Right guys so we've got our hands on the g30 ping g30 we're at pin golf club basically gainsborough golf club aren't we in lincoln me and pete finch on the camera and we're gonna do some real-life g30 testing out on the golf course we've just done some fitting with it it was giving some decent numbers. So we want to see how it performs on the golf course well i'm gonna play three or four holes just a little friendly knock it's getting a bit it's a gorgeous night but it's getting late on yeah pete's going to hit it as well yeah i'll give it a go yeah okay we're at carston lakes casting lakes looks like a promising start looks like an all right course don't you now this is never driver off the first tee. But we're gonna go with it with the the turbulators and all this jazz and actually a real word that as well learned today.

I thought it was made up as well real world this is the demo version not on release just. Yet so we are we must be the only people in the country that's one of the only people one of yeah we're not that special. But we are pretty special right let's give it a hit a little bit drawing the drawery yeah sorry a little too bad opens up from there we're going to share this by the way as well come on pete thanks man give it a smash mate uh it feels nice we'd like to say we've just done some tests on it guys if you've not seen the testing that we've just done with the ping g30 check out the window up here um kind of some interesting stats really i tested up against msld i might do a bit of that on the golf course as well pete's current was currently using the g25 anyway it's kind of natural progression isn't it from that yeah. And i think it is a progression that i'm. And you can tell he's been very uh pinged up today.

His little ping g30 cap off i don't put mine on as well right let's see what this does got some turbulators i feel like i need some sound effects on this when you hit it i can i can play an engine. Or something i'll just wait until see where the shot goes okay nice hit just down the right it's not making great. For uh for filming logistics there but it felt all right feel like a nice hit pete yeah it was all right i'm not sure the mind is a slightly stiffer shaft you've got this is the stiff flex. So it's not it's not quite peaks flex but we'll get down then.

We'll uh we'll just keep playing and just keep smashing it basically yeah basically wait. For the downwind ones so we have pete uh mr fairway but a decent this decent cloud to be fair this is quite a bit into wind there. So we wouldn't be able to really tell how far this driver's gone yet uh only got what a hundred yards in uh a bit more one twenty two i think it was 122 okay uh we're just gonna wait a little with this win just a tiny little eight time i think just keep it you gotta try. And keep it low i'm just over there just short the water on the left uh we've not certainly split the fairways there but first shot fish on the course yeah that's nice oh nice kick in great golf shot zoom in on that bubble i forgot about the zoom zoom zoom zoom look at that mr finch great shot sir i'd love to say i pitched it there he pitched it over that bunk. And it's run less than looks less than 10 foot away anyway good shot right so rick opposite side of the fairway to me so i was a little bit pushy uh a tiny bit pulley good start type in position i'm going to hit same shot little eight times little late i'll get on the zoom straight away guys it's mega shot did you hit it quite far yeah it was like a half three quarter swing nothing more than that it's a raking draw in just a little short yeah too soft a little bit too soft i like the shape on that though i didn't mean to oh okay. So rick just come up a little bit short on this one buddy yeah you kind of talked me into hitting it a bit shortly it's called oh not even playing match players. But we can call that match play that's match play folks um we have four skins left over. For our match at flixton the other day check out the videos if nothing come on are you gonna pull that now you find that on me yeah i'm pulling the foreskins on you now right god this is a serious promotional video um right. And after it's quite hard i think four skins oh it's even got ping in the cup how's it really got a sneak in suspicion that this course has something to do with ping pong okay fourth powerful. So you've got this you got some foreskin let's start on the next.

Hole pete don't be like this by the way i'm putting at the moment you're not got a lot to worry about you're gonna get your ping marker yeah every single shot got his ping marker from his pin cap right sir um a little bit down the slope they look nice the greens. But not super super fast oh shame take it and we'll take the four skins properly to the next.

Hole let's get the g30 out again that's all we care about just smashing so we're on the second hole here carsten lakes four three six into wind got the whole point of this is the g30 that we've got out today.

So that puts on the last of mine didn't count in any kind of situation to really maybe line it up next.

