So on my channel i've tested loads of different golf balls from titus pro v1s to mizuno shrixen callaway taylormade the list goes on but you guys in the comments section constantly asked me to test the vice golf balls so i've been out and bought some vice golf balls i'm intrigued to see if these are as good as this egg whether you. And me should be using them or whether they're overrated with a bit of a cult following let's find out [Music] so this ball i'm testing today.

Is the vice pro plus. And there's quite a number of vice golf balls i actually went online and did a ball selector. And actually went through answered loads of different questions on how fast do i swing it what do i normally score how far i hit my severed iron. And this is the ball it recommended me to pick. So i went to buy two dozen and actually they were sold out. So i actually went on amazon and bought them in the end but on the website the 30 pound a dozen and you think about that as a premium golf ball which these golf balls are trying to be compare that to the price of a pro v1. Or a tp5 they're about a pound the ball cheaper roughly and the whole idea of it is because it's direct to consumer it's only online you do not see vice golf ball in pro shops. For example you don't see them in big retail stores and another reason why they might be able to make them cheaper is you don't spend a load of money on sponsoring the best players in the world you won't really see vice golf ball out on tour. But they've got a massive reputation like this weird as i mentioned before this cult following people seem to love this brand of golf balls so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get them on the golf course today.

Test it. For feel what the spin's like what the performance overall is like i'm also really keen on checking durability because if this ball is lower cost price point is it. For the reasons i've just listed before why it's potentially cheaper or is it the fact that materials aren't as good like is this cover gonna cut up more than a normal golf ball a premium ball like a pro v1. Or a tp5 etc we'll find that out i also want to test it for distance i've got my gc quad we're going to test it out on the golf course to see how far this ball flies [Music]. So a couple of holes played and so far so good but i want to start testing these properly first place i like to start with a golf ball is on the green let's see how these feel hitting some putts. And some chips from close range [Music] so after spending some time on the putting green testing the feel of these vice pro plus golf balls and i hit some shots off the green as well some little chips and some pictures as well fear-wise they feel good i typically use a pro-v1 and i like the feel of that because it's quite soft this isn't as soft as that but it's not supposed to because this ball sits much more in the category of the pro v1 x golf ball which is a little bit harder anyway. So it feels good it feels like a like i expect this type of golf ball to feel you know what i did like when putting with it as well the line on the golf ball like it's almost got a preset line up line which i personally use. So i'm a big fan of that now i want to pick up on something straight away because i'm going to test this a little bit more in depth in a minute. But just after a few shots these are the balls i've just been testing with then.

Check out these kind of scuffs like that cover i mean it's a bit of dirt on there as well. But that cover there from a few wedge shots that i've hit looks like it's scratched up a little bit so as i mentioned i'll do a bit more of a durability test in a moment. But i just wanted to highlight that straight away because with the price of this golf ball is that is that going to be an issue are you going to see a bit more scratching of the cover we'll find out in a moment before that i've got to a par 3 hole here because one thing i did notice on those shots when i was pitching them into the green with a lob wedge. And a shot i would expect to spin like crazy i wasn't seeing loads of spin now that might have been because the greens weren't quite as receptive today.

Potentially. But i expected to see more spin so let's see what these golf balls perform like on gt quad in this par three and who knows last time i was on this hole i nearly got a hole in one let's see if i can do it again with one of these. Or at least get close okay. So i'm 172 yards away from the flag so it's a pretty nice seven iron i'll see what it does on gc quad just to give you kind of a rough idea over 6 000 spin would be good close to 7000 would be very very good let's see how they get on [Music] [Music] [Music]. So i didn't go holding one so basically that ball's rubbish no. But in all seriousness i got some nice shots there i didn't get it dead close to the flag but i was more trying to get consistent distances. And spin now by the first shot which i'll be honest i hit a little bit fat the other five shots have done very very good on distance control not only on what i've seen on gc quad but also what i've seen on the green i want to show you this this last one 165 yards of carry distance which is about what i normally get 7 759 rpm spin that's high like really high. So from what i saw in that wedge shot and the data i'm getting here maybe those red shots just weren't in prime spinny position but the spin on there and the numbers i was getting on gt quad are very very good right next.

