Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford girl center in manchester. And we're going to be doing some g30 testing today.

We've got the original g30. And we've got the slightly different g30 which is the ls tech low spin technology i'm going to use in the same shaft i'm going to do a head to head five shots each. And see if there's any difference in the spin this should on paper be anywhere between 300 and 500 rpm difference on spin so i'm gonna be hitting three five golf balls real golf balls with each club same shaft and then.

We'll have a look at the figures at the end to see if there's any difference the only difference visually is from the bottom of the golf club the g30 is kind of a shiny almost a black painted finish still with a matte turbulence on top where the g30 ls tech has a matte finish big silver plate where the center of gravity is moved further forward towards the middle of the head i've done a video on this already. And really liked hitting it i don't believe it's going to suit everybody in the world. But i'm just doing a because because of the low spinning kind of characteristics of it it's like an i range driver ping eye range driver hidden in a g30 kind of body so i'm going to be doing g30 against ls tech same shaft extra stiff tor pingtor 65 gram shaft simulator is on ready to rock. And let's let's give it a hit next.

Time just come here five golf balls for each one and then.

See what the spin numbers are at the end. So from above there's nothing different now this particular driver i did a top 10 list recently. And it ranked i think it was eighth only because it did didn't really perform incredibly well distance wise forgiveness yes speed yes feel yes distance it really didn't massively perform. And i think that's just a little bit because of the spin when i've just done the ls tech one distance was right up there. So let's see if there's much of a difference now head to head so decent start from the original g30 that's got just a normal weight at the back i'm not going to particularly look at any of the figures just. Yet i'm going to show you the shots. But i'm not going to look at the figures just. Yet because i want to you know become trying to change the numbers the spin numbers or anything else i'm just going to hit five shots. And then.

Have a look at the figures at the end let's go three more and then.

We'll swap the head round and see what's the difference right so they're the five so i say i'm not going to look at the distances look at the spin rates. Or the distances just yet i'm going to hold that fire. For a moment felt like good hits i hit one left but the rest of them were pretty much in the middle um swap the heads see what the low spin tech can do same loft i've got both these as well it's 9.9 degrees of loft. So i've moved it down 0.6 of a degree in both same shaft and let's see what the ls tech has to offer if there's any difference at all right ls tech is on. So let's say from above there's no difference at all it's just that weight has moved further forward it's got a matte finish just because it helps it stand out differently i'm sure 9.9 degrees same shaft as you just saw five shots i just need to change this on the sim. So that we've got a different color line and we are good to go. So five shots again let's see if there's any difference between the two that felt really nice but it's about the distance at the end alexander it's not going to look anything just. Yet i'm going to do it right at the end all right guys there's the five with the original g30. And the low spin tech any feedback i got i would say the low spin tech felt like it was coming out a little bit lower i don't know weirdly felt like it was spinning a bit less seems to be going further. But i've not set any figures yet let's pull up the charts and let's see what the difference is between the original. And ls tech right so we've got all of the ten shots that hit with both of the clubs five each up on screen now top five is the g30 original one bottom five is the low spin tech one ls tech uh let's go across. And see what difference are. So clever speed one mile per hour in it not much at all nothing i'm pleased that's not a difference ball speed pretty much to say none of these should have changed anyway uh launch angle interestingly is even though the lofts are exactly the same the launch angle on the ls tech has actually gone a little bit higher which was large because i felt like they were going a little bit lower. But they've gone a little bit higher which is fine spin number this is one total spin has dropped with the ls tech. But not by a massive amount so the the normal g30 was 2285 lowest one was two thousand highest one was two. And a half thousand so kind of in that range and the ls tech the spin rate was two thousand one hundred. And eight so it's come down 180 rpm which is not a great deal really not massive deal. But it has dropped it has come down which is what it's designed to do now in other hands it might come down even further they're saying anywhere between 300. And 500 i'm just out of that quota but it's still dropped let's have a look at and what that's done to distance i hit four on both of the clubs pretty well but i hit one left with both so i kept that in because they were pretty much the same shot that i hit just fighting that left shot. But the other four were pretty straight the ls tech. For me with its lower spin and bizarrely slightly higher launch has traveled further it's gone another six yards in the air further therefore. total distance is six yards total distance further as well 306 average total distance compared to 300 with the g30. So there is a difference not maybe the biggest difference in the world. But they can only do a small amount with the central gravity only moving it closer. And further away but for a drive a golfer that made me spun the g30 too much they've brought out a alternative they've brought out a driver that's suited for fast swing speeds who can spin it low the finish looks great. And it's definitely one that is going to be challenging against some other clubs that are currently in my bag um guys do comment down below let me know what you think about the difference between the g30. And the ls tech is it something that you even thought was possible to change it's almost like they've brought an eye head. And eye kind of range driver in a disguise it's coming out in disguise as a g30 um it's going to be interesting to see who plays with this driver whether the tour guys are going to be using the ls tech where they're going to stick with the g30 because a lot of them do play this i believe 12 out of the 14 of their staff players play the g30 at the moment. So be interesting to see do subscribe i'm going to do a video next.

That's about the shaft about the extra stiff shaft against the stiff shaft i'm probably going to do it in the ls tech as well because that's why i feel like i'm hitting the best at the moment guys do subscribe comment like let us know what you think we shall see you next.
