All right guys so we are now down here with rob potter again mid-handicapper 13-handicapper we've done ridiculous amounts of testing already. And now we've got what you classify as being the what this is the punk rocker. Or just the metal head of golf with with its mohawks with its mojito it's me it's alternative i'm a rocket i'm all over that like a rash so this is the ping g30 i've put it in 11.5 degrees of loft regular shaft the regular tor shaft. And as much loft as i can possibly get in it. And see what it can do. So we've so far we've rob has currently been using the sldrs 16 degree that used to be the longest that he could hit yeah no longer. So we've now every test every club we've tested and smashed it the r15 beat it the 915 beat it the mizuno jpx 850 beat it let's see now if the the actual g30 now can actually create more clubhead speaks that's always a thing we've had with rob yeah rob i'm sure you won't mind me saying was in an accident a few years back lost a lot of power he's been searching. For that power for a long time and now we need to find how far this how much club head speed this can generate um i might even throw in the aero burner next.

We'll do one more video with the aero bonus i'm throwing. So many videos out here right now so 90 about 90 miles per hour is normal club at speed. So let's see if this can get any faster with its turbulator. So when you're ready rob let's hit a couple of shots then.

We'll hit five in total two off camera three on camera this is like two on camera three off camera sorry this is the stealth fighter of golf clubs. So i'm gonna say what do you what did you what's your honest opinion about these turbulators right it's again it's another tech thing when i mentioned it with the sldr s i was unsure on how the loft up would work i was skeptical on the technology on how loft that would work. And i was proven wrong uh the turbulators well all right everything's all asymmetrical it's supposed to be going in the diagonals it looks like it's been put through a nerve tunnels it's like a formal one car that's i think that's where it's got its inspiration from yeah he's definitely gone through another tunnel with that shout out uh it just looks really interesting okay it's it's it's like this is stealth it's matte black yeah it's you know i don't know there's. So many different analogies i can i can say of it. And how it looks it's a cross between wharf off star trek and all sorts of stuff at the top of the edge okay let's do it let's hit it. So it's not it's not offending you no no no no it's all it doesn't offend me one bit okay he actually wants me to smash seven dollars of crap out of it okay beep sorry it's all right not a bad start there rob it's a little bit to the right a little not your normal ball flight what no tell us about the feel feel of it was actually quite nice um i did like that any more speed 91 91. So it's 91. that's me when i'm kind of pushing myself let's see what the average is let's see what the average after five is going to be yeah that'll be interesting i've seen it interesting a lot today.

How was the feel phil didn't really know edit it okay um a bit of a bit of a strange feel to it really okay. But not just a bad feel at all i like to feel if you see at the middle and it you feel like it's flexing then.

You know you're good yes there's not many clubs that do that these days that felt better. But i didn't i only felt better because of the reaction from it but i still didn't feel much off the club first okay i mean it's got decent oh it's got very decent distances to be fair it's not horrendous um 89. So yeah not where it should be just. Yet yeah it's not mega fast is it no it's not uh getting some good average average carry distances. So far yeah. So whether it's spinning the launch i mean the launch is definitely much higher let's go let's go three more off camera now. And then.

We'll see what the averages are at the end right then.

Guys. So we've got the five now we've hit five shots in a row to see what the numbers are with the g30. So we've got some interesting numbers the first thing that we notice is i wouldn't say the club head speed's gone up you've averaged. So far at 90.8 90.6 and that was 90.4 it's not it's not gone up massively the distances are okay. So about about matches up to the taylormade and the and the titleist carrying the average at 210 with the longest one at 222 and the shortest one at 200. it's a little bit of a front about dispersion two total distance um feel rob tell us a bit about that feel was a bit weird uh it's like hitting a brick um there isn't much uh just looking at the figures that i've seen though we've got a two two two carry yes 242 rollout yeah 210 carry 241 roll out it's inconsistent yeah it's it's he's not i know how um rosberg felt now in the f1 card where he lost all his curs because that didn't give me that it needed um i'm just i'm sorry about the tubulators i think are pretty pointless there you go throughout your golf club there you go i don't see the point in it. So it's must admit it's not your clubhead speed no launch angle is pretty pretty decent high in the gun this is not this is not i keep stressing this is not fitted fitted fitted fitted driver spin rate was all right two. And a half two and a half thousand so should have performed decent distances um but not massive dispersion was pretty good right. And left you were pretty straight with it yeah you're very straight with it to be fair it's just the fact that we didn't really completely punish it. But very similar to the type to the titleist and very similar to the r15 yeah. But probably not generate as much club speed as we want right we are now going to do one more video with the taylormade aero burner last driver this is again this is not the one that we we're going to be using. For rob particularly but it's all about clubhead speed this is long rob it's long. And it's all about aerodynamic as in long shafted so we'll see we'll see what it's like for rob guys do subscribe comment down below go check out rob. And his beard and let us know what you think about have you got an art have you got a g30 it's a popular driver have you seen an increase in club head speed i think at first i did. And i think you probably didn't see it as much as you should have done rob guys do stay tuned error burner next..

And then.

We're gonna do a final longish drive challenge between all of the drivers stay tuned guys. And rob you're doing great thank you you're still all right well yeah yeah.