't get it moving through the ball you have to be. So so precise then.

The opposite is like right assume when you're going down grain Hill just skip. And carry on it's it's interesting it's different it's great it's really the different challenges absolutely very quick on before Twitter Neil Hale would what films did you watch on the fly question mark was it the miracle of Medina no no we wouldn't want to get too Larry on the plane we don't want to get too excited yeah we would've got far to it we've got five suicide now I think I think we watched we watch Celtic Manor watch 2010 Ryder Cup we watched Modena I went all the way by Dakota watch the watch the bell. For here pretty much all else it's a lot if you almost recently it's been that many iconic we remember many of them know when Eagle blood Eagles yeah yeah what's the all-time record sorry guys we could we could resist quickly it's a wet. So it's all or in the American Twitter that's right you know Twitter tweet no way to the emphasis on the dinosaurs we do have dragons though yeah dragons yep the uruk's never actually seen an alligator before I'm pretty sure we had him convinced after some Mexican foods. And drinks last night that the alligators here have wings and climb trees it's messing with my head they are messing with my head alright quick one Steven pen what does someone have to do to get free under armour gear. And Ashworth clothing correct you choose in both your opinions isn't Robb wells in both your opinions or all three of your opinions it's driving the development good enough to update each season or every season so each driver is both in you're in all three of your opinions each drive development good enough to update every season considering our test incredible amounts golf clubs I would probably say no not every season. So you know obviously I've done tests before where let's say the last sliding weight low center of gravity weight forward driver against the newest close and recover to weight forward driver and why and there wasn't a great deal of difference but then.

You go to year of separation between clubs a little bit more of a jump but more of a difference you go for years of the bigger jumps so if I was if I was a golf. Or looking to develop my drive and look at changing it as long as you getting on with your new one wait a couple years yeah okay. For myself this is gonna kind of sound a little weird because going through my what's in the bag everything that I have is brand new because of the Strix on offerings. And my kind of positioning with them but um prior to these new clubs I had the same driver for about four or five years and never changed for it you know a multitude of different reasons but with the rules and regulations that the USGA and R&A have as far as limitations of ball speed there's only so much that the equipment manufacturers can do to really make a club that much hotter that much better I would suggest testing different clubs each year maybe something fits your eye that's more comfortable that you can hit maybe more efficiently. But I certainly don't think that the technology alone is it good enough. For even reason to upgrade every thought every season that's key I mean if a new driver comes out give it a go you never know what you're gonna find that you don't need to you don't need to get one every year I think I think also if you're watching mean me. And peeve in a fortunate position that we do get tests a lot of golf clubs. And sometimes we just like to change and swamp right last one guys cuz I know we're on schedule got to shoot pretty quickly who is your favorite Disney character Mickey. Or Minnie why is it gonna be limited I don't about Donald Duck a fee he's pretty good dollars a month Donald's yeah I'm a Donald fan I really don't go these new characters Disney characters we're you're gonna get comments on here with Disney characters that we've never even heard of yeah dollars not old enough. Yet no I mean I just reason yeah quite like the there's no money in that I thought would the way you would go with that my favorite considering we're in the hottest climate we've been. So far right guys we have got to shoot because we are on a schedule. And we are shooting over to love before Lando Country Club of Orlando hopefully you've enjoyed this little month Batgirl show filmed pre Monday night off show we've enjoyed filming it we've enjoyed Brian as our host we do appreciate all of your efforts guys right. So if you are in the land of area you are golf lesson brian is your man check him I shall put his email yeah Gmail down in the bottom as always come subscribe - Finch you were gonna do the course log next.

Time I'm finches subscribe to the channel click link down below thumbs up if you enjoyed this beautiful sunshine down here in Orlando at the Orange County National Golf Course I thought you guys days it yep hi-yah alright enemy we're out of here yeah.