So here we go bat nine break 75 golf bidder edition i'm two over after nine the clubs i've got in the bag are these taylormade driver the cleveland three would which i'm actually not hit. Yet got a mizuno three iron which i've actually enjoyed hitting ping irons from four to pitching wedge they're the i series three wedges two are callaway ones cleveland i've not hit the callaway wedges. Yet at all at a cleveland putter which i've actually been quite enjoying and i picked all these clubs from golfbidder and they cost 750 pounds in total two over par bat nine coming up can we break 75. [Music] all right it's a good start okay 120 into the flag i've got my 50 degree callaway wedge which i've actually not hit. Yet let's start at the back nine strong let's pitch one in nice and close be good be the number go in [Music] oh is it just spun a little bit too much off the green that looked really good in the air as well first impression of that club very bloody nice now i know all you hardcore brake75 fans love a little halfway sausage roll review. And you might have thought with two parts i'm gonna miss out we didn't after nine there was a little hot we got a sausage roll um wasn't the best i've ever had in fact it was one of the worst i'm sorry stop thought as much i love you that was uh a six out of ten i'm not sure about one oh considering that's an old wedge that's still got some screw i landed it not far away where i wanted to it's taken one hop. And then.

Actually spun to the front of the green annoyingly got a look at this for birdie though pace it's a par to start eight holes left to go i'm currently two over par it's the par 71 so in theory i can only drop one more shot if i want to try. And break 75 it's gonna be a tough ask these next.

Eight holes are definitely some of the hardest. And i'm using clubs i'm not fully used to yet certainly drive a lot sometimes i'm loving hitting the driver but i've also hit a few wayward ones and i've really not hold any puts yet it's gonna be too fast but we can uh let's hope we can stay strong [Music] oh being. So good [Music] in left that's very nice a couple of a few more yards of draw then.

And that could have got super close to the hole but i'm happy with that i'll take that every day okay threw it actually a little bit longer than i thought that it's closer to the back of the green. And the pins in the middle um this putter i've been enjoying using i actually quite like the shape of it the line of it and this was brand new actually uh i've just not hold enough. Yet but i feel like it's me more pace control i feel like i've been picking some good lines but these greens are. So fast and pure i've probably just been hitting a little bit too much pace let's hope that changes with eight holes left to go let's hope we can start dropping something [Music] start to break start to break yes i felt like it was time to start dropping something great start to the bat nine that was such a good putt [Music] the 12th hole here such a fascinating hole it's a par 5. And it is a severe 90 degree dog leg to the right i think to the corner to actually play probably as a three-shoter you'd need to maybe hit the t-shirt to about 200 yards. But you'd have like 280 yards left in last time i played here in break 75 i tried to cut off the corner but i didn't strike it great but i think i was on a good line. So you need to chew off way much more of the corner than you think. And then.

Just hopefully crush one i'm going to hit one of the long ones with this driver i'm gonna take up a really aggressive line oh that should be absolutely perfect fingers crossed that's perfect we'll go. And find out there she is i could have taken even more of the corner off which is the one thing i find crazy of this hole i honestly took a lot off there. And because i hit it so well i could have even gone further right but listen i cannot grumble here because of the par five and i'm only on less than 200 yards and i'm about 190 yards in draw draw draw draw draw mr bunkers kick left kick left yeah just back right not quite on the green oh i could have just done with a little bit more draw there okay you know what i was just looking through the bag. And i've hit almost every club bar this the 54 degree now i'm just at the side of the green if i'm honest i'd normally put this i would but let's go with a little confidence shot let's go with a little 54 get it landing here get it checking up getting close to the hole [Music] and that's why i put more than my chip [Laughter] it's not there yet still a bit nervy still not quite perfect yet okay. So birdie back-to-back birdies get back to level parvis roll up dirty sauce back to level power everybody do i dare say try. And go underpar from here now is that too ambitious now last time i said that. And i messed it up this time i mean it six hours left to go let's try. And go underpar now this is the only club i'm. Yet to hit it's got a nice head cover it's the cleveland mashi fairway wood 15 and a half degrees and it's got these little rails on which i'm such a big fan of my fairway wood that i normally use has got those rails let's give this a hit let's hope it works eh oh no oh should have stuck with hitting driver that's gone left we might be hitting out the trees just when i got it back to level power as well okay i must admit i thought our ball was left left. And it is it's not ideal. But it's got kind of caught by these trees and dropped down here i'm i normally if i was hitting my three-wheel driver off this hole i'm way further down there. So i'm miles left into the green i'm 200 yards left into this par four i think it's that five iron it's just a little bit into breeze this time i think it's a nice five iron get it middle of the green get there get there. And it's got there and it's really got there oh my goodness what a golf shot wow really happy with that i didn't think i'd be putting. For birdie never mind that close to birdie now if this goes in i'd have done something i've never done any break 75 before this would be for three birdies on the bounce birdie source overload this goes in and it gets us to under par as well which would be even better [Music] i didn't think it was gonna get there three birdies on the bounce under par let's go wow that was incredible right how crazy is this underpar with five holes left to go using clubs that aren't even mine i mean i didn't expect that today.

