Hi guys my name's Rick shields down here at truffle Golf Center in Manchester and today.

We're going to be doing some testing of the pink G 30 ions these are the new ions come out from pink obviously matched up with the driver that's being quite kind of successful. So far considering it's only just launched with the turbulator technology funny enough they're not brought in with the ions I have enough fully a funny look with the the turbulence on top of the ions book they have changed them slightly to the old set so the old G 25 s and so I want to give you guys the best advice about whether these clubs are going to help you perform better whether they're going to make you a better golfer by the ease of hit how far they're hitting them giving you some information about the technology behind the golf club as well. And next.

We are going to compare them against the g25. So I've got them there sitting waiting so do check back out my channel clicking the link just here to see if the g20 is fives. And the G thirties is much of a difference on paper they should be let me tell you why I think that because they've changed a few things in G 30. So they've been they've obviously as every golf new model comes out they have to tweak it after change it is the much difference between you know the G 25. And the G 30 because the I mean they're at what year a year difference not a great deal. But what they've done they I've changed I would take one of the biggest leaps forward for ping clubs I'll tell you why so the tech the tech behind this they've done a couple of things different so what they've changed in the G 30 did I'm the g25 they've again dragged that centre of gravity down. And pulled it back towards the base lines all the way back towards the furthest point of the club head yet they've not sacrificed the size of the golf club in fact they've made that bottom line a little bit slimmer they've even reduced the offset on the head as well so as much as they've dragged this centre of gravity down and low and lower low they've not had to make a really bulky sole of the golf club to allow that which then.

Visually doesn't look as attractive so that's what they've done Ridley's gassed and moving the center of gravity slightly now what that's allowed them to do because they've pulled it all the way back. And lower lower low it means they've been able to deal oft the golf club so basically if they if they drag that Club that central gravity low and right down to the bottom that's going to help the ball launch high. So then.

They thought well I'll tell you what then.

To get more distance we're going to make the loss it's a little bit less now it's normally isn't ping style we've seen other manufacturers do that deal off the golf club to add distance it's not generally ping style. But they have done that with these but there's been a progressive loft decrease so with the long guys with a 5-iron I've got a five seven and nine hour with the five vine they've be lofted it compared to the g25 by two degrees quite a big chunk almost half a golf club you would see you know four degrees between every golf club Norma they've moved it to so this is now 24 degrees they've moved the 7-iron just one point five degrees stronger this is now thirty point five. So not not as much of a jump and then.

As we get down to the nine and they've not changed a loft at all it's still 40 degrees so let's say they've deal off did the lower step more then.