Time the ping boys are saying that this isn't they're not saying it's the lowest spinning golf club they're not. But what they've what they're lacking in spin lowness is the gaining club head speed with this extra turbulent apparently it's supposed to reduce drag yeah it was pretty decent on testing. But yesterday on the golf course so good this good dispersion that was yeah that was a good thing as well i wasn't that far offline last time um that's better oh he's staying out right a tiny bit look much better through the air that though nailed that that's just just managed to find the edge of the fairway actually absolutely nailed it kick in of it right pierre i mean from first hand the feel of the club feels pretty pretty solid um has a very nice sound to it nice acoustics it sounds better than the g25 i think well we've got this in what loft at the moment pete nine nine we've got this in we've got a lot more than the g25 as well i see some turbulator action here pete i want to see the wind going across the face yeah good shot i don't think that shaft suits you quite quite brilliantly like spinny up. And away it's on the fairway though yeah good hit right hand side friendly yeah very friendly better. For the camera work logistics okay. So rick has just just found the fairway just zapped it back to the tee there a little bit into the breeze it's 285 off the tee it's pretty good total distance that's not a million miles away considering it is a bit into breeze. So we've got shot in here about 170 left in pins at the back um pete's just hearing the rough just missed the fairway but snuck it past me yeah i'm about three yards i won't send any postcards home about that he's gonna bump a little five in there five as well just a little one you're very sociable with club selection instead yeah yeah absolutely. But is it coming around just on the right corner of the green there yeah it's interesting though it looks like they're about to drop said you kind of fed round as well. But i think keep the opposite way. So pierre's just in the rough so like i said 285 off to about 280 off the tee which is not too bad. But it is it isn't a breeze i think on the next.

Hole we should compare it to our current drivers yeah. So they won each and compare it to our current drivers are you eating five as well yeah i'm gonna go a little fade though the other way okay we do get some nice days on our course videos don't we well you know we don't really work. So we're picking riser can't we yeah nice flight come on when kick it a little bit oh god you're just peppering it no i'm striking it well at the moment just to the left of the flag just the short stick okay let's get down there. And see who can take the four four skins that we're playing. For so rickshaw toronto's on the me and the buggy on the way down it's actually five skins now five whole ones he's hit the green i've just missed i've got a little stinky chip down the hill yeah downhill i don't think the greens are massively fast. So i don't think he's going to be you just need to land it on don't you run it down i think i just don't know speed he's called it he's called it i don't believe it oh. For god's sake great shot mate give me five feet nice pop nice pull it right so you've got this for the uh for the half wow that's things does a bit really stinks i'll read this one then.

Yeah i'll bet i'll take the flag out. For you right this is. For a half yeah this this. For the half i did fancy it left myself on a nice lie right this has to go in it's got a great chance it just needed hitting how golf can be. So cruel from nearly taking the foreskin to now losing five skin shame i'd rather lose five skin than foursquare so next.

Hole we're gonna find along i think it the fourth hole we're going to miss out first it's a par three nip over to the fourth hole which is a path five. And we're gonna get our current drivers sldr g25 against the new g30 and see which one goes longest rick's walked off with the uh skins we'll call it we'll call it revenge for scotland nothing yeah because i've got baton in scotland right heads up on the golf course with my current driver termite slvr. And g30 which ones reckon wins the head cover i'd say g3 it's quite cool in it yeah right. So we're gonna go sldr first what we've done and pete's gonna do the same he's gonna test his g25 against g30 is we've written on the golf ball what the ball what the uh club is we're going to be using. For that so i've got sldr and g30 so we're going to see out these two which one's longest on the golf course same same balls as well strickson's yeah both stricks. And sorry both strixon's um zed star uh i'm gonna do sldr first. So slight difference is got this has got a little bit more loft. But smaller head um we're just gonna see how far it goes on the golf course really and whether it hits the fairway we're on the fourth fourth hole here at carlston lakes pretty much straight down winds slightly bit off the right give her it do you think he'd be doing well to match this uh i've been ripping this not bad hold up a bit it's okay it's okay it was okay a little bit left maybe just in the left semi i mean that might just be the fact because it is a slightly smaller head you never know yeah yeah. So 460 with turbulator technology g30 has got a chance here you can see it mouth-watering in anticipation similar shot a little i tell you what it was a similar shot a similar strike. But so hey we'll compare it we'll compare those two because they were i mean they weren't the absolute best ever i've ever ever hit the golf ball. But it was okay it was all right it was high enough little drawers in that left corner. So we'll get down there and see which ones hit the best so i think it would be yeah i think the g30 might snuck in the reckon yeah just the way he kind of looked like he flew through the air that sldr kind of dipped out the air a bit more that stayed up a little bit more often okay. So i've got glasses though could be trick um what am i using but i'll use mine first g25 okay. So g25 first again not massive amounts of difference between this and the uh g30 apart from the turbulators on the head you can just see them down the sunlight apparently supposed to reduce drag let's go uh pete's got this in extra stiff. And the g30 is in stiff yeah. So that might be a little bit of a difference not much oh you've ripped that you've ripped it just a bit down the left again okay smash that g30 oh sorry i've got it i'm looking after it. For you pete thanks um so he's got his g30 golf ball also um he's put pf on his g30 so that we know it's pete's okay we are easily confused bit short of this shaft as well is it just a touch than yours yeah a little bit shorter shorter lighter you can feel how much lighter it is with this that might be a bit spinny. But absolutely tanked it great golf shot yeah they were similar shots weren't they similar strikes they were very similar that's going to be a really close match. So we'll get down there and see how the how they all look so that there is my g25 let me pick a show crowd g25 that's my g folks this thing can shoot 25 that's my g25 now i did clip it into the roof however. my g30 shot is that one there on the left hand side of the fairway that's a good 15 15 20 yards actually. And it's on the fairway you're hitting very similar didn't you yeah i should i thought i struck them well mind you that's nothing really compared to what you. Or you're well so so i i said to pete as well mine weren't they weren't hit amazingly amazing. But pretty good you ready for this there's two golf balls here one of them is my sldr one of them's the g30 one of them's got a better lie this one at the front's got a better lie um nothing much in that obviously that's a this one's actually the sldr since the on screen. And this one's the g30 much better lie funny i'm actually going to play the g30 because miles better like i would i think we should try to test again on the next.