I'll be honest with you. But a lot can happen we've got five holes left to go. And this is doll last time where it all collapsed. So i'm not counting my chickens just yet oh not again trees left get lucky oh it was going too well on it let's be honest it was going too too good trees left. And it looks like the roof is thick below them trees too this last time i was here when i was doing break 75 almost the same situation i hit it left in those trees oh it can be a very frustrating game sometimes can't it right this is crazy. And you know what i'll call to break 75 to episode 7. i was almost in exactly the same spot that's crazy now last time i went. For it hit the tree bounced back in and came off with double my head is telling me to play safe my heart is telling me to go. For it i'd love to know what you guys would do from here i'd love to go. For it again but i just know last time it didn't work out so i'm gonna play safe i know i know boring what's happened to me i used to be so much more adventurous but let's chip it out let's get it back into play there's still a chance of making par worst case only come off with bogey be good come on i thought for a second i'd scrape to parva but it's not bogey back to level par okay 15th par 400 yards requires a little bit of a fade. So that is what i'm going to try. And do i use the word try quite loosely [Music] don't go any more than that. And i'll be fine [Music] yeah maybe just right first cut rough. But it faded it's a positive okay 119 into this flag it's this nice 50 degree again just a full one of these i'm going to stay slightly left of the flag. And hopefully stick this pin high [Music] to the distance [Music] all right just yeah it's just come out a bit fast you know what in the air this is where it pitched i think just coming out that rough kind of got a little bit of a flyer. And ended up just running more towards the back of the green annoyingly i needed to land that a good kind of 10 foot short really coming back up right to left i feel like i've got this putter rolling nicer now so hopefully give this a good look trying it back on the path [Music] oh i've not hit it [Music] just when i was getting the speed of the greens that one's kind of stumped me a little bit i think it's just because it was. So much more back up the hill it's in for par you know what i like this putter and you might have known recently i've not been putting my best i do like the performance it's probably just a couple of things because i'm sure there'll be plenty of comments you need to put out putter in the bag maybe just doesn't feel the best it's a little bit hard off the face. But i must admit the performance is pretty pretty impressive i've hold a lot of really good ports this is a nice path three coming back towards the clubhouse 165 yards quite similar to the hole before. So i'm gonna take a little bit off an a titan it's just got me thinking i've been playing golf now for 24 years and i've only had one hole in one that's not a great a great uh ratio is it really. So let's see if we can double that let's see if we get our second hole in one right now little hold off one eight iron um. Or i could hit a very very very average 40-footer away and disappoint everybody never mind so as i wander down to the green here on 16. i think it's a good time to discuss about these clubs now currently i'm level power. So as long as nothing drastically bad happens i'm on track for breaking 75. um i've gotta admit like these clubs have been really good today.

And it just goes to show you don't need all the latest and greatest super expensive golf clubs to play play good golf and play enjoyable golf things like the driver even though it's 14 years old as i mentioned before and it might be a few yards behind the the latest new taylormade driver such on the golf course having some great drive today.

And i wouldn't know how far it's going on a launch monitor granted i've hit some bad ones that put me in a few bits of trouble. But overall for a full set like this to get you out there playing it's not a bad way to kind of go really you can they can still perform. And to be honest as i've mentioned so i play very nicely they can still get me round in close if not potentially under power which i'm very very happy with i've enjoyed this i've enjoyed this set i know you guys love the golf bit of challenges. And there's going to be more later on in the year. And i know you guys love me playing with pete and there's gonna be a challenge against pete as well at some point throughout this year but i've enjoyed this two and a half holes left to go let's see if we can finish really strong. And again shout out to my friends at golfbidder for setting this up if you do want to get some secondhand clubs you want to trace some clubs in definitely check out the website i'll put a link in the top line of the description right long put here i wanted to be closer. But i got the distance absolutely bob on have i hit it have i hit it break break drop drop drop oh my gosh ah you kidding me are you kidding me look at that look at look look how close it is that is ridiculous absolutely gutted i mean a good section of the golf ball there is hanging over the lip how mad is it that that tiny little shot adds up to the same as a 300 yard drive gutted about that gutted i thought i'd sneak snuck it in at the side i don't know what's happened to me two hours left to go. And i've just pulled a full iron out on the tee here things must be getting serious i just can't see driver down this hole and those bunkers stop me hitting three iron or three wood really so i'm gonna lay it up back go for that bunker on the left and hopefully it doesn't get there i don't think it would oh rick i'll do that the time you go. For safety eh and stick it in the trees absolutely terrible shot trying to try to play it safe and put it in the trees is the worst thing you can do again i'm gonna take my medicine everybody you have to chip out sideways put it back in the fairway. And then.

Hope i can pitch in pucks there's no way i'm getting close to the green from here stay on the fairway that's not bad it's certainly not bad. For me we're putting for par yeah right edge drop it in stay level par with one to go i must have pushed it i must have pushed that one because that didn't look like it was bad bogey annoying on 17 there one hole to go one over par right it's finished strong last hole 80 yards slightly up the hill come on let's stick one in close let's finish with one more birdie get back to level power was a weird strike kick hard kick really hard kick really hard probably my worst wedge shot of the day annoyingly. And it comes at last i think we are putting. But only just okay that was a terrible wedge shot. So i'm gonna try and let it redeem itself not sure i'd normally play this i'm gonna be honest with you but we're well on track for breaking 75 i hope so i'm gonna go 58 again i've been doing a little bit of work on these shots this is a time to try. And practice [Music] you it what i'll take it that was actually really nice. And we're putting that for par now better than a put better than a put all right guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel let's finish off with a nice little par a one over using secondhand clubs here at the beautiful stockport i'll take that guys thanks for watching one over par and we'll see you next.