They have the highest at which makes sense you don't be hitting a ninety nine hundred. And eighty yards because I'll just be ridiculous some of you might want to to be fair but you don't really really want to cosmetically what they've just done with the head they've made it a slightly darker finish so it looks it looks a little bit more I can't think of it almost like a lot chart not black. But almost a little bit more charcoal it compared to the the g25 they've kept the cushion in the back everything else right anyway less talking more hitting so I'm going to hit some shots with each Club. And start off with the seventh first just because it gives us a bit of a baseline now in theory with the less loft and the high launch they should go further that should I've got this in steel stiff shafted the normals the pink shaft the CFS and the change the grip slider it's not actually got a logo on the golf club anymore which is finally unique to pink that pink always used to have that kind of big logo. And small low along logo along the back this new grips to fit in with their new g30 range driver where you can twist the neck. And change the lock that's up just a little bit I've extended that same grip all the way through the range I know you can customize them. And change them except you're right that's getting some shots so I'm hitting some real golf balls down here on GC - I would normally say a 7-iron for me carries about one six eight 170 around that mark so service troubles now ease of hit you don't get much easier than that that was really really easy the bottom of the golf club seemed to just glide to the surface because it's that little bit slimmer. So almost got a little bit of a double bounce on the bottom of the golf club as well which is going to suit multiples of surfaces 170 to carry distance. And 0.2 yards off line pretty straight so a little bit further ball speed 120 not bad for a 7 and I've got some height on that it comes out low alright looks long 175 a little bit further left only 5 yards left. And but it's got that nice big chunky kind of level of forgiveness without actually looking big and chunky can you look down it's not ridiculously oh god that's a bit a bit big quite long slim top-line they've reduced that. And offset like I say so if you maybe if you are a above a golfer who me maybe hits the golf ball further to the right. For a right in the golfer you might still want to go for a little bit more offset but do test them you know I'm not saying there is still offset in there just not as much it's got one more with the 7 now that wasn't as nice to hit I was a little bit off the bottom groove. So it's going to be interesting how far it's gone 167. So I've lost five yards that's all still straight down the target three yards off line and I've just caught it off the bottom of the golf course that just highlights it's a little bit of the kind of forgiveness really because it has got a bit of forgiveness in the golf club right let's go 5-iron so this one now is set at twenty four degrees of loft which is just dying to push into the realms of a four I'm really honest with you. So but what they've managed to do is to pull the central gravity down. And low as a confidence booster thing let's say how many of you out there hit three and four rounds anymore might not do no you might have swapped them. For hybrids the confidence that hitting a 5-iron instead of a four I might do. For you might help you massively so you might look down and go well this is a 5-iron really it's getting closer to a forum. But you don't need to think about you can still think it's a five right five. For me about 190 normally so let's see how far this goes what oh that's got some height that was unbelievably easy to hit 203 yards just came out I can rock it. But it's up there so you know easy it either fit and this is what you know this what the techie guys at ping the saying is that they've they've pulled that central gravity down. And back on purpose to help get the golf ball airborne so what they say 203 yards and less than a yard off line that was a gorgeous like oh wow this is where. For me I see these new golf clubs these new G thirties to really come into their own certainly on the long irons to date 208 yards of carry distance but it's not it's not a flat ball flight that's a high ball fly it's a gorgeous ball flight it's going to land soft only three yards off target let's go one more oh I hit out with a bit harder 204 that's all. So that's really really nice I might even swap my 5-iron for this because forgiveness you don't get much better than that well that's really nice right anyway and so what I'm starting to see there is that in the middle range of the clubs there might not be a great deal of difference to the old set. Or a set that you're using at the moment but you've got to try these in the long irons because I just felt just different class right 9 iron so I'm going to do this because I've got the golf club it's 40 degrees. So it's not going to be any difference between this. And the and the old set the g25 the really isn't but I want to give it a bit of an idea anyway and just tell you kind of what kind of digits and numbers it's getting and how easy it is to hit really now it might go a bit higher even though there's not changing loft that center of gravity down. And low and back might just help this golf ball go up in the air a little bit better so I would say 99 for me is close to 150 let's see what this is like it's got some height it's a bit of a pull out I didn't hit that one quite as good is bang-on 150 on the nose. But I've never said it's at 10 yards left which wasn't as a cue as I'd like it now whether that little bit of offset I'm not quite used to my eye just pulled that to the left slightly if you go. For the mr. green to the right book so if I didn't see that on the longer shots top I'll just put it out and out pull that setting the ball or it's just turning a little bit left not a lot though 145 not bad hit again let's go one more I said I don't think it's the it's the short rains that are going to sell this Golf Club. For for you guys all it's going to want it's going to be that kind of all yeah I bought this because the 9a you're going to be buying it because of the big club you're going to be buying it because of the 5. And the 7 iron for one more than I better and it's just so straight and also it's all hi not straight after the first day but so high I mean I'm only ok 0.1 yards offline small like it. So guys what that's kind of saying to me there and this this my summary of the G 30 irons here is that I think they've got a little bit better maybe Testament like they had Ted up against the g25 in a moment. So do check out my channel check out the video here in the window. And bought my little summary of these of the club series at the tech that they've put behind it make sense lower further back means that they can be loft that golf cup a little bit without sacrificing looks. Or performance and that's something that I definitely see with this this range of golf of the G 30 ions I'm seeing a set that not sacrificing looks at all because the looks are just amazing. For a forgiving iron some big thing you know you can get some forgiving irons that look chunky these don't they do look slim. And it makes sense that the lofts have gone down because the central govern by and low so you're going to get extra distance. And still get the height so guys apprehensive numbers up up on screen for you anyway so you can have a look through those you can check me out on my channel by subscribing the by clicking the link down here guys. And check out in the window here my head-to-head between the g30 islands and the g25 irons we'll see out how much in the difference there is have they evolved that much. Or would the g25 still it or some folks or guys check out the window for that as well so we'll see y'all soon guys and that was my little test review of the new ping decency I am. And the 5 7 & 9 thanks for watching see also you.