Psg have finally brought out a golf ball and they claim it's better than a Titleist Pro V1 let's find out if that's the truth right I am super excited about testing this golf ball. And I'll tell you why in a moment but first off how am I going to test it I'm going to start off with the putting green. And work our way back to T testing it in every single department now PSG founded in 2014 by billionaire Bob Parsons he wanted to make the best product on the market and he's made everything from drivers irons Putters wedges the whole lot obviously started off really expensive it's kind of come down a little bit in price but the one thing they've never brought out is a golf ball however. I've got an interesting story about that many years ago I went to a PhD media event down at the Wesley London. And actually spent quite a lot of time with billionaire Bob Parsons He said to me that they would never make a golf ball because many years ago they tried to. But it could not compete with the Pro V one at all and they spent a lot of money on that process and they completely scrapped it and they decided not to make a golf ball until now and that's why I am really excited about testing these golf balls because if they actually now made one better than the Pro V1 well the boxing it's kind of very PhD black white text very kind of basic to be honest with you even the front of the packet there's no cellophane window it's just a clear window. And information on the golf ball there's not loads and loads it's a three piece urethane cover golf ball explosive construction and enhanced with a seamless 338 dimple pattern golf ball effectively saying it's going to be aerodynamic to go a long way it's going to be fast with the driver. And it's going to have green grabbing control with the irons last line obviously very PhD pxg nobody makes golf balls the way we do period now price wise they're coming in at 44.99 a dozen a little bit cheaper than a price of pro V ones off the shelves. And on their website they are very much comparing this golf ball with the Titleist Pro V1 now the big claim is certainly off the driver they say these golf balls are going further than the tank there's probably one let's see if that's the case I could do with a few more extra yards off the tee that's. For sure we're going to start things off on the putting green right. So straight out the pack let's have a look at these balls they actually look good like a real premium urethane cover even just sticking my thumbnail into that you can tell it's soft got to do a bite test right yeah you know what on first tasty obviously on first inspection that does very much feel like a Pro V1 you've got the PHD logo that actually looks great on a golf ball I must admit. And then.

Also this lineup line here so they've made that alignment slightly thicker a lot of golfers will obviously put them lining up on there it actually looks really good. And they also like this little line this little Dash is here to help with face alignment looks good it really does right what they do here is not. So much about how many puts I'm gonna hold it's more about the feel like how do they actually feel off the putter face obviously I'm. So accustomed to Pro V ones feel wise how do these compare I must admit I love that line they're going to hear me talk about Pro V1 a lot in this video because that's who PhD are directly comparing themselves to with this ball two things. So far I love the alignment line but that can easily be done with a sharpener marker number two I hate the sound well I honestly could just come listen to this right listen to the sound they sound very hard clicking almost borderline a little bit almost like they've got a metal core like they don't feel good at all when hitting certainly the sound makes them feel like bricks right chip. And green next.

Okay. So that sound does translate a little bit even just on those key purpose just has that kind of yeah harder clickier noise um however. let's see what the performance is like I'll hit several. And see how they perform they might sound not great but they might actually perform nicely [Music] okay. So after hitting a load of pitch shots there with the PSG ball my summary is they seem to come off the face a little bit faster. But definitely don't have as much spin it's a short side shot so much more challenging like it feels like they're almost always going past the flag. And they're not gripping quite as quick unlike a Pro V1 they kind of grip a little bit more than that now nicely linking into that one of the really strong characteristics of a tax Pro V1 is the durability like I've Believe It. Or Not sometimes played with the same golf ball for multiple rounds and have they seen any damage at all what does the PHD look like. So 10 shots out the bunker with a brand new ball let's see how it can fare in the durability test this is an interesting one because in the durability test with this golf ball it's actually come out fairly decent I mean a few tiny little scratches. But nothing horrendous now many a golf ball has been found out in that durability test that's done all right however. on closer inspection with the three golf balls I was hitting the little chip shots around the green there's been some real markings like real scratches almost not unplayable. But I wouldn't feel super comfortable using some of those golf balls after a few holes so that is definitely something to be aware of I would question strongly the durability's golf ball certainly against something premium like a Pro V1 however. what it won't survive is this let's find out what's inside the PFG golf ball of course it's red white. And blue so we've got three layers you've got the inner core there everything looks very very good it looks all symmetrical you can see the kind of inner mantle this kind of blue layer. And obviously the actual urethane cover next.

Up let's get to a T is that hitting some longer shots right I've come to one of my favorite part threes here at the Marriott 14th Par 3 162 yards I'm gonna hit 10 shots with a pxg see how close I can get them I'm also looking out. For kind of consistency flight and also distance but more importantly let's see if we can hold one okay first one not great it's on the Green okay I'm going to slightly change clubs because all those first three shots have come up short which surprised him actually. So I'm gonna hit seven oh finally hit one at the flag it's about eight or nine are on the green I must admit fairly consistent flights kind of the only time it changed in height was whether I struck it good. Or not quite as good and the other thing I noticed a bit of wind off the left the wind didn't really move the golf ball that much it kind of the ball was fairly stable. So so far I'm somewhat impressed like a six out of ten however. if this can go considerably further than a Pro V1 that rating might shoot through the roof okay Pro v1's GC quad my driver let's set a benchmark. For these pxg to potentially match or even beat the Pro V1 so all the shots hit with the Pro V1 I'm swinging today.

About 108 miles per hour my average carry distance is 277 yards with the Pro V1 I hit one monster a bit of a low spinner at 285. But overall the pro v1's at exactly what I expect them to do about 2 200 Spin. And just shy certainly today.

Swinging the way I am just under 160 miles per hour ball speed can the PSG beat those numbers okay PhD first hit with the driver don't go over there okay not the first not the greatest first shot I must admit that was more on me than the ball [Music] okay I've got one more shot to hit. And I've got strong opinions about this pxg ball let's just see if it can somehow somehow achieve a miracle here this last shot there's one of the better shots at least I'm literally getting maximum 270 yards carry out that golf ball. So after testing the PHD golf ball thoroughly I have to say in pretty much every single category against the premium golf ball this ball is underperformed now again I've used Pro V1. For so many years but I've also tested tp5 and the Bridgestone golf balls and the premium golf ball from Callaway this PSG is just not in that category it's firm when you're putting with it it's not particularly super spinny around the greens it's okay on the iron shots. But the big one is the distance off the tee I was hoping I was praying that it's going to be longer. But it honestly on average is about 10 yards shorter now. For the price point of 44.99 I think this sits in the wrong price category this PhD golf ball reminds me of something more like a strickson ad Triple Three listen it's not a bad golf ball it's not. But to put it on the same shelf as a Pro V1 would be criminal now for me this golf ball sits in the kind of mid price range maybe the price needs to drop for this to be a competitive ball in that market space it's not a Pro V1 killer and in my opinion the only time you'd use these if you're a pxg super fan for me Bob Parson should have stuck to that idea of a number of years ago that the PHD cannot bring out a ball to compete with Pro V1 yet we'll see you next.