Hole do you think pete are we playing these shots um nah should we go straight to the next.

I will listen might as well we'll play it from here right through replace my board they just pick it up we're playing from here uh we've only got a little wedging. And then.

We'll head over to the next.

Tee and we'll see how the uh how this little test goes again but currently we're both hitting the g30 ball so it can't be bad so we've got 130 left in um i suppose within the rules of golf we both technically preferred our lives but oh yeah we've been picked up to see. But i said it's not about us playing playing the golf course as much there it's just about us uh just having a test got both your golf balls in my pocket all right well thank you um let's just go straight a little nine-nine i'm gonna hit from here slightly into the breeze a touch 130 just into the breeze i'll get the zoom in it started out right is it coming back coming back keep watching oh it's big oh is it yeah it's big i was probably zoomed in then.

I was getting a little excited. For a second but it's gone big let's go see what you can do a little nine yeah right. So pete's learnt from my mistakes he's gonna hit wedge from where he is he's a little bit shorter increases on the fairway as well. So um nice tee shot you'd be happy with that with the g30 wouldn't you yeah oh well we'll say no should we get some turbulators on your irons right go on stick this in stick it in close looks on it is it good ah just a wee tiny bit short yeah we both needed uh somewhere in between the two really yeah nine point five iron now that they've been to the way wedge point five ryan struck you well though yeah right anyway carl let's get on the next.

Team we want another little competition going at divot sir. So i'm just slightly short and uh he's actually pitched here and ran back down i've hit it way too big i shouldn't have it nine should have been wedged seeing the shot i've got yeah in between the goose feet you ready. For this look at the shot let me just give it a quick zoo oh and there's not really much time on the back of it either no room to work with balls at the back of the bunker oh my god you know what this is quite an unusual one because it's that far at the back of the bunker i can't actually get that. And the pin in at the moment i can't i don't know what to do mate i'll be honest with you i don't know what to do if i get this out of the bunker i'll be impressed right bit of magic i'm gonna try i have to swing that way to miss the bang i believe oh he's doing well that stays on the green stay stay stay oh just on the fringe is it absolutely take that that's a great shot right pete um just a little chip just a bit of undulation off this slope here. But quite a lot well actually hello you have to you have to run this over there somewhere okay the wrong clutch right you can hit the wrong club see what your skill can do what too much loft. Or not enough um i'm just kind of getting the excuses okay good skill from there see how much it swung yeah massive oh well like i said we're just ready we're just waiting to get to the next.

Tee really it's just kind of playing away time on we just want to do more uh g30 testing really. So up the hill from where i was i'm quite quite happy from that i'm just glad i'm not still in the bunker yeah i think if you if you manage to hold this one that'll be uh pretty extreme up. And down it's good on the stats great on the snap not either green yet not bad yeah are we having them two pete yeah yeah i was gonna i was gonna give myself that one anyway. So all right next.

Hole looks like a very inviting part not on par four or part five i'm not sure what it is. Yet but we're gonna do the test again with the g30 against current driver. And current driver and see how it see how it fares yep sounds good okay. So we're on the uh we've got on the fifth hole this is a uh quite short par five actually. But it's not about the distance of the par five it's about a distance of the drive so we're gonna do same test again pete's gonna go first this time g25 against g30. For pete uh sldr 430 and uh g30 for me so we've marked the golf ball same golf balls i'll go uh g30 first this time are we going to swap the order okay i like that left. And right make it fair yeah a bit left to right. But at least it's not into wind every every shot so far seems to be into wind i'm gonna have to set it off quite a long way left should there be a fairway bunker yeah straight over the fairways. And then.

