Hi welcome to rick shields golf youtube channel today.

We're going to be reviewing some three woods comparing them up against each other i've got the 10 hottest three woods in the world currently at the moment. And we're going to be reviewing them testing them getting them on flight scope we're going to be hitting five real golf balls with them taking the best three. And then.

Using the average from there to see which out the two is the winner i've got all ten names in the hat. So we're going to start drawing them out. And see which one is going to be the best one to go with okay. So i'm gonna let you guys pick so we've got the ping g25 so the ping g25 uh quite popular with the driver and the three which might just be the same against thanksgiving against oh the finger 20 honestly this is not a fix i've just led this with the night ones i've just done the night ones it's not fixed these are the this is the g25 i've got other names in the heart i've got the titleist. And the adam's still left to do reviews off. But anyway just to spoil the last video really and we've done we've got the g25 ping against the i20 ping it's gonna be a good match up join me in a moment we're gonna get them on flight scope getting hit in them and hopefully you enjoy the video keep tuned so we've got the two pings head to head we're gonna do a comparison we're gonna start off with the g25 first the slightly more forgiving one out of the two. And then.

We've got the i-20 to give a test as well i'm hitting it with real golf balls off a very small tee just to get the most or the cleanest connection i can possibly do to get the most accurate results. And then.

We'll have a look at the uh the final flight scope figures and then.

See which one out of these two is the straightest. And possibly the the longest as well so g25 first slightly bigger head both with these two we've got exactly the same setup both in 15 degrees both in stiff shafts so as fair a comparison i can possibly get between the two we'll start off with the the g25 first just started raining. But that shouldn't affect too much with the flight scope figures we are in manchester after all. So let's give this one a hit first well that's a good start i've really hit that well i've really hit that nicely that felt gorgeous off the face one of the best thrillers i've hit today.

Really 254. So not a bad start yeah very nice easy forgiving nice launch nice flight. So far nice and straight but i've only hit two so don't get too good two five nine right up if it stays on the t pick i know all you out there going that's one i'm going to try that on me. So third one feels really nice to hit really nice it feels like it's it's probably one of the easiest three woods i've hit today.

And i've hit quite a lot this is second last review two four seven okay i've got two more that's a nice flight yeah it feels great feels really solid. And we've got one more can't really critique this too much they've all been very straight decent in length last one just a bit off the bottom of the club see what distance i get out of it still that wasn't hit very well i must admit i'll be honest with you let's see what kind of distances that gets out of that one even it's run a long way 264. okay. So the i20 i'm just going to change the setting on the on the flight scope wherever it is i20 ping i20 now this is a smaller club head in size. So whether it's slightly easier to hit off the deck it's got exactly the same matte finish polished bottom so like i said the i20 is supposed to be the slightly harder club to hit um. So we'll have a look at the dispersion between the two and profiling it sits it's just a mini version of that really that's like ipad an ipad mini there's no difference it just sits a little bit smaller behind the golf ball let's give this one a hit just leaked it on the wind there just a slight bit of left to right on it touch. Or straight to right should i say a little bit of a push 240 it's not quite as long so far oh that was nice slightly lower penetrating flight 268 it's the biggie it's a biggie oh this has just torn me now i've really liked the g25 before. But this has just pulled it out the bag i feel 259 this feels fantastic and it sits ever so slightly better for a three-wood in my opinion a little bit toeic so not quite as forgiving that would be interesting to see what the uh the figures i got off that one is that's a bit towie. But still went 251 yards so probably above average out the three was i've been hitting today.

Let's go one more very nice very nice great feel off the club head let's have a look at the last figure on that one 250 exactly. So join me in a moment we're going to see what the flight scope figures are coming out against the g25 against the i20 we'll see which one is the longest. And which one has got the best dispersion which one is going to help you hit more fairways. And greens possibly into bar fives stay tuned and we'll be back in two secs right so i've just done the hitting of the g25 against the i-20 i've taken the worst two out of the five out of the equation i must admit it wasn't that many bad ones uh even the bad ones were going some decent distances out of these two clubs. So incredibly forgiving right i'm going to start off with the dispersion. So how far the three was kind of separate to each other this is very interesting um the best. So far out of all of them out of all the videos i've done so far is the knight covert four yards which was incredibly accurate. But these two the ping i-20 and the g25 were exactly the same dispersion both got nine yards exactly. So pretty accurate with the uh without how much it's going offline really. So fantastic with that so it comes down to distance which one of these two is going to be the longest if we look at the um g25 first. So g25 was the first one i tested at first it felt phenomenal until i tried the i20. But it did feel absolutely dead easy to hit great ball flight great height um phenomenal easy hit after the off the tee uh because it's a bit bigger maybe slightly harder to off the fairway. Or the roof but apart from that it feels pretty good and the average distance out of those two was 260. So 260 yards average distance out of that so pretty good compared to the ones i've been trying so far the i20 so what do we think longer. Or shorter do we think it's gone longer. Or shorter let's just go back to the other one di20 so the i20 we've got 259 yards it lost by one yard honestly these two clubs you cannot separate they have gone almost identical dispersion or identical dispersion and the i-20 has gone one yard less out the three best ones that i've hit so unbelievable really really nice clubs to it like i said i almost do compare them to the ipad. And the ipad mini they both do exactly the same things just ones a bit a little bit smaller. So it depends on which one you prefer personally i prefer the look of the i-20 but that's just myself i've got the i-15 currently and i think that's probably the natural progression to go on the i-20. But both phenomenal golf clubs really enjoyed hitting them thanks very much for watching that review guys hope you enjoyed it please do check out the other ones that i've done as well in the past i've done some more three woods. And drive and iron reviews in the past and plenty of golf tips do check me out on facebook. And twitter the reason why i started doing this three with comparison says that i actually asked a question on my facebook and my twitter and someone came back to me tim williams said do some three word comparisons. So i am doing if you want anything reviewing if you want anything testing do get in contact me leave comments down below do subscribe as well guys it does help me make more videos the more people that subscribe the more videos i'll do. And the more videos and more videos and more videos so g25 came victorious one yard against the i20. thanks so much for watching and hopefully you've enjoyed the other videos too you.