Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips today.

We're going to talk about the perfect posture now perfect posture is really important. For power balance rotation and to prevent injury the first thing that we're going to do in our posture is to get a nice wide base we want our stance to be wider than our shoulders a good way of checking that is use it with the club look in a mirror. Or ask a playing partner from there i've still got my nice wide base i'm going to stand up nice. And tall i'm going to feel like i'm sticking my bum out. And keeping my back nice and straight so from my head all the way down to my belt buckle there i've got a nice straight spine ankle with this bit nice and flat a little bit of knee flex not too much i see a lot of golfers a bit like this or two straight just a little bit of knee flex and then.

Let the hands just drop naturally from your shot from your chin we want to create a nice spine angle nice knee flex and then.

Nice and relaxed when you do practice that practice at the driving range first get really good at it check it with a mirror behind you. And then.

Take it out to the golf course let me know how you get on with that thanks again for watching and i'll see you again soon.