So we'll do another test see if how accurate because mine were pretty much head-to-head pete's g30 definitely took further last time. So we'll see if it changes this time or stays the same nailed it come on come on oh yeah great shot just missed the bunk yeah oh wow perfect actually just about make it out hopefully we should be able to see this on the zoom i'm not sure if we can oh just see where the two shadows are there's two shadows just okay now i can't do it. But you might be able to see it on the camera right uh g25 so you got your g 25 golf ball out don't forget peach g30 had pf on it as well so um distinguish between mine and his yeah i think i'll be doing really well together past that one again i think. So the same line maybe this could this could well and truly put the nail in the coffin of the g25 yeah done. And dusted it's a great hit to be fair but i don't think you can argue that g30 has gone further there. So rick's going g30 first i'm gonna go g30 first this time yeah see how it gets on yeah um i said there wasn't much of a difference between my last two. But i didn't hit them amazing so i hopefully hit these ones slightly better now i'm gonna go left side of the fairway like yours as well just have to tear off a tiny bit higher action than that you're going to t on top of the turbs is that not what they're there. For pretty good you're gonna hold on oh just in the bunker just in the bunker i'll tell you what we'll have to see if i land this in the bunker too yeah if you yeah actually i think that's probably the best way because we can see where it pitches as well i'll try. And hit this one straight i'll try and hit a proper one it's definitely going to go in the body bunkers i did it that well it just it stayed on the line that i hit up you kind of drew it into the wind there didn't stalled it up is it that one welder oh this is going to be a tricky one now isn't it it's going to be a tricky one because you should have that pretty well he's on the fairway at least. So i hit him both well that time fairway bunker at the moment we'll get down there and see how we're going to be doing well to compare that. So contrasting fortunes on this one right yeah i i still can't can't call the driver. Yet this is this is the g30s in the bunker. But it must have picked somewhere in the bunker run through you know so it's hard to say it's hard to say can't see the sldr is down there on the fairway quite a bit further down as well. But i can't i'm not going to call that because that's that would be unfair too. So right so that's my g30 in the bunker i'll pick this one up um however. yours yeah my um i'm not actually my war my g25 actually pitched in this kind of rough here i've not actually found it. Yet um but my g30 is way down there it's past rick. So i've not actually done that in a while so i'm i might need the left side of your ball go on so 175 this is my sldr ball just to prove we didn't do any fixing uh it's hit the fairway um. But like i said i'm not i'm not going to take that in you know the g13 sldr they were different strikes weren't they they were different strikes. But direction was just too different. So i'm going to do some more testing with the g30 sldr. So check out my channel for that um anyway i've got an a-time into this par five so it can't be doing bad i don't think there's much in it. For the sldr and g30 for me i don't think. So not a lot i think there's more of a difference between your two yeah definitely i travel a bit i did all right. For you did it okay. For you in the end this is the first this is a rarity yeah. For those who are new to uh watching me. And rick originally when we started doing these vlogs i was actually a little bit longer than you i'd say good 10 to 15 yards. But then.

Rick kind of sorted his um distance out we haven't tried the book yeah sawdy driver i got the sldr. And for the last how long you had that now so i've had the sldr now a couple of months and and pete's been been getting punished really with the big stick so yeah i've only kept it up with you a couple of times a couple of times really yeah. So this is uh this is new realms uh no to be fair pete hits it well. So i think i think uh nice progression from the g25 to g30 uh you only got a little eight iron is it nine nine uh yeah it's easy eight easy eight ah beautiful great golf shot all right yeah no to me right guys. So um we we're going to carry on the game here. But i don't think it's massively important to capture much more of it on the video we've uh we've had a great day down here at ping at gainsborough golf club yeah it's been great actually really good this is a gorgeous golf course carsten lakes which was supposed to be well it was built originally to hold the soul hindsight. But transportation here wasn't great um and we've had a great day testing all the new g30 stuff like i say whether it'll stay in my bag is. Yet to see but i think pete's definitely gonna be swapping his g25. For this in the near future i'm gonna do some more testing on it guys please do check out pete on this channel by clicking his face you can click uh you can subscribe to me by checking out my uh link down below. And uh if you've not seen any of the ping videos we've done down here you can check out the window just here next.

Door we're gonna carry on play a few more holes um put the g30 a bit more to test in. And then.

We're going to uh head back. And hopefully see if uh see if you can keep that good form up well naturally no that's that's a complete lie don't keep any form up pete i'll be in fact i'm gonna tell ping you can't have one okay he's already got his hats on he's already got his logo enough i'm gonna have it now really guys see you soon. And thanks for watching.