All right guys so now we're on the 17th hole at marriott worsely and me and peter finch are one down against these rascals at the moment. And we're playing force them so give me some tips on foursomes as well we've come now to a short par four we've got this in a par five straight after so we've got a couple of little choices to make here we've we've got the the safe route whether these guys are gonna go safe. Or whether we're gonna attack it also you can check out everyone's twitter name somewhere along the bottom. And everyone's youtube channel everything else because they're not bad guys these to be fair though they're awesome they're great great team i'm trying to suck them up so they can let us win this all great team at trafford golf center. So you can check out all their teams all their twitter names their facebook names. And their youtube channels as well are in the description to go. And look at all those videos as well with some great advice so 17th hole let's do this. So it's your honor gents we've got a we've got 284 we've got a drivable par for it's driver we've got dan the cameraman down there and i've decided that i'm not big enough part of this decision has been made by the fact that we are one up two to play um i've got confidence in my partner andy if i can leave him 50 60 yards out easy par confident man right there. So i've gone two iron old school two iron let's have a look at it yeah let's have a look at the two i want to use a hybrid this is a club i've had in my bag. For 14 years it's still got a wooden tee peg in the back end here which i did as a repair job when i first qualified as a pj golf club that was a close-up. For that feat back in there oh yeah 13 years that's been in there the callaway too okay he reshafted it from a hickory shop yep i don't like this modern fangled hybrid stuff. So ram's on the left side of the bunker with the two iron someone's put a camera in front of the t as well so i'm trying to avoid that that's a nice golf shot perfect little draw just on the left hand side of the fairway position hey right well i've got to go for it i've got no other choice i've ever really i've got the i-15 it's 284. And i've seen it in a much more positive light i'm seeing it's downwind easily reachable not too much hazards down there we've got down the cameraman that i'm going to see if you can catch it we've got vinci's giving me all the support in the world to get this on we've got it we've got to do something haven't we really we've got we've got to nail it on there. So i'm going to go straight at it there is a bunker just short of that flag i believe. But i'm gonna go i'm gonna carry it let's see if i can do this december the ninth i'm trying to carry driver 280 odd it's on the front edge it's on the front edge not quite perfect i've just caught it a little bit toe side of center. So it's not in the prime position but we've got a chance of getting up and down and getting this match back to all squares it's a new modern uh fish bump quite aggressive with this one 55 yards flag's cut right at the front of the green it's kind of sloping away from the flag as well so we're going to go in really high with this one be aggressive this is this is a bit of a tricky one because this is short path how far we've got sorry under 55 yards to the flag 55 yards we're going to go with the i'm going to go with the lob wedge. But i'm going to open the face a little bit as well i'm going to be really aggressive with this one get it coming in from a nice height okay i'm trying to send me off sitting up quite sitting up quite nicely look how beautiful this day is this is december guys in england manchester in england can they show us what you got up up. And away is it there oh it's there that's uh oh it just stayed on the edge how's that not rolled down the hill spun back wow. So it's not bad level pin high quite happy with that i got a nice connection on it i can't believe it's not rolled down the hill one little bounce forward that is honestly that was close what a shame right then.

Partner right indeed i've not done too bad just on the edge how far away we've not even bothers happening have we about not even 20 yards the only problem is that big crest just before the pin it all slopes down from there ah yeah you can see it pretty precise with where i'm actually trying to land this. But this is where you're awesome finch you know this is this is your terrain we've all seen your chipping video guys check out his youtube channel. For his little chipping video unbelievable chip of the golf ball so now normally partners are meant to ramp up the pressure that's not fresh that's encouragement stop quickly stop quickly yeah not too bad you've got a bit unlucky there the ridge that we talked about unfortunately just kicked off that ridge. And it's ran past how far past how far 12 feet for birdie got to haul it to try and get back into the match okay. So birdie opportunities i think we've just sneaked it a bit closer to that finch. And i would say a much easier golf shot much easier to put we've got we've got pete styles and andy carter team reading only just passed but downhill quite significantly we need to hold our reading they don't they can trickle it down there we've got one hole left to play after this you're good downhill downhill off the right hand side yeah not much in it though it's a funny little greenness it tilts very much front to back. So you normally expect to put to break to the front of the green but this one greens are in great condition this time of year. For the murray at wesley just outside the hole yeah right lip yeah just gotta trickle it down this hill break oh whoa these are quick yeah. So we're here for the spiderman next.

To it simon um yeah mr garrison right i don't know that play andy andy carter what i don't like the play of leaving your playing partner on the green. And walking out without a putter all right everything on the plane there's this is it i've got to hold this it's got to go in to make some drama down the line you don't need to haul it oh he's nailed it ready. For the birdie so guys part two finished ricky shields with his birdie on 17. we're going to take it down 18 now to see who can take it in the foursome challenge with myself. And the traffic golf team at the marriott.