Test durability cut one in half. And then.

Finally i want to test it with driver on this thing let's see how to do with the big stick. So before i finish off the testing of these balls i want to run a giveaway one on youtube one on facebook so if you watch on either platform you can enter to win a dozen of these vice pro plus golf balls you're on youtube make sure you subscribe to the channel. And like the video leave a comment down below and i'll pick someone at random and if you're on facebook make sure you follow in the page like the video and again leave the comment down below i'll pick someone at random to win a dozen of these vice golf balls right what i'm gonna do my somewhat trademarked durability test now i'm gonna take a brand new one out of the box i'm gonna hit 10 out of this bunker. And what i found hitting him out of bunker in the past is that debris. And that the debris and also hitting it with a lob wedge can often scuff up the cover let's see how these vice golf balls go in this test after seeing those little scratches i'm not sure we'll find out [Music] durability test done it's done a lot better than i expected a lot better there is one bit of a scuff mark on the actual vice logo. But i have seen many a golf ball do much worse in a durability test like this that's impressed me more than i thought it was gonna do i did after those early signs i thought it was going to scratch up. But it's really not we're going one more test off the tee because i've tested quite a lot of golf balls at a lower price point recently. And one of them comes to mind like costco when they're making the golf ball themselves and selling direct to consumer that can make them cheaper because they're not spending all this money on these superstar players like some other brands might be doing the big downfall with costco ball it was short off the tee like hitting it with driver just didn't seem to pop. So i'm intrigued to test this off the tee to see what it's like on distance before we get to there though this would not be a rickshaw's ball video if we didn't chop one in half i think this one's supposed to be a four piece construction i mean treat see what the inside of it looks like. And also if everything looks into ward i feel like already seeing glimpses i feel like it's going to be quite colorful very nice. So you've got the four piece construction there you again yeah i've actually seen this from quite a few brands now where the that first layer is almost like a squishy kind of tran transparent material inside you've got the bright green. And the black inner core it's very very clean very nice all looks symmetrical all looks to order now without further ado let's get to the last hole let's get driver teed up and see if the vice pro balls can do it with distance. So everything's set up for the distance test let me summarize first so far i've enjoyed testing these golf balls like this fight pro plus golf ball is ticking all the boxes feels good around the green it spins well certainly spinning at par 3 was very impressive durability definitely did better than i expected it to do. So the last test i mentioned is going to be the distance test. So for me when i'm hitting driver i like a ball to carry in the 280 yard mark and over 160 miles per hour ball speed so that's what it's got to match up to and it goes back to our first question i asked like is this ball overrated you know it's got a mega cult following feels like all the cool kids use vice golf balls because it's kind of i get it as well it's a bit different. And like even touching on the box like it's a cool looking box matte black with almost like the vise tattooed into the top of it and instead of most brands where there's some crazy ideas on distances and spin all it has on the back of this box is some like mad fish like it's. So different to any other golf box i've ever seen really before sometimes you want a golf ball that's just not a standard titles pro v1 i remember when i was growing up i used to try all different styles of golf balls just because it was different it was a bit of a different experience. And again the price on these balls i mean in some cases 15 pound a dozen cheaper than a pro v1. Or a tp5 that's massive and if they perform as well which so far as i mentioned they seem to be doing so well i see these matching up very closely to a pro v1 in performance i really do. So we've got the driver to go yet but overall i think it's a good ball i do could it all crumble now let's find out let's see what it does with the driver [Music] [Music]. So driver test complete and after hitting five shots with the big stick and the vice pro plus golf balls distance wise averaged 280.2 yards so tick it hit the criteria 161 miles per hour ball speed an average spin of 2 200 spin the flight was superb like really good going back to that point are they over overrated. Or whatever it may be no they're a very good golf ball. And definitely worth trying without question as i mentioned you can have a chance of winning a dozen make sure you like the video subscribe. And leave a comment on facebook or youtube or if you want to switch over to either you can do both as well guys thanks. For watching it's my review of the vice golf balls you guys recommended it i'll be honest you didn't let me down they're a very good golf ball we'll see you next.
